PMQs: 'Longer than you want Starmer!' Raab in brutal put down to Rayner after rant

DOMINIC RAAB hit back at Angela Rayner saying she wants her own party leader to go.

By Tara Fair, News Editor, Francesca Edwards

PMQs LIVE: 'Longer than you want Starmer!' Raab in brutal put down to Rayner after rant

PMQs LIVE: 'Longer than you want Starmer!' Raab in brutal put down to Rayner after rant (Image: GETTY)

The deputy Labour leader referred to reports that Boris Johnson wants to stay in power until 2030 asking: "Does he think the Cabinet will prop him up for this long?" before accusing the Prime Minister of wanting to "drag" problems into the next decade.Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab hit back accusing Ms Rayner wants to see Sir Keir Starmer out as Labour leader.


Be 'bolder' on cutting taxes

Conservative MP John Baron called for the Government to be "bolder" on cutting taxes.

The MP for Basildon and Billericay said: "Will the Government be bolder in cutting taxes given all the evidence the world over shows that lower taxes increases prosperity, raises living standards, and better enables the Government to help the less fortunate, even if such a policy means cutting spending such as HS2?"

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said: "My honourable friend makes an important point about driving growth in the economy.

"That's why we are cutting taxes with the 130 percent super deduction ... we are increasing the employment allowance which represents a tax cut of £1,000 for half a million small businesses.

"That's why we provided business rate relief of £7 billion over the next five years, and, of course, we are cutting national insurance just next month worth £330 for a typical employee."

Conservative MP John Baron

Conservative MP John Baron (Image: Parliament TV)

Dominic Raab winks at Angela Rayner after 'wiping the floor with her'

Dominic Raab was caught winking at Angela Rayner during PMQs after lashing out at the deputy Labour leader. 

In the heat of the row, Mr Raab winked at Ms Rayner while Tory MPs jeered her.

Twitter users were quick to highlight the gesture.

One person Gully Foyle wrote: "Loving every minute of this isn't he. Wiping the floor with Rayner."

While Lisa Marshall said: "What was that wink?"


Raab quizzed over Rawanda migrant scheme

Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy has grilled the deputy Prime Minister over the deportation charter flights.  She pointed out that LGBT refugees would be deported to countries where homosexuality is unacceptable. 

She said: "Given that the Home Office repeatedly gets it wrong and end up having to take people off these flights.

"Can the Deputy Prime Minister tell me how many people have been removed from this flight already, and when will they stop these inhumane deportation charter flights?"

The Deputy Prime Minister said the Government must "cut down on illegal routes" or "allow them to flourish in the UK. 

He said doing so would "attract more and we can't allow people to commit serious offenses and continue to pose a threat."

Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy

Labour MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Image: Parliament TV)

'No case for Scotland to stay inside the United Kingdom'- Blackford

Westminster leader of the SNP Ian Blackford told the Commons that there "is no case for Scotland to stay inside the United Kingdom". 

He accused the Government of attempting to crush Scottish democracy.  He pointed out that they ran their election campaign on indyref2 which gives them a mandate for a second vote. 

He asked: "So why is the UK Government scared of democracy? "Or is it simply that they have run out of ideas to defend the failing Westminster system?"

The deputy Prime Minister said Scotland is facing a "huge tax burden imposed by the SNP" and accused the party of presiding "over the worth drug death rate in Europe".

"I think the people of Scotland expect their governments in Holyrood and Westminster to work together to tackle the issues facing them in their day-to-day lives."

"I think the people of Scotland expect their Governments in Holyrood and Westminster to work together to tackle the issues facing them in their day-to-day lives," he added.

Westminster leader of the SNP Ian Blackford

Westminster leader of the SNP Ian Blackford (Image: Parliament TV)

'Not the time for a referendum'- Raab

Westminster leader of the SNP Ian Blackford has echoed the sentiments of Dominic Raab and Angela Rayner, noting his respect for Deborah James. 

Mr Blackford told the House of Commons the provisional date for the second Scottish Independence referendum which is scheduled to be October 19th 2022.  He asked the deputy Prime Minister to make the case for Scotland to stay in the UK. 

Dominic Raab joked "it's always good to see him in its place" but said it "isn't the right time for a referendum". 

He said the people of Scotland want to see their Governments "working together" adding that they are "stronger" as one.

'Does he think the Cabinet will prop him up for so long'

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner asked Dominic Raab if he thinks the Cabinet will prop the Prime Minister up until the 2030s.

Ms Rayner told the Commons: "This week the Government lost two by-elections in one day, the first in three decades. It's no wonder that the Prime Minister has fled the country and left the honourable member to carry the can.

"The people of Wakefield and Tiverton held their own vote of no confidence. The Prime Minister isn't just losing the room, he is losing their country. But instead of showing some humility, he intends to limp on until the 2030s. So, does he think the Cabinet will prop him up for this long?"

The Deputy Prime Minister replied: "I gently point out to her that we want this Prime Minister going a lot longer than she wants the leader of Labour Party..."

He noted "we have got a working majority of 75" and "we are focusing on delivering for the British people".

He added: "We will protect the public from these damaging rail strikes when we have got the scene of Labour frontbenchers joining the picket lines."

Raab slams Labour- 'They've got no plan'

Labour shadow Chancellor Angela Rayner has accused the Prime Minister of wanting to "drag" the current problems into the next decades. 

She said: "How many more tax rises? how many more families drove into poverty And how many manifesto pledges broken? "I hope for the sake of the British public Mr. speaker that we never find out.

"And when will the Deputy Prime Minister finally grow a backbone and tell the prime minister that the game is up?"

Mr Raab took a swipe at Ms Rayner saying: " "I can't help thinking (she) is auditioning for the leadership contest on that side, not really referring to anything on this side."

