Labour Party SPLIT: Corbyn faces chaos as BBC Panorama to unveil extent of anti-Semitism

THE Labour Party is being torn apart by infighting over a bombshell investigative TV programme which could bring down Jeremy Corbyn because of his role in antisemitism disciplinary cases.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Several former Labour staffers are expected to appear on Wednesday’s BBC Panorama documentary and unveil the real extent of antisemitism in the party. But some Labour officials are trying to the use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) signed by these sources to shut them down - which has infuriated leading personalities within the party. Among them, deputy leader Tom Watson said the attempt of silencing former employees was “as futile as it is stupid”. He said: “It’s not the Labour way and I deplore it.” 

Backbencher Wes Streeting, MP for Ilford North, threatened to use parliamentary privilege to expose antisemitism in his party.

He tweeted: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant. No more excuses or hiding places. You should promise the same, .”

On the other hand, Mr ’s closest ally, shadow chancellor John McDonnell, defended this move, saying the use of NDAs against these insiders is justified.

This outraged many leading voices in the Labour movement, including Lord Charlie Falconer, the Labour former lord chancellor, which warned it would be “deeply wrong” and hypocritical to first “campaign against NDAs” to change the law to stop these agreements from being used to gag whistleblowers only to later “use them to prevent embarrassment to Labour”.   

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The Labour Party is being torn apart by infighting over a bombshell investigative TV programme (Image: GETTY)

Lord Falconer was also due to conduct a review into the Labour Party’s handling of antisemitism cases - before the Equalities and Human Rights Commission announced its own investigation.

Lord Falconer added: “This is deeply wrong. The public interest supports fullest public disclosure of those matters to ensure antisemitism cases are handled properly by Labour.”

Mr McDonnell rejected accusations of hypocrisy, simply saying that it “can’t be right” to have people turning against the party by revealing details about members.

Speaking to BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr McDonnell said: “What is happening is that the Labour party is reminding the former employees of their confidentiality agreement because you can’t have people, particularly when you are dealing with individual cases, divulging information about individual members.

“That can’t be right.” 

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John McDonnell rejected accusations of hypocrisy over the NDAs (Image: PA)

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Wes Streeting MP attacked Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter (Image: GETTY)

However, he added it may be necessary for the party to issue a fresh apology to the Jewish community for its handling of antisemitism complaints.

The BBC Panorama episode to be broadcasted, made by investigative journalist John Ware, will have the title Is Labour Antisemitic? and is expected to feature leaked documents and interviews with insiders likely to back claims Mr Corbyn intervened in antisemitism disciplinary to favour some of those accused.

Among those set to appear, there is Sam Matthews, the party’s former head of disputes.

The former Labour official is believed to have been warned by Carter-Ruck, acting as the Labour Party’s lawyers, he may face legal action for breaching his NDA.  

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John McDonnell during yesterday's Andrew Marr Show (Image: PA/BBC)

In a letter leaked to The Sunday Times, the firm warned the party “cannot be expected to and will not tolerate its former employees wantonly disregarding their obligations by selectively leaking information to the media”.

Barry Gardiner, the party’s international trade spokesman, accused the BBC programme of being biased.

Speaking to Sky News, he claimed the documentary - he has yet to watch - was “not a balanced and objective investigation into anti-Semitism” but “a very partial view from a few members of staff who have a political axe to grind”.

A spokesman for Panorama said: “The Labour Party is criticising a programme they have not seen.  

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Tom Watson said the attempt of silencing former employees was “as futile as it is stupid” (Image: TWITTER)

“We are confident the programme will adhere to the BBC’s editorial guidelines.”

The Labour Party told "Like any organisation, the party has used standard NDAs which require former employees to maintain the confidentiality of private information obtained during their employment, but does not seek to use NDAs which stop the disclosure of discrimination, harassment or victimisation.

"The Labour Party would legislate to ban NDAs which stop the disclosure of discrimination, harassment or victimisation."

And, asked the position of the party over the BBC documentary, a spokesman said: “It appears these disaffected former officials include those who have always opposed Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, worked to actively undermine it, and have both personal and political axes to grind. This throws into doubt their credibility as sources.

“Our records show that after these officials left and after Jennie Formby became General Secretary, the rate at which antisemitism cases have been dealt with increased four-fold.” 

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