Inside Politics: David Cameron gets a chilly reception from Brussels

DAVID Cameron has had plenty of bitter experiences of being mugged by European opponents in Brussels.

David CameronAFP/GETTY

David Cameron met with Polish PM Beata Szydlo to discuss his proposed reforms this week

“In this town you have to be ready for an ambush at any time,” the Prime Minister once said after a particularly bruising EU summit in the Belgian capital. 

“That means lock and load and have one up the spout,” he added, switching into some military argot picked up during his visits to Army bases in Afghanistan. 

Mr Cameron will need at least 27 rounds “up the spout” next week with the leaders of all other EU member states circling in opposition to his plans for restricting welfare benefits to European migrants. 

Brussels is always bleak and windswept in December. 

Mr Cameron can expect to be out in the cold at the gathering in the city on Thursday to discuss his blueprint for the EU’s future. 

He had a taste of the frosty reception two days ago when the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo made clear her readiness to veto any attempt to prevent her country’s citizens heading to Britain and topping up their potential earnings with tax credits and child benefit funded by UK taxpayers. 

She will find plenty of allies lining up to block the plan at the summit. Even Mr Cameron’s closest European ally, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told him in a phone call earlier this week that a deal cannot be reached on his plans. 

Downing Street strategists had long pencilled in this month’s EU Council meeting as an opportunity for a bust up. 

David Cameron press conferenceEPA

Eurosceptic Tory MPs are becoming frustrated with the PMs lack of progress within the EU

The Prime Minister, it was thought, needed an angry row with his European counterparts to make the new membership deal he is attempting to negotiate look like a significant change in Britain’s relationship with Brussels.

The better terms we were hoping for aren’t coming

Daniel Hannan, Eurosceptic Tory MEP

His aides considered that a December showdown followed by a deal in February and a referendum in June was their best chance of keeping the country in the EU. 

Yet there is little audience in Britain for a choreographed row. 

Tory Eurosceptics have concluded that Mr Cameron’s demands are so modest that it is not even worth bothering to wait for the outcome of the torturous EU negotiations. 

“The better terms we were hoping for aren’t coming,” Eurosceptic Tory MEP Daniel Hannan said this week. 

“It’s time to decide.” 

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Angela Merkel phoned the PM this week to tell him his EU reforms should not expect to be passed

A Eurosceptic Tory backbencher told me: “Cameron’s demands don’t add up to anything. They will make it easier for us to say that the EU cannot change and so we need to get out. Cabinet ministers who want an EU exit are getting ready to speak out.” 

Frustratingly for No.10 the Prime Minister may not even get the hoped-for fireworks in Brussels this week. 

Instead EU leaders appear ready to simply shrug at most of his demands while delivering a curt refusal to his pleas about migrant benefits. 

Mr Cameron must be exasperated by the indifference to Britain’s concerns over migration being shown by the rest of the EU. 

Other leaders remain intransigent on the issue of “free movement” despite the growing backlash across many European countries at the EU’s migrant chaos. 

The reality is that while most EUleaders are desperate to keep British taxpayers’ money pouring into Brussels coffers they are too preoccupied with the bloc’s mounting crises to play the Prime Minister’s diplomatic game. 

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Downing Street is still hopeful that a deal can be reached by next February

The eurozone’s stagnating economy has led to an obsession with financial union among the single currency countries and the migration crisis has led to a bitter round of recriminations about who is to blame. 

Mrs Merkel’s disastrous open-door refugee policy has badly diminished her authority. 

Downing Street is still hopeful that a deal can be reached by next February although the Prime Minister looks certain to be forced to compromise on his benefit proposals. 

But the growing public resentment towards Brussels shown in recent opinion polls can only be intensified by the panicked response to the migrant crisis and the lack of interest in Britain’s record immigration levels. 

Mr Cameron prides himself on being a pragmatist rather than an ideologue. 

He claims to have never held any emotional attachment to the EU. 

With signs that public opinion is shifting decisively against Brussels the Prime Minister may find that a surprise switch to backing the “out” campaign is the pragmatic thing to do.


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Speaker John Bercow is expected to vacate the coveted green-cushioned chair by 2018

Talk of a new speaker has tongues wagging

AT WESTMINSTER this week the race to find the successor to Commons Speaker John Bercow has been fully underway.

MPs say Labour’s Keith Vaz, chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, is hard at work canvassing support for a bid for the coveted green-cushioned chair. 

Other hopefuls are beginning manoeuvres out of fear of being left behind by the remorselessly energetic early frontrunner. 

Such jockeying must be intensely irritating to Mr Bercow. 

On accepting the job in 2009 the incumbent pledged to serve “no longer” than nine years and is still a little way off that limit. 

He survived a spiteful attempt to oust him by ministers just before the last general election and was confirmed in his post once the new parliamentary term began in May. 

Yet some MPs suspect Mr Bercow may quit some time in advance of his self-imposed time limit. 

And the news of discreet but fierce electioneering in the Commons’ corridors shows just how seriously the contest is being taken. 

Keith VazGETTY

Labour’s Keith Vaz, chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, is reportedly keen on the role

The prize of a salary currently worth £142,826 a year and sumptuous Commons living quarters overlooking the Thames means MPs ambitious for the post will leave nothing to chance. 

Labour MPs insist it will be time for one of their number to take the job, which traditionally alternates between the two largest parties in the Commons. 

That may be disputed by some Tories who felt Mr Bercow ceased to be a genuine Conservative many years before becoming Speaker. 

Mr Bercow’s deputy, the Labour MP Lindsay Hoyle, is understood to be ready to rise to Mr Vaz’s challenge and is said to have well-organised support among his colleagues on the Opposition benches. 

Another name being mentioned is that of Natascha Engel, another deputy speaker. 

The Labour MP won admiration chairing a new committee set up in the last parliament to give backbenchers more say over subjects for Commons debate. 

As a Labour Eurosceptic, she developed some good contacts with Tory MPs through the People’s Pledge campaign for an EU referendum. 

With potential support on both sides of the Commons, some MPs think she might be the one to watch.

John Bercow - The Facts

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