Corbyn under ATTACK: Labour leader accused of fuelling 'JOB-DESTROYING Brexit' by OWN MP

JEREMY Corbyn is “facilitating a job-destroying Brexit” instead of showing British people a different course of action, a furious Labour backbencher has claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn presents Labour’s alternative plan

The leadership has enraged opposition backbenchers and a number of Remain-backing Tories by ruling out a second referendum. Luciana Berger, Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree, was one of the MPs backing a cross-party amendment calling for a second referendum. The proposal would have been supported also by Chuka Umunna, MP for Streatham, and Sarah Wollaston, Tory MP for Totnes, among others, but it had to be dropped after Mr said on Tuesday he doesn’t “want to re-run the 2016 referendum”. 

Blaming her own front bench's lack of support for the decision to pull her amendment, Ms Berger said: "This is not good enough.

“Labour should be clearly setting out a different course, not facilitating a job-destroying Brexit.

"The Labour leadership has a really crucial role to play.

“The clock is ticking and, at this late stage, we appeal to Jeremy Corbyn to do the right thing by the majority of our voters, supporters and members and back a People's Vote.

"The time for action is now." 

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Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of 'facilitating a job-destroying Brexit' (Image: GETTY)

Dr Wollaston also spoke with urgency of the need to call for a second referendum.

The Tory MP argued a People’s Vote amendment would pass with the “unequivocal backing” of the Labour Party.

She said: "I think that is where we will get to eventually.

"Unfortunately we are rolling ever closer to the edge of a cliff.

“The time for constructive ambiguity is over." 

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Mr Corbyn ruled out supporting a second referendum (Image: GETTY)

But Mr Corbyn crushed the hopes of the Remain-backing grassroots movement to have a new say on Brexit on Tuesday.

During a visit to Wolverton, near Milton Keynes, he said he had tabled an amendment calling for "the ability to have a vote on any deal that is finally agreed”, and ruled out any other referendum.

He said: "I do not want to re-run the 2016 referendum. Our party conference had a comprehensive motion that was carried and that is what I have put before Parliament for next week."

The Labour leader didn’t confirm he will whip his MPs to back the amendment put forward by Labour MP Yvette Cooper calling for an extension of Article 50 to avoid a no deal Brexit at all cost. 

Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn demands General Election

Mr Corbyn said: "We will decide at the time whether we fully support it or not.

"I had a very good meeting, a very useful meeting, with Yvette Cooper yesterday.

“I understand what she is saying, there is a lot of merit in it.

“We, as a party, will make a decision." 

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Luciana Berger backed a cross-party amendment calling for a second referendum (Image: GETTY)

However, yesterday Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell signalled the party’s intention to back Ms Cooper’s amendment.

During an interview with BBC’s Newsnight, he said: “Yvette Cooper has put an amendment down, which I think is sensible, so I think it’s increasingly likely already that we’ll have to take that option because the government has run the clock down.”

But he added the party will take the decision together with its members.

He said: “It’s highly likely but we’ll go through our normal process of consultation with our members.”     

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