Brexit vote: How today's key votes will work - Full schedule and options MPs will vote on

BREXIT has reached a new phase, with MPs seizing control with Theresa May to vote on a series of options for the way forward out of the impasse. Here is how tonight’s key votes will work.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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MPs will today vote after choosing to take control away from the Prime Minister on what to do next for Brexit. In a dramatic U-turn, Jacob Rees-Mogg has announced he will back Theresa May’s withdrawal deal after twice voting against it, saying: "Mrs May’s deal is better than not leaving at all". Despite his change of heart, later today MPs will debate and vote on several options for Brexit as they take over the Parliamentary schedule. 

The full schedule of today’s indicative votes

2pm: Normal proceedings will come to a halt in the House of Commons

As indicative votes have been put forward, at 2pm normal proceedings in the House will halt and MPs will instead debate for an hour as to whether to hold a series of votes as per Sir Oliver Letwin’s proposal. 

3pm: Which Brexit options are up for debate

If MPs decide to go ahead with the so-called indicative votes, Commons Speaker John Bercow will declare which of the options put forward for Brexit will go on the ballot papers. 

MPs had a deadline of Tuesday night to submit options for debate.

Brexit vote

Brexit vote: MPs have taken control and will tonight vote on options for Brexit (Image: AFP)

5pm: A debate will take place on the balloted options, whilst Theresa May addresses the 1922 Committee. 

Whilst MPs debate the options selected by Mr Bercow, the Prime Minister will address a meeting of the 1922 Committee - made up of all of the backbench Conservative MPs. 

7pm: MPs will receive paper slips detailing all of the Brexit options

MPs will be given a ballot paper with all of the Brexit options on and will have half an hour to mark Aye or No beside each one.

After the votes have been collected and are being counted, MPs will then debate the legislation which moves the date of Brexit from March 29 to April 12. 

Mrs May agreed to an extension to Article 50 during an EU summit in Brussels last week.

9pm: Mr Bercow will announce the results of the indicative votes 

Mr Bercow will announce whether any of the options have achieved a majority vote. 

However, even if there is a clear majority, Mrs May has said she will not necessarily feel bound by the result.

Despite this, MPs have planned to again take control of the Parliamentary schedule on Monday to repeat this process to refine the options or even attempt to pass legislation to enforce them.

A total of 16 Brexit options have been tabled by MPs ahead of tonight's vote, but it is expected Mr Bercow will select only half a dozen or so for the vote.

These are the most likely ones to be voted on:

Revoke Article 50

Put forward by SNP's Joanna Cherry

This option demands should no deal have been decided on the day before Brexit that MPs should be able to revoke Article 50 and therefore remain in the EU.

Brexit vote

Brexit vote: Jacob Rees-Mogg has decided to back Mrs May's Brexit deal (Image: GETTY)

Second Referendum

Put forward by Labour ex-foreign secretary Margaret Beckett

This option states that MPs will not allow Brexit to go ahead without a second electorate "confirmatory vote".

Customs Union

Put forward by Labour's Gareth Snell

This option states ministers should negotiate a new customs union with Brussels - stopping the UK from being able to strike its own trade deals.

Labour's Plan

Put forward by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

This option includes a comprehensive customs union but adds that the UK should have a say on future trade deals.

Brexit vote

Brexit vote: Jeremy Corbyn has tabled an option for voting this evening (Image: PA)

No Deal

Put forward by Eurosceptic Tory John Baron

This motion demands that "the UK will leave the EU on April 12 2019" without a deal. 

Common Market

Put forward by a cross-party group which includes Tory former minister Nick Boles and Labour's Stephen Kinnock

This option is a soft Brexit which would keep the UK in the single market and have a new customs plan which would mean continued freedom of movement and ongoing payments to

the EU's budget. This option is similar to Norway's arrangement with the EU.

Malthouse Compromise

Put forward by Nicky Morgan, Jacob Rees-Mogg and DUP's Nigel Dodds

This option demands the current Brexit deal be changed to replace the Irish backstop with "alternative arrangements".

Single Market

Put forward by Tory former minister George Eustice

This option would see the UK remain in the European Economic Area (EEA) but unlike the Common Market plan, it would not include a customs arrangement. This deal again is similar to Norway's deal. 

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