Labour conference LIVE: Furious members begin booing and heckling amid Winter Fuel row

Follow our live blog for the latest updates on the Labour Party conference.

By Katie Harris, Political Reporter, Michael Knowles, Home Affairs and Defence Editor, Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent, Steph Spyro, Environment Editor and Senior Political Correspondent

A senior Labour figure told conference-goers to stop booing and heckling

A senior Labour figure told conference-goers to stop booing and heckling (Image: Labour Party)

Labour conference-goers descended into boos and heckles this morning after the party stitched up a vote on Winter Fuel Payments to avoid a political headache.

Unions reacted with fury after their debate on Winter Fuel was pushed back to Wednesday, after Keir Starmer’s speech when much of the press and attendees will have gone home.

The main conference hall saw jeers and booing this morning as Union officials demanded answers.

The conference convener was forced to issue a stern warning that the events were “being watched around the country. So let’s stop this shouting and booing.”

Unions will stage a demonstration in Liverpool later as they ramp up pressure on Rachel Reeves to reverse the pending cuts.


No sign of u-turn on winter fuel payments during Reeves' speech

Referring to the winter fuel allowance, Rachel Reeves said: "I know that not everyone in this hall, or in this country, will agree with every decision I'll make, but I will not duck those decisions, not for political expediency, not for personal advantage."

Labour will not play 'fast and loose' with public money, Reeves says

Rachel Reeves said the British public had “looked at us, looked at me, and decided Labour could be trusted with their money” at the general election.

The Chancellor told party conference: “Why is it that the British people put their trust in us for the first time in five generations?

“We left no stone unturned to show Labour is the party of economic responsibility and the party of working people.”

She added: “People looked at us, looked at me, and decided Labour could be trusted with their money.”

She said she would not “risk playing fast and loose with the public finances”, which she accused the previous Tory government of doing.

“I will not take that risk, I will repay the trust that people put in us,” she told delegates.

Chaincellor hails Labour's victories on female representation

Rachel Reeves began her speech to Labour party conference with a reminder that she’s broken through the glass ceiling as first female chancellor.

She tells delegates there are more women Labour MPs than the total number of Tory MPs.

Rachel Reeves continues speech after disruption

A protestor was hauled out of the hall at the Party's conference in Liverpool by security after disrupting her speech.

Ms Reeves responded by saying that Labour is no longer a party of protest.

“This is a changed Labour Party, a Labour Party that represents working people, not a party of protest,” the Chancellor said.

Read the story here.

Rachel Reeves' speech interrupted by protest

Chancellor Rachel Reeves' speech was disrupted by a protester.

The activists were shouting about the sale of arms to Israel.

Read the story here.

Labour Conference: Heckler interrupts Rachel Reeves

Chancellor gives conference speech

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has begun her speech to the Labour Party conference.

She said: "This time last year, I stood on this stage and I made a commitment. I promised that we would get Britain building again, repair our NHS and power growth in every part of Britain.

“Today, after 14 wasted years, I stand here as your Chancellor of the Exchequer, ready to deliver on that commitment.”

Watch LIVE: Rachel Reeves speech at Labour Party conference

Reeves arrives in hall ahead of speech

Chancellor Rachel Reeves received applause and a standing ovation from Labour Party delegates as she came to the panel ahead of her speech in the main conference hall.

Unite union slam Labour's attempts to silence pensioners at Labour conference

Unions have accused Labour of silencing the voice of pensioners in a "blatant manoeuvre " to block debate on winter fuel cuts.

Unite says they have faced "constant attempts" this week by the Labour leadership to block their protest motion at the Party's conference.

Labour delegates boo and heckle stage amid Winter Fuel row

Watch the clip in full here -

Labour conference: Lynne Morris addresses boos and heckles

Big problems for Yvette Cooper

The Home Secretary, who is set to address the Labour Party conference on Tuesday, will be alarmed by the latest figures.

Some 1,400 people have crossed the Channel in just two days.

Just one in three Britons have a favourable opinion of Labour

Only one in three Britons have a positive view of Labour, new polling shows.

The YouGov survey found 34% have a "very favourable" or "somewhat favourable" opinion of Sir Keir Starmer's party.

In comparison, 57% have a “somewhat unfavourable” or “very unfavourable” view in the poll of 2,241 British adults carried out from September 12-13.

Healey is now wrapping up his speech

The Defence Secretary confirms plans to allow the Army to recruit more soldiers suffering from hay fever, eczema and acne.

He added: "We will always maintain the highest standards. And we will create an Armed Forces that draws the very best of British talent. Better fit to fight. Better reflecting the country they defend."

Healey sets out his plan to end the military's recruitment crisis

John Healey declares he wants new recruits to start training within 30 days of an application being lodged.

And he tells the nation's gamers: 'Your country needs you'.

He said: "We can’t solve the problems, all at once. We can begin the change.

"And we have. Legislating for a new Armed Forces Commissioner to improve service life, confirming we’ll set new minimum standards for military housing, delivering the largest pay rise to the Armed Forces in over 20 years.

"So that now, for the first time, a Defence Secretary can say everyone in uniform will be paid at least the national living wage.

So today, I’m announcing our first steps to start to fix the Tory recruitment crisis.

"First, I’ve scrapped 100 outdated policies that block people joining. Second, I’m setting new targets for the Forces to reject or make a conditional offer within 10 days and to give people a training start date within 30 days.

"Third, I’m setting up a new direct route for cyber military recruits. Because if you are a top gamer or coder, your country needs you."

