'Nothing worse!' Boris blasts Labour and SNP coalition that risks rejoining EU

BORIS JOHNSON has slammed a "Labour SNP coalition to take us back into the EU" during a heated session of Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs).

By Tara Fair, News Editor

PMQs: Labour ‘don’t have a leg to stand on’ says PM

Mr Johnson is attending his first session of PMQs since he survived a vote of no confidence by 211 to 148 on Monday. Westminster leader of the SNP, Ian Blackford, joyfully ridiculed the embattled Prime Minister, commenting that he stood "shoulder to shoulder" with Tory rebels. But Mr Johnson snapped back, saying there would be "nothing worse" than a SNP - Labour coalition that risked the referendum decision to leave the European Union. 


'Last chance' Boris issued grim warning as he prepares for Starmer showdown

'Last chance' Boris issued grim warning as he prepares for Starmer showdown (Image: SKY NEWS)

HS2 will put the Government in a 'better position to cut taxes'

Boris Johnson's comments came as Conservative former cabinet minister Esther McVey told the Commons: "Earlier this week, the Prime Minister said 'you cannot spend your way out of inflation. You cannot tax your way into growth. We will cut the cost of Government'.

"Hear, hear, I completely agree.

"So, can I suggest a strong start that he scraps the inflated white elephant that is HS2, saving the Government tens of billions of pounds from a budget that is spiralling out of control?"

Mr Johnson replied: "In case she missed what else I said, we are cutting taxes for everybody who pays national insurance contributions by an average of £330, just next month.

"And as for as for HS2, actually what it will do is to them a long-term growth and prosperity for the whole of the country uniting and levelling up, deliver more revenues and put us in a better position to cut taxes in the future.

'Don't have a leg to stand on!' Boris comes out fighting with Starmer slapdown

Boris Johnson has come out fighting as Sir Keir Starmer attempts to undermine him during Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs).

Mr Johnson is attending his first session of PMQs since he survived a vote of no confidence by 211 to 148 on Monday.

Sir Keir Starmer accused the Government of putting people at risk due to failings in the NHS.

Boris Johnson replied: "This line of criticism is satirical - attacking our hospital building programme, when they were the authors of the PFI scheme that bankrupted so many hospitals, they were.

"What we're doing instead is building 48 new hospitals, yes we are, thanks to the... biggest capital investment programme in the history of the NHS."

He added: "They opposed that funding, they opposed the health and care levy, they don't have a leg to stand on, we're building the foundations of our NHS's future and they should support it."

The Prime Minister said, on top of investment, his government is looking to hire 50,000 new nurses.

He also says it is right for people to come forward for procedures missed during the pandemic.

'Don't want to see empty front bench' Hoyle threatens to remove PM & Starmer from PMQs

Speaker Lindsay Hoyle threatened to kick Labour leader Keir Starmer and Boris Johnson out of the House of Commons during a heated Prime Minister's Questions.

Opening PMQs, Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer responded to the noises as the Prime Minister entered the chamber, saying: "I couldn't make out whether that introductory noise was cheers or boos.

"The trouble is I don't know whether it is directed at me or him."


PMQs: Johnson's frontbench shake their heads at Starmer

'As much support as there are pandas in Edinburgh zoo'

SNP MP Richard Thomson has pointed out that Boris Johnson received the support of just two out of Scotland's 59 MPs. 

He said: "That means that in the massed ranks of his Scottish Conservative colleagues, he has got as much support as there are pandas in Edinburgh zoo. 

"He must know his position is untenable. 

"If he's not going to do the decent thing and resign, surely it's past the time he wrote a letter of resignation to himself to stand down as the minister of the union."

'This story will not go away until he goes away!' Blackford calls for Johnson to resign

Mr Blackfords said: "This story won't go away until he goes away. For once in his life he needs to wake up to reality, Prime Minister it is over, it is done. "

He added: "The Prime Minister has no options left but Scotland does. Scotland has the choice of an independent future, it is not just the Prime Minister that we have zero confidence in, it is the broken Westminster system that puts a man like him in power."

'Long may he rest in place!'

Boris Johnson has thanked Ian Blackford for his "warm words" and said he was the most "effective" advocate of the UK. 

He said: "I want to thank my Right Honourable gentleman for his characteristically warm words.

"I want to say that the biggest most powerful and effective advocate of the United Kingdom over the last time I've been in power."

Ian Blackford says he will be standing 'shoulder to shoulder' with Tory rebels

Mr Blackford said: "Week after week I have called on this Prime Minister to resign, I have been met with a wall of noise from the Tory benches. I thought they were trying to shout me down but all this time it turns out that 41 percent of them have been cheering me on.

"At least the numbers don't lie. 41 percent of his MPs have no confidence in him."

Mr Blackford said: "I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with our First Minister as we take our country to independence."

Ian Blackford says he will be standing 'shoulder to shoulder' with Tory rebels (Image: SKY NEWS )

'We have raised the standard of our NHS,' said Johnson

Boris Johnson has argued his Government has "raised the standard of the NHS" during his tenure.

He said: "We've not only raised the standard in the NHS."

He vowed to reduce the wait times exacerbated by the pandemic.

He added: "But what we're doing more fundamentally is doing what the people of this country can see is simple common sense. And that is using our economic strength to invest in doctors and nurses."

'Pretending no rules were broken!' Starmer slams Johnson

Sir Keir said: Oh dear Prime Minister. Pretending no rules were broken did not work, pretending the economy is booming did not work and pretending to build 40 new hospitals won't work either.

