Emily Thornberry AXED from PMQs after slating Corbyn’s Brexit policy

EMILY THORNBERRY is expected to stay seated on the Labour Party’s front bench today as Rebecca Long-Bailey will replace for the first time Jeremy Corbyn at today’s PMQs - just days after the shadow foreign secretary hit out at her party’s Brexit policy.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Iain Dale challenges Thornberry on referendum

Ms Long-Bailey will face David Lidington at today’s PMQs as Mr Corbyn and attend the D-Day celebrations in Portsmouth. This is the first time the MP for Salford and Eccles will stand in for the leader of the opposition, a duty usually taken on by more experienced Mrs Thornberry. When asked if there was a reason why Ms Thornberry was not representing her party at today’s PMQs, a spokesman didn’t answer but told Express.co.uk: “Jeremy has a very talented team. 

“This week it is Rebecca Long Bailey who will be doing PMQs.”

This comes after the shadow foreign secretary voiced her criticism towards the Labour Party’s policy.

In the aftermath of the sounding defeat suffered by her party at the European elections on May 26, Mrs Thornberry said Labours should have openly campaigned for a second referendum.

She told the BBC: “We went into an election where the most important issue was what was our view on leaving the European Union and we were not clear about it. 

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Emily Thornberry will not replace Jeremy Corbyn at today's PMQs (Image: GETTY•EPA)

“We were not clear on the one single thing that people wanted to hear and that wasn’t the candidates’ fault.

“We should have said quite simply that any deal that comes out of this government should be put to a confirmatory referendum and that Remain should be on the ballot paper and that Labour would campaign to Remain.

“That’s what we should have done and I think that it’s very unfortunate that after these elections we will have to look very carefully at why we got this result.

“Members of the National Executive Committee, who made the decision on policy, will need to be listening to the membership and learning from that.” 

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Rebecca Long-Bailey will face David Lidington at today's PMQs (Image: GETTY)

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Emily Thornberry said the Labour Party should have campaigned in favour of a second referendum (Image: GETTY)

But the shadow foreign secretary herself had to admit yesterday either a general election or a second Brexit referendum will have to be delayed as the Conservative Party is in the process of choosing a new leader.

Speaking about a new Brexit vote, she told the Today programme: “It may be a long way off.

“We’ve got to get through another election campaign for the Tories - that’s going to take most of the summer.

“And then they have to work out what on earth they’re going to do and how they’re going to move this agenda forward, so yes it seems to be quite a long way off.”

Mrs Thornberry is not the only leading Labour who has publicly supported a public vote - which may overturn the result of the 2016 EU Referendum. 

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Emily Thornberry said yesterday a public vote on Brexit may not be called for months (Image: GETTY)

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and Labour deputy Tom Watson have ramped up calls for a new Brexit vote - only to be slapped down by their leader.

Mr Corbyn said last week: “We don’t back a re-run of 2016. That happened, that’s gone.

“What I do say is that if Parliament comes to an agreement then it’s reasonable, if Parliament wishes it, there should be a public vote on it.

“But that is some way off.”  

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