Scotland debate: Fury to erupt after Sturgeon DEFENDS ads linking COP to independence

NICOLA STURGEON is set to defend the decision to link the COP26 climate summit to her ambitions for an independent Scotland.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Nicola Sturgeon pushes independence again at COP 26

As COP26 took off this week, adverts were released aimed at world leaders visiting Glasgow, which called Scotland “a nation in waiting”. The ads, which were paid for by the SNP rather than the Government, featured a photograph of Ms Sturgeon, followed by the text: "We're busy creating a greener, fairer, sustainable Scotland. While not yet an independent nation, we're more than ready and able to play our part on the global stage at Cop26." The First Minister will face a grilling today from the opposition parties who argue using the climate change disaster to further her own ambitions has been entirely inappropriate.

Ms Sturgeon claims they had merely been "welcoming people to Scotland" but opposition parties have urged her to withdraw them.

Asked if the opening day of COP26 had been the right day to launch a campaign on independence, the First Minister said: “We didn’t launch a campaign.

“We had adverts in a couple of newspapers welcoming people to Scotland. I think there is a difference.

“This conference is about climate change, and I don’t think anybody hearing or listening or speaking to me over the course of yesterday and today would think I’m focused on anything other than that.”



Scotland debate LIVE: Fury to erupt after Sturgeon DEFENDS ads linking COP to independence (Image: GETTY)

Scottish Green co-leader admits he will raise independence issue at COP26

The co-leader of the Scottish Greens has admitted he intended to use COP26 to discuss their pro-independence agenda. 

The National asked Patrick Harvie if he would be raising independence with fellow Green politicians from other parts of the world at COP26.

Mr Harvie said: “Yes, we talk about Scotland’s desire to get back into the European family and there is a very warm response to that from the European Green party.

“Although the UK is now out of the EU, the Scottish Greens are very much members of the European Green Party."

Leaflets for 'Green Yes' case distributed around Glasgow during COP26

Despite the apocalyptic urgency of the climate crisis, as COP26 kicked off in Glasgow, leaflets were distributed highlighting the core Green Yes case called "Independent Scotland in Europe".

The leaflets read: “Westminster democracy is broken. And now, despite promises made during the 2014 referendum, Scotland has been dragged out of the EU against our will. This isn’t democracy.

“Independence will let us build a truly democratic and representative nation-state.

"Independence is also our only route back to EU membership, delivering Scotland our own seat at the European table and giving us back the right to work, travel and study across Europe.”


Sturgeon told to RESIGN as 'great pretender's' shameless COP independence bid exposed

Nicola Sturgeon has been hit with calls to resign after her COP independence bid was exposed and her climate pledges hailed as empty promises.

As well as backlash from opposition parties, ordinary members of the public have started to kicked up a storm on social media.

Facundo Savala said: “Can we get Great Pretender trending today? People need to see the REAL Nicola Sturgeon.”

Mr Savala also shared a video by YouTube channel Mercurius that appeared to show clips of Ms Sturgeon advocating fossil fuels.

In one clip, the First Minister said: “Oil is a bonus for Scotland, it’s a fantastic bonus.”

In another, a Tweet from the SNP saying “second oil boom on its way” was pulled up in the video.

Responding to the clip, Stewart Michael wrote: “On a false promise of independence which she won’t deliver…….just like everything else. Lies, spin and failure #ResignSturgeon."


COP26 should make leaders ‘bloody uncomfortable’, says Sturgeon

World leaders gathering in Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit should feel “bloody uncomfortable” for not “doing enough” to tackle global warming, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

The first minister said: “Every climate promise must be kept. Frankly none of them are being kept right now.”

COP26 should make leaders ‘bloody uncomfortable’, says Sturgeon (Image: GETTY)

SNP determined to let 'others snipe from the sidelines'

The SNP claims they are entirely focussed on the climate emergency in hand and will "leave others to snipe from the sidelines". 

An SNP spokesman said: "The SNP is proud to be delivering global leadership on tackling the climate emergency.

"We'll leave others to snipe from the sidelines, we're 100 percent focused on creating a greener and fairer Scotland and more sustainable planet.”

What did the pro-independence adverts say?

The controversial pro-independence adverts were plastered across several Scottish newspapers as world leaders arrived in Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit. 

The ads featured an image of a picturesque Scottish landscape with large text which said: "A nation in waiting welcomes the nations of the world" followed by the first minister's signature.

