EU chief Sefcovic breaks silence on Truss talks - negotiations face COLLAPSE

MAROS Sefcovic has broken his silence on his "intensive talks" with Liz Truss as the Northern Ireland First Minister's resignation risks throwing negotiations into chaos.

By Rachel HaganTara Fair, News Editor, Sean Meleady

Brexit: Poots orders halt to checks at Northern Ireland ports

Mr Sefcovic released a statement in which he characterised Paul Givan's attempt to halt sea border checks between the UK and Northern Ireland as "very unhelpful". He continued: "I believe we must stay laser-focused on practical challenges raised by Northern Irish stakeholders – particularly on the area of customs and the movement of sanitary and phytosanitary goods, in which an understanding could immediately and significantly help operators on the ground, while safeguarding the integrity of the EU's Single Market." Officials in Northern Ireland are reportedly continuing to carry out checks on goods coming into the devolved nation.


Brexit LIVE: Boris blindsided by major border change - PM admits shock with talks on brink

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Last thing EU wants! Truss just handed bombshell weapon in Brexit talks - ex-MEP

Liz Truss has been handed a bombshell weapon in Brexit talks after the shock resignation of the Northern Ireland First Minister, an ex-MEP has said. 

Former Ukip MEP Patrick O'Flynn told"This resignation will undoubtedly increase pressure on the EU to show more flexibility in negotiations to reform the protocol.

"The last thing Brussels wants is for anti-protocol parties to win a majority in the Northern Ireland Assembly at the forthcoming elections.

"But if the EU continues to be inflexible and insensitive to the feelings of Unionists that is more likely to happen."

Liz Truss

Liz Truss has been handed a bombshell weapon (Image: Getty Images)

'Get rid of protocol via backdoor!' EU multitasking failure to help deliver better Brexit

A political expert has warned the Northern Ireland protocol could be dropped "via the backdoor" if Russia invades Ukraine. 

Speaking to GB News, Dr John Coulter said: "I think that Lord Frost and Liz Truss, you could say there were having a full-frontal assault on the Northern Ireland protocol. 

"I think what we've really got to take into consideration is how this all plays out with the Ukrainian situation.

"Basically, four member states border Ukraine and if President Putin decides to invade Ukraine then Ukraine moves to the top of the EU's agenda.

"The EU isn't really known for multitasking in terms of political crises."

'Proves Northern Ireland not UK!' Republican erupts in Brexit rant 'No legitimacy'

An Irish Republican erupted in a bizarre Brexit rant claiming that the Northern Ireland Protocol trade problems "proves" Northern Ireland is not part of the UK. 

Speaking to GB News teacher and author Kevin Rooney suugested that Unionism in Northern Ireland is shrinking as a result of Brexit protocal and that Britain has "no legitimacy" over Northern Ireland. 

Mr Rooney told the show: “The Northern Ireland protocol proves one thing, Northern Ireland is not really part of the UK!

“The British rule in the north of Ireland, but they have no legitimacy and that is the bottom line, that is where we are at!”

Mr Rooney went on to claim that "British sovereignty does not enjoy majority support” in Northern Ireland as he launched further into a full throated attack on the United Kingdom.

Northern Ireland

Kevin Rooney argued that Unionism in Northern Ireland is "shrinking" (Image: Getty Images)

EU slams DUP for creating 'further uncertainty'

The European Commission has said the actions of the DUP over the last 24 hours have created "further uncertainty and unpredictability".

A spokesperson for the Commission said: "The European Commission has been working tirelessly with the UK government to address practical challenges related to the implementation of the protocol.

"The decision by the Northern Irish minister for agriculture (Edwin Poots) is therefore unhelpful. It creates further uncertainty and unpredictability for businesses and citizens in Northern Ireland.

"The European Commission will closely monitor developments in Northern Ireland pursuant to this announcement."

Northern Ireland Protocol will remain in place and people will suffer, says UUP

The Brexit protocol will remain and the people of Northern Ireland will suffer after Paul Givan's resignation as First Minister, UUP leader Doug Beattie has warned.

The resignation of the DUP's Mr Givan has sparked criticism from parties across the divide at Stormont.

Speaking to reporters in Stormont, Mr Beattie condemned "another manufactured crisis".

