Juncker’s team BANS EU members from making ‘MINI-DEALS’ with UK as Brexit panic sets in

EUROPEAN Union’s chiefs are urging member states to take a hard line on the UK and not to strike bilateral "mini-deals" with London out of fear of the consequences of a no-deal Brexit, EU diplomats revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: There is NO magic solution says European minister

The European Commission’s Secretary-General Martin Selmayr held talks with EU ambassadors following Tuesday’s vote in the British Parliament, which gave Theresa May the mandate to go back to Brussels to seek “alternative arrangements” to the Irish border backstop. Many EU leaders, including European Council President , have quickly dismissed the possibility to scrap the backstop from the Withdrawal Agreement, which raised the chances of Brexit ending in a no-deal scenario. But Mr Selmayr branded a no-deal Brexit “not the end of the world”, according to two diplomats in the room, and urged those worried about its consequences to toughen up and not being lured into striking “mini-deals” with the UK. 

According to the sources, Mr Selmayr seemed convinced that being too generous to London would only weaken the EU’s negotiating position in the talks which will follow March 29, day.

The Secretary-General and the EU ambassadors also agreed not to tweak the no-deal preparations planned by Brussels, so far focused mainly on transport issues, and temporarily disregard the national worries of each member of the EU regarding the impact a no-deal could have on their countries.

Mr Selmayr, who had previously been European Commission President ’s chief of staff, wants to “punish” the UK for leaving the European Union, according to British officials.


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EU chiefs are urging member states not to strike mini deals with the UK (Image: GETTY)

A Whitehall source who has had frequent dealings with Mr Selmayr described him to the Daily Telegraph saying: "He is incredibly clever, he is unbelievably hard-working, he is a consummate operator.

"He is also a true believer in the European Project and has taken Brexit very personally.

"He has always felt the UK was getting in the way of greater European integration and is clear that if you choose to leave there is a cost to doing so.

“His mindset is that of a lawyer, whose worldview is about rules and not political judgment." 

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Donald Tusk ruled out reopening negotiations on the backstop (Image: GETTY)

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Martin Selmayr wants to 'punish' the UK, it has been claimed (Image: GETTY)

Mrs May won a crucial vote with a majority of 16 MPs earlier this week, when the House of Commons approved Sir Graham Brady’s motion to find “alternative arrangements” to the backstop, the main reason behind the rejection of Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement on January 15.

But the mere concept of “alternative arrangements” was mocked in Brussels, with Philippe Lamberts, a prominent member of the EU’s Brexit Steering Group, which prepares the European Parliament’s deliberations and resolutions on Brexit, saying: “What are the alternative arrangements? Every time I’m asking people to be specific about what these alternative arrangements are they are at loss, this is magical thinking.

“Well, I live in the real world.”

’s deputy Prime Minister, Simon Coveney, also said yesterday any alternative to the backstop has already been analysed by the EU and found wanting.    

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