PMQs: Theresa May rallies MPs to vote on Brexit deal: It’s your NATIONAL DUTY!

THERESA May and Jeremy Corbyn clashed during Prime Minister’s Questions today where the Labour leader attacked May's claim she was ending austerity.

By Laura MowatAlice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

PMQs: May tells Corbyn 'we will be doing more for mental health'

Mr Corbyn asked the Prime Minister when austerity will end for mental health, police, teachers and councils.

This comes after Mrs May said it would in her speech at the Conservative Party Conference last week in Birmingham.

This has been the first Prime Minister’s Questions since all of the political parties held their party conferences in cities across the UK.

Mrs May faces pressure this week before next week’s EU council summit to change her Brexit plans.

Theresa MAY AND Corbyn

May and Corbyn to meet at PMQs for the first time since the party conferences (Image: GETTY)

The Prime Minister has said that her Chequers plan for close links to the EU is the only alternative to leaving the bloc without a deal.

Former Brexit Secretary David Davis has warned that the Tories will lose the next general election if Mrs May does not change her Brexit plan.

Talks between the EU and the Government are now in critical phase as they hope they can strike a deal before the middle of November.

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12:53pm PMQs ends with commentators and MPs mentioning that the chamber was emptier than normal with empty seats 

BBC political editor Laura Kuennsberg said: “Also predictably, end of May - Corbyn clashes turns into stats driven slanging match - we didn’t learn much really other than May’s speech last week has given Corbyn a decent new attack line”.

12:44pm MP Richard Graham asks May to ask DIFID for more funding following the Indonesian tsunami

MP speaks Indonesian to his fellow MPs saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Mrs May said: “Our condolences go to all who have lost loved ones”.

12:37pm May says the government is proud of the armed servicemen and all they do

She said: “We should never forget their families and ensure we support them and support them with their injuries, physical and mental”.

12:35pm May questioned on country's national debt saying deficit has fallen by 75 percent 

Ronnie Campbell MP said: "In 2010 the National Debt stood at £768bn, now that the tories have been in 10 years, - including 5 years with the wishy washy libdem - can the PM say what is the national debt today?"

The Prime Minister replied: "What can I say to the MP is that he raises a question on the national debt and it is an important issue to raise.

"We are ensuring that the debt is going to fall.

"We have seen a reduction in our deficit of three quarters under this government.

"The honourable gentleman should not look so pleased with himself when he starts thinking what the Labour government would do, which is taking us back."

12:32pm May said that she is working to get a good agreement on Brexit delivering on the vote 

Ken Clarke MP questioned the Prime Minister on the state of the Brexit negotiations.

Mr Clarke said: "It's obvious that the biggest task facing the PM is first obtain a compromising agreement with the EU27 on the terms of our withdrawal and then to win the approval of this house, the majority in this house, for that same agreement.

"Does she equally accept that, the maths makes it obvious, that the majority can be obtained only if the agreement retains the support of the pro-eu Tory backbenchers and also win the support of a significant number of labour backbenchers, which will reveal that the hard-line eurosceptic view of the labour frontbench and the right wing nationalist in our party are a minority in this party

"Will she therefore proceed courageously in the formidable task that lays ahead of her."

In response, Mrs May said: "What we are working to is to get a good agreement which delivers on the vote that the people took in the referendum, to bring an end to the jurisdiction of the EU court, to bring an end to the free movement and to sending vast sum of money to the EU, but that it also protect jobs and prevent from creating a hard border between NI and Ireland.

"I would hope that when we come back with a deal i would hope that everybody across this house will put a national interest first, everybody will look not only at a good deal for the future of the UK, but will also remember that having given the decision to whether staying in the EU or not, the British people voted to leave and it is our duty to ensure that we leave."

Theresa May

Theresa May speaking at PMQs (Image: GETTY)

12:28pm MP Alistair Carmichael questions May about the fishing deal after Brexit

Mr Carmichael said: “Members of the Scottish fishermnen federation and national federation of fishermen association are jointly lobbying parliament today they ask for simple undertaking from PM namely that in negotiating brexit she will not trade away the right to fish in UK water.”

She said: “I recognise the importance of the fishing industry particularly in Scotland.

"As we are going through this negotiation we are being very clear that once the EU rules no longer apply to the UK we will be an independent coastal state and we will be controlling access to our own water and getting a fairer shares of quotas."

12:19pm Mrs May said austerity is being brought to an end but not “fiscal responsibility”

Mrs May claimed the Consrvative Government was bringing about an end to austerity at the Conservative Party Conference last week. 

Mr Corbyn said: “Eight years of painful austerity, poverty is up, a million elderly not getting the care they need and all the while billions found for tax give aways for big cooperations and the super rich.”

The Labour leader said the claim that austerity is over is a great big “Conservative con”.

To which May replied, there are less people in poverty and cuts have been of benefit to working people in the UK.

The Prime Minister said: "We will see debt falling and we will see support for our public services going up.

"Austerity is being brought to an end." 

She said Labour would take the country back to "square one". 

Theresa May

Theresa May at PMQs on Wednesday October 10 (Image: SkyNews)

12:15pm May vows 'better times ahead under a Tory Government'

Mrs May said councils have needed to make tough decisions due to the state of the public finances following the Labour Government.

She said: “Better times are ahead under a Conservative Government”.

12:12pm May says Government increased funding by £464 million for policing when questioned by Corbyn

Mr Corbyn said: "The Royal college of psychiatrist has found the income of mental health trusts in england is lower than it was six years ago.

"People in every village and city know violent crime is rising: 21,000 police officers have been cut, 7000 police and community supporters have gone

"When will austerity be over for the police?"

Mrs May said: “We now see more children in good and outstanding schools due to our reforms”.

Mr Corbyn said: “Half of teachers are getting a pay cut, there is a chronic shortage of teachers and the government has failed to meet its target."

Leaders of council can not cope with cuts, according to Corbyn.

Corbyn said: "In the last year, the education secretary has been rebuked four times by statistics watch book dog for making false claims about education funding

"PM is a stickler for accuracy, so given commitment on ending austerity can she confirm austerity is now over for all teachers who will receive the independently recommended 3.5 percent rise?"


Corbyn and May clash at PMQs (Image: SkyNews)

12:07pm Corbyn questions May as to when austerity will be over in the mental health services

Mrs May said: “This is a government that is ensuring mental health is given the attention it needs.

“It is this government that is putting record levels of funding into mental health.

"We are stepping out further steps today to improve mental health among young people”.

The PM vows to do more in relation to mental health. 

12:05pm Performing arts around the country

Mrs May said the Government is committed to supporting the contry’s tourism industry and is investing £78 million in Manchester.

She said: “Perfoming arts are being encouraged across the country”.

12:03pm Theresa May congratulates the mental health campaign after mental health day today

12pm Brexit, unviersal credit and mental health are likely to feature in today's Prime Minister's Questions

It is the first PMQs since the Salzburg Summit where the Chequers Plan did not go down well. 

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