He said it will have one effect - the instability of Northern Ireland - adding that the people will suffer.

Mr Beattie said: "They have suffered enough and they are going to suffer more. They will suffer in the medium term and they will suffer in the long term and all politicians should be standing here and everything that they do they should be doing for the betterment of the people of Northern Ireland.

"For unionists, this is absolutely crazy because we are moving into a situation where we will end up having to come back with our tail between our legs and we have allowed people to lead us down that road for far, far too long and it is time for change.

"People are going to have to start looking at their unionist leadership and see who is really leading here, because what I'm seeing from those who call themselves the leaders of unionism is no leadership whatsoever.

"If there is changes to the protocol in the coming weeks and months it will be because of the hard work that is done behind the scenes to get those through negotiations.

"It will not be done by a minister resigning from their post, we will have no first minister come tomorrow morning and if that's the case the protocol will still be here, in a week's time the protocol will still be here, in a month's time the protocol will still be there, but we'll not have a first minister and therefore the people will suffer because decisions will not be made by people not doing their jobs."

'Urgent clarification needed' for Northern Ireland amid Protocol protest resignation

Northern Ireland Health Minister Robin Swann has requested "urgent clarification" on Covid restrictions after the resignation of the nation's First Minister. 

He said: "I have sought urgent legal clarification regarding the decisions on Covid restrictions I had really hoped could have been made by the Executive next week.

"My priority is & will remain supporting our health & social care system, but patients & staff deserve better than this.

"My intention has been to see a significant removal of Covid restrictions, replaced by guidance, at the earliest opportunity.

"I believe that time is very close. I will have more to say on this in the coming days, guided by legal advice & the latest public health assessments."

Health Minister 'deeply concerned' by Givan's resignation during pandemic

Health Minister Robin Swann has said he is "deeply concerned" about the consequences of Paul Givan's resignation as First Minister.

He said the move will damage efforts to address hospital waiting lists and raises questions for the removal of Covid-19 restrictions.

In a series of tweets on Thursday, Mr Swann said: "Deeply concerned about the consequences of today's decision.

"I will remain in post but the task of rebuilding our health service has been made all the more difficult.

"A 3 year budget was crucial for fixing our waiting lists & funding our mental health and cancer strategies."

'Now is the moment when we say enough,' says DUP leader

DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has said "now is the moment when we say 'Enough'" to the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

He continued: "We are clear that the protocol represents an existential threat to the future of Northern Ireland's place within the Union (of the UK's four nations). The longer the protocol remains, the more it will harm the Union itself."

Northern Ireland Secretary 'extremely disappointed'

The Northern Ireland Secretary has said he is "extremely disappointed" by Paul Givan's decision to resign as First Minister. 

Paul Givan made the announcement, which will also remove deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill from office from midnight, as part of the DUP's protest against the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Brandon Lewis has urged the DUP to reinstate Mr Givan "immediately to ensure the necessary delivery of public services for the citizens of Northern Ireland".

He said: "The UK Government's priority is to see a strong functioning Northern Ireland Executive delivering a better, more prosperous, shared future for all the people of Northern Ireland.

"The UK Government has been clear for some time that the Protocol has been causing serious problems, unbalancing the delicate and hard-won political stability in Northern Ireland.

"We remain fully committed to fixing the problems with the Protocol and to protect the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement in all its dimensions. We will continue our intensive talks with the EU in order to resolve these."

The Northern Ireland Secretary said he will be speaking to the leaders of the five largest parties in Northern Ireland as well as the Irish Government to "encourage a return to stable devolved government in Northern Ireland".

"I hope that Northern Ireland's political leaders will take the necessary steps to restore the stability in the devolved institutions that the people of Northern Ireland deserve," he said.

Liz Truss missed deadline for progress, according to DUP

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said he had given Foreign Secretary Liz Truss a deadline of January 31 for progress on the protocol.

He said: "I told her the limit was the 31st of January 2022. I could not have been clearer about that.

"I gave Liz Truss an open and honest answer. I said that we needed to know by the end of January that there was the prospect of real progress and the evidence of that progress. And if agreement could not be reached, that we had a commitment from the Government to trigger Article 16.

