Derek Hatton SUSPENDED from Labour Party just TWO DAYS after former militant re-admitted

DEREK Hatton has been suspended from the Labour Party only two days after his readmission.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Derek Hatton suspended from Labour two days after readmission

The controversial former deputy leader of Liverpool City Council in the 1980s was given the green light to rejoin the Labour Party on Monday, 34 years after he was expelled by the then-party leader Neil Kinnock. But on Wednesday he was told he had been suspended again pending an investigation into a message shared on Twitter in 2012. The tweet said: “Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by .”  

The decision to readmit Mr Hatton had been criticised by senior members of the party. 

Barry Gardiner, Labour MP for Brent North, told the Commons on Wednesday afternoon he had "lodged a formal complaint" against Mr Hatton. 

MP Neil Coyle asked: "Does he share my view that Derek Hatton has no part to play in our Labour Party?"

derek hatton labour party membership suspended jeremy corbyn liverpool militant latest

Derek Hatton has been suspended from the Labour Party two days after his readmission (Image: EXPRESS)

Mr Gardiner replied: "This morning I saw the reports about not just the readmission of Derek Hatton but the tweets he has mentioned. 

"I wrote to the general secretary of our party, I lodged a formal complaint.

"I understand that action has since been taken in respect of the complaint and I'm sure that I will be looking out to see precisely what appropriate action is taken in due course.


Derek Hatton backs Corbyn as he rejoins Labour after 34 years

derek hatton labour party membership suspended jeremy corbyn liverpool militant latest

Derek Hatton was councillor in Liverpool City Council for three years (Image: GETTY)

"I totally agree with you. I think it was a travesty that, at least I think many of us knew for some while that he had applied to rejoin the party, but for the news of his readmission to come to public attention on the very day when some members of our party were forced out - I think it was appalling."

The readmission of Mr Hatton was not welcomed by Joan Ryan, the MP for Enfield North who on Tuesday night quit the Labour Party after accusing its leader  of letting antisemitism creeping into the left-wing movement.   
Following the readmission of Mr Hatton on Monday, Mrs Ryan commented the news on Twitter writing: "It’s a sad sad day and this makes it worse. So much worse." 
Mrs Ryan joined the seven Labour rebels who formed the Independent Group in protest against Mr Corbyn's leadership, his stance and the antisemitism crippling Labour. 

derek hatton labour party membership suspended jeremy corbyn liverpool militant latest

Derek Hatton commented on the shock wave of resignations from the Labour Party (Image: GETTY)

derek hatton labour party membership suspended jeremy corbyn liverpool militant latest

The MPs who resigned from the Tory and Labour parties to join the Independent Group (Image: GETTY)
Mr Hatton, who in September 2018 said he had been inspired to reapply to the Labour Party by the leadership of Mr Corbyn, was expelled in 1986 after sparking national outrage for setting an illegal budget and sending redundancy notices to thousands of council workers using taxis. 

He was also criticised for belonging to Trotskyist group Militant, which in the 1980s took Liverpool by storm. 

Following his brief readmission, , Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Ann Coffey and Gavin Shuke. 

He told BuzzfeedUK: "Very, very selfish, very hypocritical. And as far as I'm concerned now they should all resign and call by-elections." 

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