What did Theresa May say in Brexit speech TODAY? Watch PM's full statement

AFTER five gruelling hours of Cabinet having a "long, detailed and impassioned debate" about the draft Brexit deal, Prime Minister Theresa May gave a brief speech outside Downing Street. Here is Theresa May's statement in full.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Theresa May: Cabinet is backing draft Brexit deal

Theresa May said there had been a "long, detailed and impassioned debate" on the Brexit deal, with cabinet holding discussions for more than five hours. 

Speaking outside Number 10, the Prime Minister said: "I firmly believe that the draft withdrawal agreement was the best that could be negotiated and it was for the Cabinet to decide whether to move on in the talks.

"The choices before us were difficult, particularly in relation to the Northern Ireland backstop, but the collective decision of Cabinet was that the Government should agree the draft withdrawal agreement and the outline political declaration."

Mrs May continued: "This is a decisive step which enables us to move on and finalise the deal in the days ahead.

"These decisions were not taken lightly but I believe it is a decision that is firmly in the national interest."

"When you strip away the detail the choice before us is clear - this deal which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders, ends free movement, protects jobs, security and our Union, or leave with no deal or no Brexit at all.

"I know there will be difficult days ahead. This is a decision that will come under intense scrutiny and that is entirely as it should be and entirely understandable."

"But the choice was this deal, which enables us to take back control and build a brighter future for our country, or going back to square one, with more division, more uncertainty, and the failure to deliver on the referendum.

Theresa May speech

Theresa May gave a statement following a five hour discussion on Brexit (Image: AFP)

"It’s my job as prime minister to explain the decisions that the government has taken, and I stand ready to do that, beginning tomorrow with a statement in parliament."

Mrs May concluded: "Let me end by just saying this; I believe that what I owe to this country is to take decisions that are in the national interest and I firmly believe, with my head and my heart, that this is a decision that is in the best interests of our entire United Kingdom."

The EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier told a news conference in Brussels the draft agreement represented a "decisive crucial step in concluding these negotiations".

Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's Brexit coordinator, said: "We welcome the positive progress made in the negotiations by Michel Barnier and his team, who have consistently fought for the interests of the European Union.

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"We look forward to being fully apprised of the details of the withdrawal agreement tomorrow morning at 1100 (CET) by Michel Barnier, the EU's chief negotiator.

"It is encouraging to see that we are moving towards a fair deal that should ensure an orderly withdrawal, including a backstop guaranteeing that there will be no hardening of the Northern Irish/Irish border and that the Good Friday Agreement will be safeguarded.

"This deal is a milestone towards a credible and sustainable future relationship between the EU and the UK.

"It is now up to elected Parliamentarians on both sides of the Channel to do their work and scrutinise the proposed deal, including the political declaration and the framework for future relationship.

Theresa May speaking outside Number 10

BREXIT LATEST: Theresa May delivered her update on Brexit outside Number 10 Downing Street (Image: GETTY)

"Throughout the Article 50 negotiations, we have fought for a people-first Brexit, and we are committed to forensically monitor closely the implementation of the citizen's rights parts of the agreement.

"The European Parliament will have the final say, along with the UK Parliament, on the deal."

The Prime Minister will meet with DUP leader Arlene Foster at 8.30pm GMT to discuss the deal.

The DUP which props up Mrs May's government, said it would not back any deal that treated the Northern Ireland differently from the rest of the United Kingdom.

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