"As I stand before you now, after the 31st of January, I have not received any such commitment from the UK Government.

"Therefore, I believe the actions that I've taken and I forewarned of back in September are necessary to bring this matter to a head, to a conclusion, and to find the solutions that the people of Northern Ireland need."

Prime Minister apologised for not recognising 'the harm' of the protocol

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson also said that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had apologised to him for not recognising "the harm" caused by the protocol.

He denied that the current situation had come about as a result of his party's support for Brexit.

"The DUP blocked the protocol and the EU withdrawal agreement, using the votes and the leverage we had in the House of Commons back in October 2019," he said.

"That put the Prime Minister in a position where he called a general election. He won that election, and he rammed the withdrawal agreement and the protocol through Parliament, despite our opposition.

"We voted against it at every stage. I think the Prime Minister made a mistake in doing so and the Prime Minister has since apologised to me for not recognising soon enough the harm that the protocol would cause to Northern Ireland.

"The Government have already said in their command paper last July that they would take steps to resolve the issues and the difficulties the protocol has created. Over six months later, no action taken. So it is now a matter for the Government to take action."

Rejoiner plot to overthrow UK's exit from EU by 2025

The Rejoin movement is far from being defeated and is plotting to overturn the referendum vote by 2025, according to a political strategist.

The Remainer campaign "People’s Vote" was launched in April 2018 and organised its first march in London in June 2018 which was attended by tens of thousands of marchers who were bussed in at considerable expense from across the country.

Richard Lightman, a Pro-Brexit political strategist, explains that despite failing to overturn the referendum or be granted a second vote, the campaign succeeded because they collected the contact information of the protest attendees so that they "could be manipulated for further action".

Mr Lightman said: "It was an experience designed to forge the marchers together into a cohesive political force of ground-troops who, excited by the experience and filled with a new sense of belonging, could be used in the future to help wage a political campaign to overthrow a democratic sovereign country."

He continued: "I predict that unless a substantial counter-campaign emerges soon, Brexit will be overturned by 2025 following the next General Election and the UK will return gradually to full EU Membership – almost certainly on worse terms even than before."

First Minister's resignation is overdue, according to Jim Allister

Jim Allister says the first minister's resignation is "about time".

“We have long said that if the price of Stormont is the implementation of the protocol, that it was a price no unionist should pay, or ever should have paid," the Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) leader said.

He describes the Northern Ireland Protocol as "so fundamentally destructive of our integral position within the United Kingdom".

Irish Taoiseach 'deeply concerned' by resignation of NI First Minister

Irish premier Micheal Martin said he is "deeply concerned" about the resignation of DUP First Minister Paul Givan, saying it is "a very damaging move".

A spokesman for the Taoiseach said: "It is absolutely vital for peace and prosperity in Northern Ireland that the Executive is delivering for the people of Northern Ireland, particularly now as we emerge from the Covid pandemic.

"The protocol is part of an international treaty agreed and ratified by the UK and EU, to protect the Good Friday Agreement in all its dimensions.

"The UK has an obligation under international law, and under its own domestic law, to ensure it meets is obligations under the protocol.

"The current talks between the EU and the UK and must be given every chance to succeed.

"The commission has put forward serious proposals which directly address the concerns about outstanding issues on implementation of the protocol.

"I would urge the DUP to return to full engagement with all the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement and avoid any action that could damage peace and stability in Northern Ireland."

Brexit deal in CHAOS as NI First Minister RESIGNS - blaming UK and EU

Northern Ireland's First Minister, Paul Givan, has resigned, causing a fresh Brexit headache for Boris Johnson.

The DUP leader stood down from the top job in the Northern Ireland Executive on Thursday.

The move will force Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill to also quit as Deputy First Minister.

The move by the Lagan Valley MLA is part of the DUP's escalating protest strategy against Brexit's Northern Ireland Protocol.

It comes 24 hours after DUP Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots acted unilaterally to order a halt to agri-food checks required under the post-Brexit trading arrangements.

Civil servants have yet to implement the instruction and checks are continuing.

Liz Truss reports 'good discussion' with EU counterpart despite Northern Ireland chaos

Liz Truss, Foreign Secretary and chief Brexit negotiator, has reported having a "good discussion" with her EU counterpart Maros Sefcovic, despite chaos in Northern Ireland. 