Healey: 'We’ve dedicated Britain to securing an immediate ceasefire in Gaza'

The Defence Secretary reiterates calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

This is stronger language than the Conservatives used and comes after Sir Keir Starmer was criticised by his own MPs over the issue.

He said: "Conference, I stood here last year and I promised that Britain will be better defended with Labour.

"Now, in Government we’re getting on with the job. We’ve increased UK support for Ukraine, we’ve dedicated Britain to securing an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, we’ve launched a strategic defence review to fix the foundations of our defence for the future.

"We can’t solve the problems, all at once.

"We can begin the change.

"And we have. Legislating for a new Armed Forces Commissioner to improve service life, confirming we’ll set new minimum standards for military housing, delivering the largest pay rise to the Armed Forces in over 20 years.

"So that now, for the first time, a Defence Secretary can say everyone in uniform will be paid at least the national living wage."

'There are serious problems with our Armed Forces'

Defence Secretary John Healey warns there are too few Royal Navy sailors to staff the nation's warships.

He said: "We know there are serious problems, with our Armed Forces hollowed out and underfunded over the last 14 years.

"And the problems, the problems the Tories have left, are much worse than we thought.

"As Defence Secretary, I know this myself, ships without enough sailors to crew them, military housing with no running water, defence plans with billion-pound blackholes and yet, despite everything the Tories did the total commitment of civilian staff, industry workers, service personnel to defend this nation, remains undiminished."

Ukrainian troops are fighting for Europe's freedom, John Healey says.

The Defence Secretary hails Britain's support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

He vows the UK will provide £3 billion in military aid every year "for as long as it takes for Ukraine to win".

Mr Healey said: "They told us that they were fighting for their country’s freedom – and fighting for Europe’s future.

"Because defence of Europe and defence of the UK starts in Ukraine. And today, today is Day 942 of Putin’s illegal war. I’m proud Labour has stood with Kyiv since day one.

"I’m proud the UK is united for Ukraine.

"And I’m proud this Labour government has step up our support for Ukraine.

"New packages of artillery, air defence, armoured vehicles, a new guarantee to speed up deliveries, a new defence industrial strategy, a treaty with new export guarantees, a new commitment to train Ukrainian troops throughout 2025, and a pledge to spend £3B in military support this year, next year and every year it takes for as long as it takes for Ukraine to win."

Defence Secretary John Healey is up on the main stage...

Mr Healey is celebrating Labour's successess in military towns and cities across the country.

He told the conference: "Record wins in military towns and cities right across the UK.

"Wycombe, home of the RAF air command , Labour gain. Portsmouth, home of the Royal Navy, Labour gain. Aldershot, home of the British Army, Labour gain.

"Labour, Labour is the Party of Defence."

Tories slam Reeves over broadcast round

Gareth Davies, Shadow Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, said: “Today, the Chancellor will again use her discredited narrative on her economic inheritance to avoid taking responsibility for the choices she has made.

“She has spent billions on inflation-busting public sector pay rises for trade union backers paid for by snatching £300 from pensioners at the same time accepting thousands of pounds in free clothes and luxury holidays whilst telling families to tighten their belts.

“She must take responsibility for the political choices she is making, now and at her first Budget. We will hold Labour to account on the promises they made.”

Reeves defends Rayner for hiring a taxpayer-funded photographer

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has defended Angela Rayner's department's hiring of a taxpayer-funded photographer.

She told Times Radio: "All government departments under all governments have press officers and communications budgets.

"It's not a personal photographer."

Chancellor defends clothing donations

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has said that donations for clothes were "very beneficial" to her during the election campaign amid a Labour freebies row.

She told ITV's Good Morning Britain that "an old friend" of hers wanted to offer support "during the election campaign".

"The way that she wanted to support was to help me buy clothes for the campaign trail and for big events and I was very grateful for that support," Ms Reeves added.

She told the programme: "We declared it in the proper way and we asked the registrar the best way to record it and we did it in the way that was asked of us."

"I never planned to continue this in government but it was something that was very beneficial to me during the campaign," Ms Reeves said.

Reeves dodges probe on winter fuel debate delay

Chancellor Rachel Reeves swerved questions about the timing of a debate at the Labour conference at which unions plan to push for a U-turn on winter fuel payment cuts.

Asked if the vote being moved from today to the final morning of the conference was Labour "running scared of this vote taking place prior to the Prime Minister's address", she told Nick Ferrari on LBC: "I don't know the situation about when votes take place, but if delegates want to vote on this, they will get a vote on this.

"I don't know the timing of the vote, but we've already had a vote in Parliament where it was overwhelmingly passed.

"This isn't the decision that I wanted to make. It wasn't a decision that I expected to make, but given the state of the public finances that I inherited, I think it was right to restrict the winter fuel payment to the poorest pensioners, and to make sure that all of the pensioners entitled to it are getting it."

Winter fuel payment conference vote delayed

The vote at Labour's conference on union calls for the winter fuel allowance cuts to be reversed has been delayed.

Unite and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have put forward motions which were due to be debated this afternoon.

But the debate has been moved to Wednesday which is typically the quietest day at the gathering after Sir Keir Starmer's keynote speech on Tuesday.

Unite and the CWU are opposed to changing the day and are trying to get the decision reversed.

"It is weak politics and shows a lack of leadership. It should be debated today," said one union official. Another official described Labour as being "tin-eared".

Union members to stage winter fuel protest

Scores of retired members of Unite will stage a protest outside Labour's conference centre in Liverpool at lunchtime.

The demonstration is part of the union's campaign against the winter fuel allowance cut.

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