EU CAN’T SUE Britain over £39bn Brexit bill… but is plotting other ways to make UK PAY

THE European Union would be legally powerless against the UK if the Government decides not to pay the entire £39billion divorce bill in case of a no-deal Brexit, lawyers revealed - but an angered Brussels could still find other means to extract the payment.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

How the European Court of Justice works

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will not have any jurisdiction over Britain if the country leaves the bloc without a deal, meaning Brussels will have little luck suing Britain for not forking out the agreed payment, according to law experts. Steve Peers, professor of EU law at the University of Essex, told the Daily Telegraph: "I think that there would be great difficulty in court enforcement. 

“The ECJ says that international courts can't rule on EU law issues, and this is mostly an EU law issue.” Bart Van Vooren of Covington & Burling, a global law firm, told the Daily Telegraph: "In a number of cases, the EU Court has consistently rejected that any other international Court could adjudicate on violations of law.

“It considers itself the final and sole referee over EU law.

“It is unlikely that the ECJ would have jurisdiction over infringement proceedings against the UK over the financial settlement in case of a no deal.


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The EU would be legally powerless against the UK if London leaves without a deal (Image: GETTY)

“This is because of a clear reference in the EU Treaty that such a case can only be filed against 'a member state'.”

agreed on Britain paying £39bn to help the EU fill the hole in its budget left by London's departure in December 2017.

On Thursday, Number 10 said Britain would still pay its “legal obligations” in case of a no-deal exit from the bloc, but would not give Brussels the full amount.

A Downing St spokesman said: “The agreement which we have under the Withdrawal Agreement which obviously structures the payments and sets out an agreed amount or range would fall away.

“However, the Prime Minister has said that where we have legal obligations we would meet those.” 

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The ECJ says that international courts can't rule on EU law issues (Image: GETTY)

The statement was released after the European Commission said it would expect the UK to pay the full financial settlement agreed by the Prime Minister even with a no-deal .

While European judges themselves are likely to block a legal action against Britain, Brussels could still find ways to make life for London a living hell in a bid to force the Government into paying the £39bn.

The EU could refuse to enter into negotiations with Theresa May's team to over a new relationship, which after a no deal would effectively see the UK become a third country.

Speaking about the EU’s reaction to a British refusal to pay the £39bn, Sajjad Karim, a Tory MEP, even argued Britain could end up "paying well beyond" the agreed £39bn if Brussels gets on the warpath.

He said: “The reaction from Brussels would be a calm exterior hiding an inner fury. 

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Theresa May has been given the mandate by Parliament to find an alternative to the backstop (Image: GETTY)

“The chances are we would end up paying well beyond the agreed figure.

“Politically speaking, it would be completely the wrong move to make by the UK.

“Any future relationship or trade deal with the EU, or any other country for that matter, would be impacted severely.”

David Henig, a former trade negotiator and director of the European Centre For International Political Economy, said: “Even in no deal, the UK will be looking for EU cooperation such as between Dover and Calais, haulage permits, reciprocation on visas and much more.

“These will be threatened if the UK withholds money the EU thinks we owe.”    

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