Hard Brexit SHOCK: EU facing ‘VERY SIGNIFICANT’ damage with Germany losing £10BN a year

A NO DEAL Brexit would “very significantly” harm the European Union, Barclays’ chairman said in a chilling warning to Brussels just hours before Theresa May issues her request to extend Article 50 for three months to the EU27.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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John Thomas McFarlane OBE, Barclays’ chairman, said a no deal would cause serious damage to the EU. Speaking at a Brexit conference, he said: "In the event of a no-deal Brexit, it would hurt the EU very significantly."  And in a bid to quash the worries of the financial sector in London, which has historically spoken out against leaving the bloc without an agreement securing the future relationship between Brussels and the UK, the Barclays’ boss added the EU is likely to strike a deal with London's financial services whatever form Brexit takes.  

He said: "In the end there is going to be a deal, however it transpires." 

The EU and euro zone appear as if they are becoming a "closed system" in financial services, Mr McFarlane continued, while London has developed as a global financial centre by being open, which makes it easier for the city to "evolve". 

The warning from the banking chief comes as a shock report was issued saying Germany faces losing €10billion a year under a no deal Brexit.


The study by Bertelsmann Stiftung showed Germany would be the biggest nation hit by a hard Brexit after Britain - which faces a €57bn loss.

France with an €8bn loss is next, followed by Italy at €4bn.

These figures would be significantly reduced with an approved withdrawal agreement, says the report.

City of London financial district chief Catherine McGuinness, meanwhile, lashed out at the Government for the way Brexit has been handled.  

Brexit latest no deal eu damage theresa may deal barclays

A no deal Brexit would see Angela Merkel's Germany lose €10bn each year (Image: GETTY)

Mrs McGuinness said financial services had been "thrown under the bus" in terms of the way Britain has tried to secure a deal with the EU. 

And, she added, asking for an extension to Article 50 would only be a "sticking plaster" to Brexit if deep-seated issues are left unresolved. 

She said: "It's imperative we avoid a no-deal Brexit. 

"An extension would be welcome and let's hope our EU partners agree to that. 

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Brexit latest no deal eu damage theresa may deal barclays

John Thomas McFarlane OBE issued a stark warning addressed to the EU (Image: GETTY)

"But it would only be a sticking plaster unless the deep underlying issues are resolved and we actually make progress. 

"To me it feels like we are caught in something of a hamster wheel."

Later today Mrs will appeal to the EU27 to obtain a three-month extension, which would see the UK remaining inside the bloc until June 30, to

But France, Spain and Belgium had already said they are ready to turn down the request unless the British Prime Minister presents them with a credible plan to break the deadlock in the House of Commons.  

Jean-Yves Le Drian, France's foreign minister, said: "A situation in which Mrs May is unable to deliver sufficient guarantees on the credibility of her strategy at the European Council would lead to the request being refused and a preference for no deal."   

Iain Duncan Smith

Iain Duncan Smith attacked Theresa May for her decision to seek a Brexit delay (Image: GETTY)

The decision to head to Brussels to ask for a delay after pledging 108 times Britain would leave the bloc on March 29 was forced upon Mrs May after Parliament rejected twice the Prime Minister's withdrawal agreement and gave her the mandate to delay Brexit after overwhelmingly ruling out a no deal scenario with a vote which took place in the Commons last week. 

But the plea to Brussels have enraged Brexiteers, including former  Party leader Iain Duncan Smith. 

Arguing asking for an extension makes the UK look like a "supplicant", he said: "Why are we on bended knee to the EU begging for things we don’t need? 

“Next week should be a simple choice between her deal and no deal.

“If it isn’t, then it will be a national humiliation, we will have placed ourselves in the position of a supplicant."  

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