No deal Brexit ONLY way to TAKE BACK CONTROL of UK borders, warns IDS

THE UK will really take back control of its borders only by chucking Theresa May’s “flawed” Withdrawal Agreement and leaving the European Union without a deal, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit: Robert Halfon sends Theresa May EU deal ultimatum

Mr Duncan Smith lashed out at Mrs ’s deal, saying it will plunge Britain into a “ In Name Only purgatory”. His fear is the UK will be turned into a rule-taker rather than a rule-maker by Mrs May’s deal, which would not give the control of the borders Brexiteers hoped for when they voted Leave. Appealing for Britain to leave the EU on March 29 without any strings attached, Mr Duncan Smith said: "Only by leaving the EU on WTO terms can the UK fully take back control of its borders and deal with these issues. 

“In taking back control of our migration policy we are also giving notice to industries that we will have to invest and train to a far greater degree than they have for some time.

"The greatest benefit of leaving under No Deal is that our country can start to enjoy the benefits of Brexit from March 29th 2019, rather than being left in the BRINO, Brexit In Name Only, purgatory of Mrs May's deal."

Mr Duncan Smith added the process of leaving the EU has already taken too long since the referendum, which took place on June 23 2016.

He continued: “The British people have already waited for almost three years - they should not have to wait any longer."  


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Iain Duncan Smith argued a no deal Brexit is the best deal for the UK (Image: GETTY)

The Brexiteer, who has been the leader of the Conservative Party between 2001 and 2003, made this comment in a report published by Economists for Free Trade.

In the same paper, Tory Eurosceptic also urged the Government to leave the EU without a deal, saying there was “nothing to fear.”

The chairman of the research support group for Tory Brexiteers European Research Group and MP for North East Somerset argued leaving without a deal at the end of March would allow the benefits of Brexit to come sooner to the UK.

He said: "In addition to goods continuing to flow, under a no-deal departure, the British taxpayer would save £39 billion, money which could be used to cut taxes, to help our domestic economy and leave plenty to help any exporters who face particularly high tariffs. 

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Iain Duncan Smith has been leader of the Tory Party from 2001 to 2003 (Image: GETTY)

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Jacob Rees-Mogg said the UK should leave without a deal because 'there is nothing to fear' (Image: GETTY)

"The advantages of Brexit would come through sooner with trade barriers going down in 2019 instead of 2021 which could see the cost of food, clothing and footwear fall sharply if the Government followed sensible policies.

“This particularly helps the least well off in society."

Tory former Cabinet minister Owen Paterson also voiced his support for a no deal Brexit, saying many are opposed to it because it means “actually leaving” the EU.

He said: "The other options now being floated - extending Article 50, a second referendum, or the subjugation demanded by the Withdrawal Agreement - are designed to hold the UK in the EU's orbit in the hope that it may be sucked back in.  

"These options would completely fail to honour the biggest democratic verdict ever delivered in British history. 

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Iain Duncan Smith said the only way to control immigration in the UK is by leaving the EU (Image: GETTY)

"The optimal Brexit outcome remains a wide-ranging, zero-tariff free trade agreement as offered repeatedly by President Tusk.

“Such a deal can still be negotiated, but not by the end of March.

"Having wasted so much time on the Withdrawal Agreement, leaving on WTO terms is now the only way to break free fully and build a more prosperous, independent future."

MPs in the Commons are due to vote on Mrs May's deal on Tuesday.

In an article written for the Daily Express, the Prime Minister .     

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