Germany vows to BLOCK Brexit extension unless UK pledges another EU referendum

GERMANY will veto another extension to Article 50 unless the UK offers concrete reasons for asking for it, such as a second referendum or a general election, the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee chair has warned.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Berlin has signalled it is ready to adopt a tougher line against the UK over after having previously advocated for giving politicians in London more time to agree on which future relationship they want to have with the . Norbert Rottgen, a former minister and senior MP for Angela Merkel’s CDU, said Germany could only back another extension if the UK made major progress or a major political change would happen in the country. He told the Telegraph: “I would say it depends on the reason why Britain asked for it. 

“If for example it is asked because Britain has decided to go for another referendum or snap election and they are going to happen then in respect of democratic reasons it would be accepted.

“If there were no reason for another extension then I would say even the German position, that we give time, has come to a close because a reason for extension has to be required.”

Mr Rottgen also warned Tory MPs running to replace against trying to “blackmail” the EU by threatening to leave the bloc without a deal unless the withdrawal agreement is changed or entirely renegotiated.  

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Germany will veto another extension to Article 50 unless the UK calls for a new vote (Image: GETTY)

He said: “If the EU changed its position then we would concede that we are ready to be blackmailed, that blackmailing is a successful approach in dealing with EU, so we cannot agree on that.

“Crashing out without a deal means inflicting damage on both sides on Britain, which we do not want to see, and on the EU, which we do not want to have, so the announcement that you could avoid self-harm by making the concessions we want - I would call this blackmailing behaviour.”

Three Conservative leadership candidates, Esther McVey, Dominic Raab and Boris Johnson, have announced so far they are ready to lead the country outside of the bloc without an agreement in place.

’s new position represents a shift towards France’s unwillingness to further postpone the UK’s exit from the bloc, while other countries still seem open to help Britain as much as they can to avoid a no deal Brexit.  

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Angela Merkel and Norbert Rottgen (Image: GETTY)

However, other EU state members are also becoming uneasy at the UK’s attempts to reopen the withdrawal agreement struck by Mrs May in November last year.

Josep Borrell, a member of ’s ruling Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party and president of the European Parliament between 2004 and 2007, said last week Spain “doesn’t care” if the UK leaves the bloc as it is being an “obstacle” to further integration.

Similarly to Emmanuel Macron’s accusations the UK is preventing the EU from going ahead with its reforms, Mr Borrell said: “I am of the school who believes that with the UK in the EU we will never have a political union. 

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Esther McVey said the UK should embrace a no deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

“If what it’s all about is a political union, the UK is not a good member of the club and they’ve never hidden that from us.

“We kept thinking we could talk them round, but the proof is in the pudding: they don’t want it and they are leaving precisely because they don’t want what they can see is happening.

“Personally, because I do want a political union, I don’t care whether the United Kingdom leaves because I know that to date, it has been an obstacle to further integration.”   

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