Brexit warning: Brussels must compromise with May or FORGET £39bn divorce deal

THE EU won’t get a “penny pinch” from Britain unless it compromises on the Irish border backstop, the UK's Brexit minister warned.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Kwasi Kwarteng claims people want to 'move on'

minister Kwasi Kwarteng fiercely attacked Brussels on Wednesday, warning the EU it can say goodbye to the £39bn divorce bill if it doesn’t cave in and accept alternatives to the Irish border backstop. Mr Kwarteng said on Sky News: “The final deal will have to have some give on the backstop from the EU. We have to look at new arrangements, technology to try and sort out those differences. They want a deal, we want a deal, both sides are going to have to compromise. 

“If there is a no deal they won't get a penny pinch from us.”

However, when prompted to lay down possible “new arrangements”, Mr Kwarteng didn’t answer.

On Tuesday evening the Prime Minister won a crucial vote with a majority of 16 MPs, which gave her a parliamentary mandate to go back to Brussels and demand fresh talks on the backstop.

But European Union leaders have already made clear there is no desire in Brussels to reopen discussions on the deal agreed in November by EU bosses and Theresa May.


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The EU won't get a 'penny pinch' from Britain unless it compromises on the backstop, it was claimed (Image: GETTY)

Earlier today Philippe Lamberts, a prominent member of the EU’s Brexit Steering Group, which prepares the European Parliament’s deliberations and resolutions on Brexit, clearly stated he doesn’t believe the UK has any “alternative arrangements” to put forward.

He said: “What are the alternative arrangements? Every time I’m asking people to be specific about what these alternative arrangements are they are at loss, this is magical thinking.

“Well, I live in the real world.”

Mr Lamberts also accused hardline Brexiteers who fear the Irish border backstop of being “deluded”.

He said: “There is delusion on the side of the hard Brexiteers, they still deny that what agreed on the Good Friday agreement is here to stay. 

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Philippe Lamberts said he doesn't believe the UK has any 'alternative arrangements' ready (Image: SKY NEWS)

“That’s fact of life and there is no way around it.

“Yesterday they demanded they don’t want backstop, but no we are not going to say that we surrender the backstop or conversely that we accept we will make no checks at the border even though the UK may significantly diverge in terms of sanitary standards, environmental standards or social standards.

“And then we should let a 500kilometre door opening to the single market without any checks?

“What they are saying is ‘we do not want freedom of circulation on people but we are also accepting we won’t make any checks on people’.

“Would they do that? Of course not!” 

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Brexit minister Kwasi Kwarteng (Image: GETTY)

Mr Lamberts has been joined by other EU chiefs, including , President of the European Council, in his call against reopening the Withdrawal Agreement.

Mr Tusk said, immediately after yesterday’s vote in London, that “the backstop is in the Withdrawal Agreement and the Withdrawal Agreement is not open to renegotiation”.

The Prime Minister and Mr Tusk will hold a phone call this evening to further discuss what will be the next steps on Brexit.

Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay said earlier today Mrs May will be exploring with Brussels the use of technology on the Irish border to avoid checks and will also be “looking at things like the time limit” of the backstop itself.

He added: “There are a number of options, there are issues in terms of having time limits, issues in terms of exit clauses, issues in terms of technology and this will be the nature of the negotiation with the European Union in the coming days.”    

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