Ms Truss said: "Good discussion with Maros Sefcovic on Northern Ireland Protocol.

"My priority remains maintaining peace and stability in NI. We need urgent progress.

"Look forward to seeing him next week in London. Our teams will continue intensive talks."

Boris blindsided by major border change - PM admits shock with talks on brink

Boris Johnson was unaware of the DUP's plans to suspend border checks, leaving ministers scrambling.

The Prime Minister's official spokesman has said they "certainly weren't aware" DUP Agricultural Minister Edwin Poots was going to halt agricultural food checks last night.

Asked if Boris Johnson would like to see the checks continue, the spokesman said: "Yes, we would like this situation to be resolved, recognising it is a matter for the Northern Ireland Executive."

The UK and European Union are continuing intense discussions to resolve the impasse over Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit arrangements and today Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will speak to her EU counterpart Maroš Šefčovič.

Government ‘bystanders' to crumbling Brexit deal, says Labour

The Government is a acting as a "bystander" while the Brexit deal falls apart, according to the Labour party. 

Shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle told the Commons: “In the last week, both the foreign and Northern Ireland secretaries said the Irish Sea border checks are a matter for the Northern Ireland Executive.

“The protocol was signed into international law by the UK government, and now they are bystanders as their deal falls apart - pathetically claiming it’s all someone else’s responsibility.

“Just think of the implications: is the message that Wales’ Senedd or the Scottish parliament can break international law too and the government will have nothing to say about it?”

'Reckless stunts,' SDLP MP slams DUP's decision to abandon port checks

The DUP's decision to abandon Brexit port checks is a "reckless stunt", according to SDLP MP Claire Hanna.

There have been reports that First Minister Paul Givan will tender his resignation later today.

Reflecting on this report, Ms Hanna said: “Removing officials and collapsing the executive solves nothing.

“It damages trust, it undermines a culture of lawfulness which many of us are trying to foster, and it risks vital legislation on climate, education and many other things that have been left hanging since the last government was blackholed.”

Boris Johnson is in denial about the deal he created, says Sir Keir

Boris Johnson is in denial about the Brexit deal he created, according to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. 

It is “important we keep to the terms” of the Northern Ireland Protocol, he said. 

Speaking to reporters in Milton Keynes, he said: “Ideally what I want to see is everybody getting around the table, resolving these outstanding issues and making it easier to trade across the east-west border and the north-south border, of course I do.”

Boris Johnson is in denial about the deal he created, says Sir Keir (Image: GETTY)

Good afternoon

Good afternoon from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @TaraFair_

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Johnson calls for 'crazy' checks to be scrapped

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said it was "crazy" to have checks on goods coming from Britain heading only to Northern Ireland.

Johnson said that "practical common sense is what's needed" to resolve issues with the European Union over the Northern Ireland protocol.

He continued: "What we've got to do is get to a sensible solution that recognises that it's crazy to have checks on goods that are basically circulating within the single market of the United Kingdom.

"What you could have, of course, is commonsensical, practical steps to weed out (and) check on things that might be at risk of circulation... in Ireland, as well as Northern Ireland. And we can do that but without having a full panoply of checks on the GB-NI coast and at the airport."

Brexit checks ‘still being carried out’

European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer has said the EU’s observers in Northern Ireland are still carrying out checks.

The “preliminary information is indeed that those checks are continuing,” he said.

Asked if the entire Brexit trade deal with the UK could be suspended if the Northern Ireland protocol’s requirements were not met, Mr Mamer said: “I’m not going to get into speculation about what we would undertake in case the checks were to stop ... for the moment our indications are that the checks are ongoing.”

Givan’s resignation ‘gross betrayal’ of Northern Irish families

Colum Eastwood, SDLP leader has said: “The actions of the DUP leadership represent a gross betrayal of people in Northern Ireland.

“Whatever community you’re from, whatever your background or beliefs, no-one benefits from this cynical, and totally predictable, electioneering stunt.

“Resigning from government when people are struggling to provide for their families, heat their homes and deal with the cost of living tells you all you need to know about the DUP - for them the party will always come first and ordinary people come last.

“People deserve better than a choice between bad government or no government.

