Brexit vote: When is next General Election? Will UK have SNAP election this year?

THERESA MAY's Brexit deal will finally be voted on today but the proposal is expected to be rejected, heightening the chances of a no deal or even another general election. But when is the next General Election scheduled and will the UK have a snap election this year?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Brexit Vote

Brexit Vote: Could today's vote trigger a general election? (Image: GETTY)

Brexit: EU chiefs 'not in position' to amend agreement

Brexit debates come to an end today as MPs have the chance to vote on Theresa May’s European Union exit deal. With the Prime Minister asking for politicians to back her deal or face "letting the British people down” tensions are high. The vote will take place tonight (Tuesday) at 7pm.

When is the next General Election? 

The next general election is scheduled to be held on May 5, 2022.

However, an election could be held earlier than this should an early election motion be passed by a supermajority of two thirds in the House of Commons or a vote of no confidence in the government is enacted.

An early election motion can be enacted by the Prime Minister by requesting dissolution by the monarch - Queen Elizabeth II.

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Will the UK have a snap election this year?

Jeremy Corbyn has attacked Mrs May for tabling the delayed bill for a vote in the House of Commons when “not one single dot or comma has changed”. 

She must “break the deadlock” by bringing forward the general election in the event her plan is rejected, the Labour leader continued.

In the event a no-confidence vote was tabled the day after Mrs May’s deal was rejected, this would mean an election would probably be held in March.

Ladbrokes have odds of 11/8 the UK will see a General Election take place in 2019 - and the bookies have even predicted what month the election will be held.

Month of next General Election (odds from Ladbrokes)

  • Feb 2019 33/1
  • Mar 2019 12/1
  • Apr 2019 10/1
  • May 2019 8/1
  • June 2019 12/1
  • July 2019 33/1
  • Aug 2019 66/1
  • Sep 2019 25/1
  • Oct 2019 25/1
  • Nov 2019 25/1
  • Dec 2019 50/1
  • Not before 2020 8/15

Mrs May has stated that when it comes to the next general election, she will not lead the Conservative Party. 

She said in December: "I've said that in my heart I would love to be able to lead the Conservative Party into the next general election but I think it is right that the party feels that they would prefer to go into that election with another leader."

More than 100 of her MPs - around a third of those who sit on the green benches for the Conservatives - are thought to oppose the Prime Minister's Withdrawal Agreement ahead of Tuesday night's meaningful vote

In today’s vote, another clear obstacle to Mrs May’s exit deal is the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

Democratic Unionist leader Arlene Foster branded the Irish border backstop "toxic" and said her party's 10 MPs would vote against the Withdrawal Agreement.

Brexit Vote

Brexit Vote: Jeremy Corbyn has criticised the Prime Minister (Image: AFP)

Mrs Foster said on Twitter: "Tonight will be historic but for the wrong reasons. We will oppose the toxic backstop & vote against the WA.

"It's time for a sensible deal which governs our exit from the EU & supports all parts of the UK."

However, not all MPs oppose the deal and according to one Scottish Conservative MP, the Prime Minister should ignore her party's "hard-line Brexiteers" and pass a Brexit deal with support from other parties.

Criticising Leave-supporting MPs who will not vote for Mrs May's Withdrawal Agreement, Paul Masterton said the Prime Minister should "write them off".

The MP for East Renfrewshire admitted to BBC Scotland he expects the Government to lose tonight's vote on the Brexit deal.

Mr Masterton said: "My view is that this deal is worth supporting.

Brexit Vote

Brexit Vote: Arlene Foster has said DUP MPs will not support the 'toxic' agreement (Image: GETTY)

"That's not going to carry the day today but my hope is that once some MPs - who have been frankly treating this all as a game - let off some steam tonight by voting against the deal (they) then start to narrow and focus on a way forward.

"Everyone is very good at saying what they're against and what they don't want but they're not very good at what they do want and what they will accept."

He alleged connections in Brussels have told him there is a sense of wanting to help the UK, but European leaders do not want to waste "political capital on something that they don't think is going to satisfy the hard-line Brexiteers in the Conservative party".

Mr Masterton added: "I think that what the Prime Minister has to accept is that there's probably a couple of dozen Conservative MPs that will not accept any kind of deal whatsoever.

"So frankly she just needs to ignore them and write them off and look at where she can replace those votes from elsewhere in Parliament and build a better consensus and go back to Brussels on that basis."

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