UK faces ‘CRIMINAL GANGS’ and business misery as border isn’t ready for no-deal Brexit

BRITAIN’S businesses will pay the price of the Government’s lack of preparation for a no-deal Brexit - while citizens face the arrival of “organised criminals” ready to exploit any border security weaknesses, the National Audit Office (NAO) said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The shocking claim comes just five months before the UK officially withdraws from the .

The NAO, an independent British body which scrutinises public spending for parliament and audits central government’s departments, warned in a report there is still much to do to get the British border ready for a no-deal scenario.

Sir Amyas Morse, the head of the NAO, said: "Government has openly accepted the border will be ‘suboptimal’ if there is no deal with the EU on 29 March 2019.

"It is not clear what suboptimal means in practice, or how long this will last. 


"But what is clear is that businesses and individuals who are reliant on the border running smoothly will pay the price."

The situation would be difficult even if a deal was reached and there was a transition period lasting until December 2020, the NAO said in its report.

In its analysis of the border situation, the NAO claimed 11 out of the 12 major projects underway to replace or change key border systems were at risk of not being finished on time or of an "acceptable quality". 

The UK border is not ready for a no-deal Brexit

The UK border is not ready for a no-deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

The watchdog explained there are critical IT systems to be replaced at the border and new infrastructures to be built in order to track goods. 

And the number of people working at the border should also be raised, NAO added.

The lack of preparation could also have damning consequences on security, the NAO continued, arguing the delay in talks between the UK and the EU is creating a dangerous situation.

The reports said: "Government's assumption that the risks will not change materially on day one is reasonable in the short term but organised criminals and others are likely to be quick to exploit any perceived weaknesses or gaps in the enforcement regime. 

Theresa May

Mrs May's Government 'openly accepted the border will be suboptimal in case of a no-deal' NAO said (Image: GETTY)

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"This, combined with the UK's potential loss of access to EU security, law enforcement and criminal justice tools, could create security weaknesses which the Government would need to address urgently." 

The report’s revelations were “deeply troubling”, according to the Federation of Small Businesses national chairman, Mike Cherry.

He added: "With less than six months before exit day, it is dreamland stuff to think that we will be anywhere near having the infrastructure needed to track and examine goods at the border.

"The likelihood is that our small business traders will face delays for goods crossing the border, while also being hit with extra costs associated to new customs arrangements and tracking requirements." 

uk border control

The NAO said the Government must raise the number of people working at the border (Image: GETTY)

But the Government defended its “robust” preparations for a no-deal scenario.

A government spokeswoman said: "Extensive work to prepare for a no deal has been well underway for almost two years and we have robust plans in place to ensure the border continues to operate from the day we leave.

"Future IT systems and infrastructure are already being built and, as they do today, HMRC will continue to apply an automated, risk-based approach to customs checks.

"This means any increase in the number of checks will be kept to a minimum. We will always ensure we have the necessary resources to keep the border secure, and that's why we're recruiting approximately 600 Border Force officers to prepare for the day we leave the EU, in addition to the 300 officers which will be deployed by the end of the year."  

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