Brexit three-way stand-off: How Boris, Brussels and Parliament are refusing to budge

BORIS JOHNSON is less than a week into his term as Prime Minister, and already faces a three-way stand-off between himself, Brussels and Parliament. But who will give first?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Boris Johnson made it clear on Monday that despite wanting to meet with EU leaders, he will not do so unless it is possible to reopen Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement. A spokeswoman told journalists the new Prime Minister does not want “to be sat down and told that the EU cannot possibly reopen the Withdrawal Agreement and that is the message he has been giving to leaders when he has spoken to them on the telephone so far.” She added: “The PM wants to leave with a deal, and we hope that the EU will change their position on the withdrawal and the backstop.”

This firm stance has triggered a three-way stand-off, as EU leaders are refusing to shift their stance and Parliament are yet to respond.

Mr Johnson solidified his position days after the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier told European leaders “to remain calm” and “stick to our principles and guidelines and show solidarity and unity”.

This was in response to Mr Johnson’s insistence the backstop provision in the Withdrawal Agreement should be axed. His comments came in a leaked letter to EU27 leaders.

But the Prime Minister’s spokeswoman said: “The Withdrawal Agreement was rejected by parliament a number of times now and clearly it is not going to pass in its current form.

“It needs to change if there is going to be a deal.”

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Brexit standoff

Brexit standoff: Boris Johnson has triggered a Brexit standoff with the EU and UK Parliament (Image: GETTY)

Annabelle Dickson of Politico reports: “The problem with that approach is some of the key parliamentarians who will need to align to block no-deal are also playing a wait-and-see game, wondering whether the EU or Johnson’s government might back down.”

A former minister told Politico: “There are a lot of people who are unlikely to do anything until we come back.

“The prime minister’s statement on the 3rd or 4th September will be pretty crucial to what people decide to do.”

Later on Monday, Mr Johnson told reporters: “I don’t want the UK to be aloof or hanging back.

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Brexit standoff

Mr Johnson's firm stance came as Mr Barnier said the agreement would not be reopened (Image: GETTY)

“I want us to engage, to hold out the hand and go the extra mile, the thousand miles.

“And what we wanted to do is to make it absolutely clear that the backstop is no good, it’s dead, it’s got to go.

“The Withdrawal Agreement is dead, it’s got to go. But there is scope to do a new deal.”

“I have made it very clear to our friends — and we are talking to the Irish today — what the limits are, what we want to do, and we are very confident that with goodwill on both sides, two mature political entities, the UK and the EU can get this thing done.”

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Brexit standoff

Brexit standoff: Mr Johnson does not agree to operate under the assumption of a no-deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

Brexit standoff

Brexit standoff: Michael Gove will chair the first meeting of the no-deal Cabinet committee (Image: GETTY)

When asked if he agrees with Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove, who’s now in charge of no-deal planning, that the UK “must operate on the assumption” of a no-deal Brexit, Mr Johnson said: “No absolutely not.

“My assumption is that we can get a new deal, we are aiming for a new deal but of course Michael is absolutely right that it is responsible for any government to prepare for a no deal if we absolutely have to and that is the message I have been getting across to our European friends.

“And I am very confident that we will get there.”

Mr Gove will today chair the first daily meeting of the new no-deal Cabinet committee.

He will meet with senior ministers including Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay and Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rishi Sunak at 3.45pm in the Cabinet Office briefing room which is normally designated for emergency COBRA meetings.

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