Boris Johnson revelation: Does this clue prove Boris is pushing for no deal Brexit?

BORIS JOHNSON has insisted progress is being made in Brussels on the subject of the Brexit withdrawal deal but does this prove the Prime Minister is pushing for a no-deal Brexit?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Boris Johnson is facing pressure from all sides as MPs undertake an emergency debate on Brexit, and will tonight vote on whether to take control of Parliament. Sir Oliver Letwin tabled a motion for the emergency debate, which was then approved by Speaker of the House John Bercow. Earlier in the Commons, Mr Johnson insisted progress is being made in Brexit talks with Brussels and the chances of an agreement have risen - but the European Union said a no-deal outcome remained a "distinct possibility".

His comments follow claims his key aide Dominic Cummings described the process as a "sham", although the Prime Minister told MPs said the report was "wholly implausible".

The European Commission said while there was "progress on process" because of the increased tempo of meetings between officials from the two sides, there were still no "concrete" proposals from the UK side about how to resolve the Irish backstop issue.

Reports from Brussels suggested diplomats from the 27 remaining EU member states were given a pessimistic assessment of progress.

However, one key factor could show that Mr Johnson is not, in fact, serious about achieving a deal. 

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Boris Johnson revelation

Boris Johnson revelation: Does this clue point to Boris pushing for a no deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

According to insiders at Whitehall the size of the team working with Mr Johnson's Brexit negotiator David Frost has severely diminished.

Sources report there are now only 24 people working alongside Mr Frost on renegotiating a Brexit deal.

This is less than a quarter of the size of the team employed by former Prime Minister Theresa May - who had more than 100 officials working with the previous Brexit negotiator Oliver Robbins. 

A number of sources close to the negotiations told Sky News that there was a deep concern the size of the team would leave them unable to take on a task as challenging as drawing up an alternative to the Northern Irish backstop.

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Boris Johnson revelation

Boris Johnson revelation: Mr Johnson's negotiation team is less than a quarter of the size of his predecessors (Image: GETTY)

The Irish Backstop has been a major sticking point in the negotiations.

However, a government source said a smaller team could see them achieve more.

They told Sky News: "Clearly the team is smaller.

"But if you want to measure success, measure what it achieves over the next few weeks rather than its headcount."

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Boris Johnson revelation

Boris Johnson revelation: MPs are tonight discussing whether to take power from Mr Johnson and extend Brexit (Image: PA)

A spokesperson from Number 10 said: "David Frost will be accompanied to Brussels [on his trip tomorrow] by a small team of civil servants with relevant Brexit, trade and legal expertise.

"They will be supported by the UKREP team already based in Brussels.

"The team intend to run through a range of issues with Taskforce 50, including the backstop."

Tonight MPs will vote on whether to immediately scrutinise a Bill which seeks to delay Brexit beyond October 31 if Boris Johnson fails to sign a deal with the EU by October 19.

If the bill is passed, it effectively means MPs take control of Parliament to extend Brexit.

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