“That has been the cycle of the last 15 years and it has delivered nothing but failure. It is time to break that cycle and offer people a different choice.”

EU turn on Covid stricken Liz Truss as they moan about ‘no change’

THE EU has complained that there has been no change in UK’s Brexit negotiating position since Lord Frost’s resignation, as Northern Ireland Protocol talks reach an impasse.

In a blow to Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who is currently isolating with Covid, an EU official told Politico that there has been no change in the "substance of the talks" since Ms Truss took over from David Frost as Britain’s Brexit negotiator.

The UK and European Union are continuing intense discussions to resolve the deadlock over Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit arrangements and today Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will speak to her EU counterpart Maroš Šefčovič.

The Protocol was agreed by the UK and EU as a way to maintain a flowing land border on the island of Ireland, but concessions on the Protocol continue to make talks tense.

Brexit on the brink: DUP 'lit fire' on Article 16 threat to show 'they are not bluffing'

Edwin Poots' decision to halt border checks on goods coming from Britain over the Irish Sea may expedite the triggering of Article 16 of the Brexit protocol, according to an expert.

Eurointelligence Director Wolfgang Munchau wrote: "Poots may act in accordance with the DUP’s stance on the Northern Ireland protocol.

"They had been pressuring London to come up with an improved protocol or trigger Article 16, and threatened to walk out of Stormont if nothing happens.

"One deadline after the other passed, the latest giving Truss until 21 February.

"Poots just lit the fire to show that they are not bluffing, and are ready to let the executive in Stormont collapse."

Halt to Northern Ireland Brexit checks ‘a breach of international law’

Mairead McGuinness, finance commissioner in Brussels, who is from Ireland, has described the shelving of the checks as a breach of international law.

A European Commission statement says it: “recalls the responsibility of the UK government for the respect of the international obligations it has entered into”.

Ms McGuinness said the two sides are working “tirelessly” to resolve the dispute over the checks.

She said to RTE: "This announcement has created uncertainty and unpredictability and certainly no stability, so I’m not sure what the purpose of this move is … it’s an absolute breach of international law."

Drivers told to continue filling our agri-food check paperwork

Northern Ireland's retail consortium is advising members to continue filling out paperwork for agri-food checks at ports due to ambiguity over if checks have actually been halted.

Aodhan Connolly, the organisation’s director, said: “The Daera checks are just one part of the GB to NI trade process, there are still other checks that need to be completed and there is still a responsibility on traders who are removing goods to complete the paperwork that is required for movement if they want to continue moving things under that standing scheme.

“The political decisions of our ministers are within their purview and their prerogative. For retailers, it is not what you can get away with, it is what is the safest course of action to minimise the chances that our products will get caught up in some regulatory or legal problem.

"My advice to members is to continue to complete the paperwork.”

Paul Givan to resign

The DUP will later announce the resignation of Paul Givan as First Minister.

The statement is planned to be released today and it is uncertain if Mr Givan’s actual resignation will trigger today or within days.

The decision will effectively collapse the power-sharing government between the DUP and Sinn Fein.

Mr Givan wrote his letter after the party's agriculture minister, Edwin Poots, last night ordered a stop to all customs checks on goods travelling to the province from Great Britain.

Fresh elections to the devolved assembly are set to take place in just three months time.

Brexit saves lives! UK 'supercharged' with cutting-edge medicine after EU red tape slashed

Britain's life sciences sector is set to be "supercharged" after leaving the EU has unlocked the potential for even more cutting-edge clinical research.

The Government has vowed to make the UK a life sciences “superpower” in the next 10 years and hopes to solve some of the biggest issues of our generation, such as cancer, dementia and obesity.

Much of the success of the vaccine roll-out should be owed to the UK’s already strong life science sector.

The Government claims that thanks to Brexit, it will be easier to run clinical trials and could make it become the breeding ground “for innovative and ground-breaking trials of life-saving medicines”.

This was all revealed in the Government’s new report - The Benefits of Brexit: How we the UK is taking advantage of leaving the EU.

The report reads: “Brexit gives us the opportunity to design a world-class sovereign regulatory environment for clinical trials.”

Good morning

Good morning, I'm Rachel Hagan and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Brexit, for the next few hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @rachelhagan_

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