Red Ken told to grow up after dubbing violent Labour extremists 'mildly eccentric'

FORMER London Mayor Ken Livingstone has been told to act his age and "calm down" as civil war gripping the Labour Party deepened.

Ken Livingstone and Tom WatsonGETTY

Livingstone has been criticised by Labour deputy Tom Watson for comments attacking fellow Labour MPs

In a direct attack on the 71-year-old Leftwinger, deputy leader Tom Watson said that his comments backing the deselection of pro-war Labour MPs were making the divisions in the party even worse.

Mr Watson, who was one of 66 Labour MPs to back the bombing campaign in Syria in Wednesday's crucial vote, also described the hard-Left group Momentum which is currently attempting to infiltrate his party, as "a rabble" which is "a particular problem" for Labour.

But an unapologetic Mr Livingstone waded further into the row by suggesting that Momentum and other Leftwing extremists who have made death threats against moderate Labour MPs and sent pictures of dead babies and severed heads are just "mildly eccentric".

Ken LivingstoneGETTY

Ken Livingstone was Mayor of London between 2000 and 2008

His comment came as Old Southwark and Bermondsey MP Neil Coyle confirmed he had contacted police after death threats and his home address had been posted online.

I'm not entirely certain that his words are unifying the Labour party this week, that's for sure

Tom Watson, Labour deputy leader

Mr Coyle also raised concerns for the safety of his pregnant wife following demonstrations outside the home of fellow London Labour MP Stella Creasy.

Announcing a new social media code of conduct in the party, Mr Watson said Mr Livingstone, who is now heading Labour's defence policy review, should "calm down".

He went on: "I'm not entirely certain that his words are unifying the Labour party this week, that's for sure.

"As the nearest thing there is to a Labour elder, he's getting on a bit now Ken, he should probably know that this is the week that we should be trying to bring people back together. But he's entitled to his opinions isn't he, he's not elected now."

Southwark and Bermondsey Labour MP Neil CoyleGETTY

Old Southwark and Bermondsey Labour MP Neil Coyle received death threats after voting to bomb Syria

Asked if he was going to follow Mr Watson's suggestion that he should calm down, Mr Livingstone replied: "Absolutely, because I have been often quite angry at some of the criticism that Jeremy's had. Now I think we put that behind us."

However, he defended the hard-Left action group Momentum which, according to several MPs, is behind many of the attempted deselections and abusive attacks on social media.


An RAF Typhoon jet leaves a British airbase at Akrotiri, Cyprus, headed for Syria

Mr Livingstone, who is a member of Momentum, dismissed suggestions that the group should be wound up.

He said: "What we have in Momentum is a campaigning organisation. Yes, there's no doubt a lot of people there are mildly eccentric and all that, but what we need is boots on the ground getting voters that have been kicked off the voting list back, getting on to campaigning about exorbitant rents and a mass movement party."

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