Has Rees-Mogg just saved May’s Brexit deal? DUP vows to join Remainers and back ‘Plan C’

THE DUP has endorsed the so-called Brexit ‘Plan C’ - the Tory compromise plan thrashed out between hardline Brexiteers and Remainers.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The plan, led by ’s European Research Group, was given the backing by the DUP after Theresa May’s political allies met this morning to discuss the alternative to the Withdrawal Agreement. Should Tories also unite to support the plan, the DUP’s backing means it could also pass through Parliament if given the chance. Also dubbed the “Malthouse Compromise”, the plan would see Theresa May re-opening negotiations with the EU on the Irish backstop, and extend the transition period. Remainers including Stephen Hammond, Robert Buckland and Nicky Morgan met with Brexiteers including Mr Rees-Mogg and ERG deputy leader Steve Baker last night to reach the compromise. 

DUP leader said: “The DUP has given its endorsement to the plan.

“We believe it can unify a number of strands in the debate, including the views of Remainers and Leavers.

“It also gives a feasible alternative to the backstop proposed by the European Union, which would split the UK or keep the entire United Kingdom in the customs union and single market.

“Importantly, this proposal would also offer a route towards negotiating a future trade relationship between the UK and the EU.”


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Jacob Rees-Mogg teamed up with Remainers to thrash out a 'Plan C' (Image: GETTY)

Ms Foster also urged Mrs to back the Plan C, arguing this is the perfect time to put on the negotiating table in Brussels a working alternative to what has already been approved in November.

She added: “If the Prime Minister is seeking to find a united front, both between elements in her own party and the DUP, in the negotiations which she will enter with the EU, then this is a proposition which she should not turn her back on.

“There is no better time to advance this alternative given the confusion and disarray which is now manifesting itself in Brussels.

“This has been displayed both by the contradictory EU statements and the panic-stricken behaviour of the Irish Government.” 

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DUP's Nigel Dodds and Arlene Foster (Image: GETTY)

brexit news latest deal vote jacob rees mogg dup plan c theresa may

Remainers including Stephen Hammond, Robert Buckland and Nicky Morgan met with Brexiteers (Image: GETTY)

The Malthouse Compromise would see Mrs May going back to Brussels to renegotiate the Irish backstop, claiming a hard border and checks between Ireland and Northern Ireland can be avoided by relying on technology.

If the EU opposed to it, the UK would then ask to grant a transition period lasting until December 2021 in return for the payment of the £39bn divorce bill and the protection of EU citizen’s rights.

The transition period would give enough time to both sides to prepare for the UK leaving without a deal or to even strike a trade deal in the meantime. 

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Jacob Rees-Mogg is the chair of the European Research Group (Image: GETTY)

The Plan C has also been drafted to prevent an implosion of the Conservative Party, which looks frailer than ever after Amber Rudd said many ministers would resign in case of a no-deal Brexit.

But the EU has already dismissed the compromise plan as unworkable.

An EU official laughed off Plan C as “a cunning plan” and an EU diplomat said it was “just nonsense”.

Sabine Weyand, the EU’s Deputy Chief Negotiator, had previously said a technology to avoid a hard border doesn’t exist.    

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