Public sector fat cats to be forced to hand back pay-offs if they return to work

MORE than 90,000 highly paid public sector bosses will be forced to pay back their golden goodbyes if they return to work for the state within a year.

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The government has introduced new rules to end the public sectors 'revolving door' payout policy

The Government is set to end the sector's revolving-door culture by placing them under the scope of new clawback legislation.

The tough new rules are set out in a consultation document published today.

They are designed to stop the practice where generous exit payments can be kept by executives who leave one public body 0206 0906 only to join another within months. 

Greg Hands, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said: "It is unacceptable that in the past working taxpayers have had to fork out for golden parachute payments for highly paid public sector workers who then go on to get jobs in another part of the sector.

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The changes to severance payments will come into force in April 2016

"Some of these payments have been worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

It is unacceptable that in the past working taxpayers have had to fork out for golden parachute payments for highly paid public sector workers

Greg Hands, Chief Secretary to the Treasury

"Today's consultation on regulations to recover exit payments is just the latest step in modernising terms and conditions in the public sector, which has saved taxpayers £12billion over the last Parliament."

The Government introduced new rules governing the recovery of public sector severance payments earlier this year. Today's changes build on those rules.

The proposed changes will come into force in April 2016 and will bring more than 90,000 public sector bosses under the scope of the measure.

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The Government is also planning a £95,000 cap for public sector severance payments

This will include anyone earning £80,000 or more rather than £100,000 as was previously the case.

The rules will apply to high-earners working in any area of the public sector rather than just the same part.

Previously, the rules only applied to someone returning to the same "sub-sector" such as health or education but did not stop people moving between them.

The Government also plans a £95,000 cap for public sector severance payments.

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