At the bottom, next to a picture of a smiling Ms Sturgeon the advert read: "Scotland helped lead the world into the industrial age.

"Now we're proud to help lead the world into the net-zero age.

"We're busy creating a greener, fairer, sustainable Scotland.

"While not yet an independent nation, we're more than ready and able to play our part on the global stage at COP26."

'Put politics aside,' Sturgeon urges Cop26 leaders

Nicola Sturgeon has told world leaders attending the COP26 climate summit "we can all put egos aside over the next few days" in order to focus on getting a deal to cut climate emissions.

The first minister told Sky News: "I hope we can all put egos aside over the next few days and just work together to get the outcome we need.

"That's what I am committed to doing. I've said that to the Prime Minister, to Alok Sharma.

"We've all got a big responsibility here and if ever there is a time and a moment in history for everybody to put their political interests, their egos to one side and focus.

"It's easy to exaggerate these things sometimes but this is literally about the future of the planet.

"Are we going to step up and save the planet or are we going to accept a pretty bleak outlook for humanity on this planet?"

The comments come after the SNP released pro-independece adverts in several Scottish newspapers aimed at the attending world leaders. 

'Put politics aside,' Sturgeon urges Cop26 leaders (Image: GETTY)

SNP bid to hijack climate summit 'disappointing but very predictable'

The Scottish Conservatives have said Nicola Sturgeon's attempt to promote the independence campaign during the COP26 summit was“disappointing, but very predictable”.

Conservative MSP Donald Cameron said: “This advert from the SNP is disappointing but very predictable.

"Even when world leaders are in Glasgow to focus on the future of the planet, the first instinct of the SNP is to push their divisive independence obsession.

“No matter how big the issue, the SNP just can’t help themselves – they always focus on trying to break up the United Kingdom."

'Very good at rhetoric!' BBC audience members dismantles Sturgeon's 'green agenda'

An audience member has dismantled Nicola Sturgeon's claim made at COP26 that the SNP is pursuing a green agenda. 

The BBC Debate Night audience member said: “It’s great you talk about a tax on private jets.

“But meanwhile a Scottish Government owns Prestwick Airport, which is letting them land and take off for free.

“The SNP is very good at rhetoric on the environment, but you're cutting 300 rail services a day from next year.

“You're not rolling out the Cambo oil field.

“You're letting private jets land and take off for free at Prestwick.

"When is the reality gonna match the rhetoric?"


Debate night audience member: SNP ‘very good at rhetoric’

Deal with the Greens 'is nothing but a gimmick' pushing for Indyref2

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has accused Nicola Sturgeon of only agreeing on a power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens to pursue Scottish independence and showing a total disregard for the environment. 

He said: "No wonder Nicola Sturgeon is under pressure over her propaganda push. 

"The focus of COP26 should be on saving the planet, so it's disappointing to see the First Minister exploiting Scotland's place on the global stage to push her divisive agenda.

"Rather than focus on independence, the First Minister should explain why she ordered her MSPs to back plans for 75,000 more internal flights in their support for a third runway at Heathrow.

"That's completely incompatible with efforts to fight the climate emergency.

"Her coalition with the Greens is nothing but a gimmick to push for another referendum on leaving the UK."

Deal with the Greens 'is nothing but a gimmick' pushing for Indyref2

Deal with the Greens 'is nothing but a gimmick' pushing for Indyref2 (Image: GETTY)

Ed Davey slams Scottish Greens for hijacking COP26

Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, has slammed the Scottish Greens for hijacking the COP26 climate summit to push their ambition for an independent Scotland. 

Patrick Harvie, co-leader of the Scottish Greens, told The National he would use the United Nations climate change summit to raise the issue of an independent Scotland with politicians from Europe and across the world. 

Speaking to, Mr Davey said: “The Greens talk a good game about our keeping our environment clean and saving the planet but in reality all they want to do is split up our family of nations.

"Nicola Sturgeon must be overjoyed at how enthusiastically the Green party has embraced its role as apologists for the SNP.

“Their government has just missed its crucial climate targets again, these so-called Greens have a laser focus on nationalism.

“No political party should be using COP to advance their own nationalist agenda.”


Ed Davey slams Scottish Greens for hijacking COP26

Ed Davey slams Scottish Greens for hijacking COP26 (Image: GETTY)

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