"They want him to change but he can't. As always with this Primer Minister when he is falling short he changes the rules and lowers the bar."

Sir Keir Starmer highlights cancer wait times

Sir Keir Starmer said: "The problem is the cancer waits have been going up for 10 years and they are even higher now, so blaming the pandemic just won't wash."

Starmer doubles down on GP crisis

The leader of the opposition has doubled down on the GP crisis. 

Sir Keir said: "I think the Prime Minister has just agreed with the Culture Secretary. Perhaps she said it because it was true."

He added: "If GP provision was wanting and inadequate before then pandemic, then what is it now?"

NHS responding 'magnificently' says Johnson

Boris Johnson has acknowledged the NHS is under pressure following the pandemic but insists the organisation is responding "magnificently". 

He said: "We have 11,800 more nurses this year compared with last year, Mr. Speaker.

"And 72,000 in trading that is because of the investment that we put in, which was opposed by the party opposite and the only reason we were able to make that investment is because we have a strong a robust economy."

'The whole world was unprepared,' says Johnson

Boris Johnson has defended his track record during the pandemic.

He pointed out that the "whole world was unprepared" for the "novel" pandemic.

The Prime Minister continued: "The UK government and our amazing NHS are produced and approved the first vaccine anywhere in the world and we were the first to get it into people's arms!"

'The whole world was unprepared,' says Johnson (Image: SKY NEWS )

'Cheers or boos?' Starmer swipes at Tory civil war

The leader of the opposition has taken a swipe at Boris Johnson's popularity after his vote of no confidence on Monday. 

Sir Keir said: "I could not make out whether the introductory noises were cheers or boos. The trouble is I do not know whether it was directed at me or him."

Sir Keir said: "Why did his Culture Secretary, hiding along the bench, say that successive Conservative Governments left our health service wanting and inadequate when the pandemic hit?"

'Cheers or boos?' Starmer swipes at Tory civil war (Image: SKY NEWS)

Boris Johnson brushes off remark about critics

Boris Johnson has brushed off a remark from the opposition about the lack of support he has within his own party. 

The Prime Minister said: "I can assure her that in a long political career so far, I have of course, picked up a fairly big course picked up political opponents."

He said criticism about his premiership was borne from the courageous policy decisions he had made. 

Boris Johnson brushes off remark about critics (Image: SKY NEWS)

Boris Johnson thanks millions of carers

Boris Johnson has thanked the millions of carers for their tireless work. 

He said he was determined to support these carers and would be holding meetings about this issue later today. 

The comments come as he prepares to release fresh policies for carers. 

'Last chance' Boris issued grim warning as he prepares for Starmer showdown

Boris Johnson is on his "last chance" as leader of the Conservative Party after an attempted coup within his own party.

On Monday, the threshold was met to hold a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

He won this vote by 211 to 148 - a slimmer margin than Theresa May won her vote in 2019.

Former Cabinet Minister David Davis has spoken out in The Times, arguing that Mr Johnson has not got the big calls nor the smaller details right.

He warned the Prime Minister, who is on his "last chance", is a risk of running towards red meat policies and undeliverable announcements as a quick fix to shore up support.

Boris Johnson set to unleash policy blitz to win support

Boris Johnson is poised to unleash a policy blitz in a bid to regain support after he survived a vote of no confidence. 

The policies include cutting taxes, making childcare cheaper and launching a prefab homes revolution.

The Prime Minister is expected to announce a new initiative for flat-pack homes to help Britons get on the housing ladder. 

He is also set to reduce the tax burden including corporation taxes.

The cost of childcare will be driven down by slashing red tape which limits the number of kids with childminders and nurseries.

Boris Johnson not capable of leading 'effective, competent government,' says former Cabinet minister

David Gauke, the former Tory Cabinet minister, has suggested Boris Johnson is not capable of leading an "effective, competent government".

The former Tory MP said: "One of the difficulties that the Government has is it does lack a sense of direction, there is a lack of coherence about it.

“And the person responsible for that is the Prime Minister. So if you want an effective, competent government with a vision you probably want a different prime minister.”

David Gauke, the former Tory Cabinet minister, (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson makes 'Houdini look like Mr Bean'

Boris Johnson makes "Houdini look like Mr Bean," a Conservative peer has said as she warnd people not to "write [him] off". 

Baroness Altmann told Sky News: "He has escaped from everything all through his life, and indeed there was this great quote: 'Boris Johnson makes Houdini look like Mr Bean.'"

But the life peer admitted that the vote of no confidence was a "serious blow" to the Prime Minister. 

She said: "For the sake of the country and the party, a lot of people do feel that he needs to make the decision himself to stand down and let somebody else take this forward because he has upset so much of the public."

The comments come after 148 of his MPs turned against Mr Johnson in a vote of no confidence on Monday.

No change of rules discussed - 1922 Committee Executive

Karl McCartney, a member of the Conservative Party's 1922 Committee Executive, said there has been no discussions about changing the rules to allow another vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson. 

In a message to Twitter, he said: "MSM/media sometimes make laughable claims that are so far-fetched.

"eg: the current 16 Backbenchers who make up 1922 Exec have never discussed ‘changing the rules’ - and those who claim we have, or that the 16 will potentially impose changes, are talking nonsense.

"So, briefed by?"

The comment comes after rebel Tobias Ellwood told Sky News on Tuesday that the issue was likely to be discussed at a meeting of the executive.

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on FMQs. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: Tara.fair@reachplc.com

Twitter: @TaraFair_

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