Penny Mordaunt nukes Angela Rayner: Tories take upper hand in fiery clash over weapons

The former Conservative defence minister took her Labour counterpart to task over her flip-flopping on nuclear weapons.

By Oli Smith, News Reporter

BBC Hosts Seven-party UK Election Debate

The Leader of the House of Commons criticised Ms Rayner's flip-flopping on Britain's nuclear weapons. (Image: Getty)

Penny Mordaunt warned that Britain would be far less safe in the hands of people like Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner during a feisty row in last night's BBC debate.

The Leader of the House of Commons criticised Ms Rayner's flip-flopping on Britain's nuclear deterrents and said it would put the country in danger. Ms Mordaunt suggested Vladimir Putin would not believe Britain would use its nuclear deterrent if Labour wins the election.

Labour’s deputy leader voted against renewing the Trident submarines in 2016 during Jeremy Corbyn's leadership - but last night she insisted she now backs them.

In one tense exchange, Ms Mordaunt, a former defence minister, told the Labour deputy leader: “Imagine what Putin is thinking. Without credibility, we become a target. If we become a target, you are less safe. It’s too late for this generation of Labour politicians, that credibility is shot. Do not vote these people in.”


Mordaunt suggested Vladimir Putin would not believe Labour would use the UK's nuclear deterrent. (Image: Getty)

Ms Rayner interrupted: "You can keep pointing at me but you are the party that has cut the armed forces, crashed the economy and left us in a real mess.

"Keir has been absolutely clear on that, I am absolutely clear. We will keep our nuclear deterrent and we will invest in it."

Ms Mordaunt said: "If your foe does not believe that you will use these weapons, the deterrent is gone. Well, and that's the position you are in."

But Ms Rayner hit back: "We've become a laughing stock internationally because of your party. My brother served in Iraq, I won't be lectured on whether or not I'm absolutely committed to the defence of our country."

When Ms Rayner pointed out that Ms Mordaunt had backed Liz Truss "who crashed our economy," she hit back.

Ms Mordaunt, an honorary captain of the Royal Navy reserves, said: “Even Liz Truss, on her worst day, still recognised we needed a nuclear deterrent in this country.”

Ms Rayner rebuked her Tory counterpart, saying: “You can tell as many lies as you want.”


Labour’s deputy leader voted against renewing the Trident nuclear submarines in 2016. (Image: Getty)

During the seven-way debate, Ms Mordaunt also admitted that Rishi Sunak's decision to leave the D-Day commemorations early was "completely wrong".

She said it was right that Rishi Sunak apologised to veterans and to the public.

A snap viewer poll at the end of the debate found that viewers were more than twice as likely to think she would make a better Prime Minister than Rishi Sunak. However, the majority said they do not know who they would prefer as Prime Minister.

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