He went on to list the Government's policies to help with the cost of living crisis accusing Sie Keir Starmer of "getting ready for year zero". 

He added: "We're one the ones making the streets safer, more police and tougher sentencing ... They've got no plan, they're not fit to govern."

Raab slams Rayner for attending festival

Labour shadow Chancellor Angela Rayner has mocked the Conservative's new rule against noisy protests. 

She jibed at the jeers from the benches, pointing out the irony that noisy demonstrations have been banned. 

Ms Rayner said Boris Johnson was "at war" with his defence secretary.  She said: "The only thing this Prime Minister is interested in is keeping his job.  "Just how many more troops have to lose their jobs before he finally says enough is enough?"

The Deputy Prime Minister accused Rayner of being a champagne socialist for attending an opera festival.

He accused Ms Rayner of having "flip-flopped" in her position on the strikes, adding: "She talks about working people. Where was she when the comrades were on the picket line last Thursday? Where was she when the Labour frontbench were joining them rather than standing up for the public?

"She was at the Glyndebourne music festival sipping champagne, listening to opera. Champagne socialism is back in the Labour Party."

How many more tax rises will this government inflict on working families'

Labour shadow Chancellor Angela Rayner has told the House of Commons that she wants Sir Keir Starmer to be the Prime Minister. 

She went on to forecast the electorate rejecting Boris Johnson at the next general election. 

She asked: "How many more tax rises will this government inflict on working families before he says enough is enough?"

Mr Raab continued to say the Government is helping the British public by "delivering through difficult times".

Taking a jab at Angela Rayner he said she should be "standing up against militant reckless strikes" referring to last weeks RMT strikes. 

Rayner jabs at PM 'fleeing country' after by-elections

Labour shadow Chancellor Angela Rayner has shared her deepest condolences for Dame Deborah James who died of cancer on Tuesday. 

She went on to congratulate Labour on their recent by-election win.  "It is no wonder the Prime Minister fled the country!" Ms Rayner jibed. 

The deputy Prime Minister said the Government is "focusing on delivering for the British people" with "near-record levels of youth unemployment"

He added: "We will protect the country from these damaging rail strikes"

Taking a swipe at Labour he said "their plan is no plan".

Angela Rayner is standing in for Sir Keir Starmer

Angela Rayner is standing in for Sir Keir Starmer (Image: Parliament TV)

Tributes paid to Dame Deborah James

Dominic Rabb has begun by paying tribute to Dame Deborah James who died following her battle with bowel cancer. 

The deputy prime minister said she was a "huge inspiration and so many others affected by cancer."

Putin 'getting more NATO' warns Johnson

Russian President Vladimir Putin is getting "more NATO" as a result of his aggression in Ukraine. 

Speaking ahead of the NATO Summit in Madrid, Johnson said: "The first lesson really from today is that if Vladimir Putin was hoping he would be getting less NATO on his western front as a result of his unprovoked, illegal invasion of Ukraine, he's been proved completely wrong - he's getting more NATO.

"This is a historic summit in many ways, but we've already got two new members coming in, Finland and Sweden, a huge step forward for our alliance.

"And what we're going to be doing now is talking about what more we can do as an alliance to support the Ukrainians but what we also need to do to make sure that we think about the lessons of the last few months and the need for Nato to revise its posture on its eastern flank."

Anne-Marie Trevelyan accused of 'disrespect' after failing to attend select committee

The International Trade Secretary has been accused of showing "disrespect" to MPs after failing to appear before a select committee.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan did not attend a meeting of the International Trade Committee scheduled for Wednesday morning to discuss the free trade agreement with Australia.

Deciding to "empty chair" Ms Trevelyan, committee chair Angus Brendan MacNeil said her decision not to attend had provoked "the unanimous disappointment of all the members of the committee".

He said: "We feel that this is a disrespect to the committee. We are very disappointed."

He added: "We think this sets a very worrying precedent, unanimously, for the way the Government is dealing with scrutiny of the free trade agreements."

Anne-Marie Trevelyan accused of 'disrespect' after failing to attend select committee (Image: GETTY)

Boris defends defence budget - one of the highest in Europe

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister rejected calls for a defence spending boost in the UK, arguing that the current level of 2.3 percent of GDP, including spending on Ukraine, was one of the highest in the West.

Mr Johnson said: “We're already on 2.3 percent and I think if you look at the logic of some of the extraordinary things that the UK is embarked on, whether it's the future combat aircraft system, or the AUKUS submarine arrangements, you can see that we're making big commitments but for the decades ahead.

“We're also delivering record increases in defence spending £24 billion more - the biggest increase in defence spending since the end of the Cold War.”

Boris defends defence budget - one of the highest in Europe (Image: GETTY)

Angela Rayner leaves Starmer embarrassed every time she does PMQs - MPs' reaction is key

As Angela Rayner prepares to take PMQs today against Dominic Raab, political correspondent Dan Falvey brings you up to speed analysis: 

Boris Johnson's allies feared it was a bad idea to be out of the country for over a week, giving his critics time to plot his downfall.

But Sir Keir Starmer is surely the one who dreads the PM's absences the most.

Dominic Raab has proven himself a safe pair of hands at batting off questions from Labour, the SNP and backbenchers when filling in for Mr Johnson, giving the Tories little to worry about today.

In comparison, Sir Keir must be a bag of nerves: every time Angela Rayner stands in at PMQs she shows up just how few blows he lands when doing the job.

The pair could not be more different in their approach.

Sir Keir is meticulous in his questioning of Mr Johnson, pouring over the details like the trained lawyer he is.


Angela Rayner leaves Starmer embarrassed every time she does PMQs - MPs' reaction is key (Image: PA)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on PMQs. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @TaraFair_

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