Fury as Russia brands Liz Truss 'deaf and dumb' after crunch talks 'She's 10 TIMES better'

LIZ Truss has clashed with a Russian minister over the future of Ukraine, sparking fury from the fans of the Foreign Secretary.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Liz Truss urges Russia to take 'path of diplomacy' in Lavrov meeting

Ms Truss arrived in Moscow late on Wednesday for her first official visit to Russia, entering crisis talks over Ukraine today. The Foreign Secretary faced a nightmare press conference with her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov which ended in the Putin hardman storming out. Ms Truss delivered a tough message demanding the Kremlin "stop the Cold War rhetoric" and step back from their "disastrous" invasion of Ukraine.

This hardline was not appreciated by the Kremlin, with Mr Lavrov dismissing "ultimatums and moralising" from the West.

"I'm honestly disappointed that what we have is a conversation between a dumb and a deaf person. It's as if we listen but we don't hear," he sniped.

The Kremlin minister then abruptly stormed off at the end of the press conference, leaving Ms Truss standing alone in front of the cameras.

Reflecting on the unfolding chaos, Financial Times journalist Henry Mance said: "Whatever flaws Liz Truss may have, she is a ten times better human being than Lavrov."

Truss '10 times better than Lavrov!' fury at 'conversation with deaf person' barb

Truss '10 times better than Lavrov!' fury at 'conversation with deaf person' barb (Image: GETTY)


Ukrainian paratrooper living in a trench (Image: GETTY)

The crisis talks between the West and Russia comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin amasses more than 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border in an act of aggression.

Ms Truss told the Kremlin: "The reality is we cannot ignore the build-up of over 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and the attempts to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Fundamentally, a war in Ukraine would be disastrous for the Russian and Ukrainian people, and for European security.

"And, together, Nato has made it clear that any incursion into Ukraine would have massive consequences and carry severe costs."

Mr Lavrov reportedly stressed Russia had no plans to invade Ukraine.

British ministers insisted if Russia was serious about diplomacy it needed to move troops away from the border.

Both Ms Truss and Prime Minister Boris Johnson have made it clear they are prepared to take a hardline against the Russian aggression and will lay down sanctions to punish them for stepping out of line.

Before Mr Lavrov stormed out, Ms Truss told the press conference: “If there were to be a Russian incursion into Ukraine, the Ukrainians will fight.

UK Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss (L) and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

UK Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss (L) and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (Image: GETTY)

A Ukrainian soldier keeps watch from a military position

A Ukrainian soldier keeps watch from a military position (Image: GETTY)

"This would be a prolonged and drawn-out conflict. The UK and our allies would put in place severe sanctions targeting individuals and institutions.

"The United States has been clear that Nord Stream 2 would not go ahead.”

The meeting between the two leaders is the first talks between senior diplomats in more than four years following strained relations after the poisoning of Russian spy, Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, March 2018.

At the same time as Ms Truss was entering discussions in Moscow, Mr Johnson was meeting the Nato general secretary Jens Stoltenberg to discuss the same important issue - Ukrainian sovereignty.

The Prime Minister today warned Europe faces the "most dangerous moment for decades".

He argued that the next few days would be crucial, saying: "The stakes are very high. And this is a very dangerous moment...

"I honestly don't think a decision has yet been taken [by Mr Putin] but that doesn't mean that it's impossible that something absolutely disastrous could happen very soon indeed.

"Our intelligence, I'm afraid to say, remains grim. We're seeing the massing of huge numbers of tactical battalion groups on the border with Ukraine.

"This is probably the most dangerous moment in the course of the next few days in what is the biggest security crisis Europe has faced for decades."

Mr Johnson will visit Poland later today to continue crisis talks.

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