Brexit: Could No Deal Brexit happen on April 13 - Is there majority for ANY Brexit at all?

THERESA MAY is facing an uphill struggle to get MPs to vote for her deal and now control has been taken away from the Prime Minister as so-called indicative votes are expected to take place. But could a no-deal Brexit happen on April 13 and is there a majority for any Brexit at all?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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MPs have taken control away from the Prime Minister as Brexit negotiations get down to the wire. EU leaders have given key dates for Britain to exit the European Union, based on how MPs vote on Mrs May’s withdrawal agreement. Now MPs have decided to vote on seven different options, to see where the majority lies on Brexit. 

According to EU leaders, should MPs vote for the Prime Minister’s deal, Brexit will be pushed back to May 22. 

This is so Britain avoids the European Elections, which are scheduled to begin on May 23.

However, if Mrs May’s deal is rejected for the third and final time, the date for exiting the European Union will be April 12. 

This means Mrs May has until the original date for Brexit, Friday, March 29 to have an outcome. 

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Brexit latest

Brexit latest: What happens next with Brexit? Will we leave with no deal? (Image: AFP/ REUTERS)

Could a no deal Brexit happen on April 13? 

A no deal Brexit on April 13 is possible - but highly unlikely.

The EU have said the UK has until April 12 to come up with an alternative deal if Mrs May’s is denied once more. 

EU leaders are likely to meet on April 10 to discuss the situation and potentially agree to another short extension. 

Should MPs vote for a softer Brexit by April 10, the EU may approve a longer extension under the proviso the UK agrees to take part in the European elections. 

Brexit latest

Brexit latest: A no deal on April 13 could happen but is unlikely (Image: REUTERS)

If a softer Brexit is not on the cards, it is likely EU leaders could agree to push Brexit back until May or even June. 

Is there a majority for any Brexit at all?

This is hard to predict and will not be clear until after the indicative votes, tabled by Sir Oliver Letwin, take place. 

The process for this would have several steps, the first of which would involve MPs voting for their favourite option out of those proposed at the end of the day’s debate.

Then more votes will have to take place to ensure the options are favourable for the majority. 

Brexit latest

Brexit latest: Indicative votes need to be scheduled into the Commons itinerary (Image: REUTERS)

The seven options thought to be the subject of the indicative vote are as follows: 

1. Revoke Article 50
2. A second referendum
3. Theresa May’s Brexit deal
4. Canada-style free trade agreement
5. A customs union
6. Joining the single market
7. No-deal Brexit

For more information on the indicative vote and what it means for Brexit, read more here

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