How five promises made by Theresa May in her Conservative conference speech affect YOU

THERESA May’s fierce and defiant speech at yesterday’s Conservative Party Conference set out a series of concrete policies to be carried out in the upcoming months that will affect Britons’ day-to-day lives.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Theresa May announces plans to tackle housing crisis

The Prime Minister promised to deliver far more than Brexit in her keynote speech.

After taking the stage dancing to ABBA’s Dancing Queen, Mrs May promised to end the eight-year-long austerity programme, introducing a new cancer screening regime and a fuel duty freeze worth millions. looked back to Mrs May’s speech to find out how the government’s future policies will have an impact on you.

1) Motorists will benefit from a £800m fuel duty freeze 

Mrs May confirmed a much-anticipated policy expected to be in the next Budget, to be published by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on October 29.

The Prime Minister said: “Because for millions of people, their car is not a luxury. It’s a necessity.

“Some have wondered if there would be a thaw in our policy this year.

“Today I can confirm, given the high oil price, the Chancellor will freeze fuel duty once again in his budget later this month.”

The move will cost £800m, and effectively scraps the planned 2p-a-litre rise motorists feared.

The freeze has been seen as a key symbol of the Tory Party since its introduction in 2010. 

Theresa May conservative party conference speech

Theresa May announced a new fuel duty freeze (Image: GETTY)

2) Larger budget for councils to bring more affordable homes

The Prime Minister fiercely declared the government will help people “get on the housing ladder”.

This will be achieved by scrapping entirely the borrowing cap imposed on local councils.

Mrs May said: “The last time Britain was building enough homes – half a century ago – local councils made a big contribution.

“We’ve opened-up the £9bn Affordable Housing Programme to councils, to get them building again.

“And at last year’s conference I announced an additional £2bn for affordable housing.

“But something is still holding many of them back. 

Theresa May conservative party conference speech

Theresa May vowed to slap a new tax on foreign home buyers (Image: GETTY)

“There is a government cap on how much they can borrow against their Housing Revenue Account assets to fund new developments.

“Solving the housing crisis is the biggest domestic policy challenge of our generation.

“It doesn’t make sense to stop councils from playing their part in solving it.

“So today I can announce that we are scrapping that cap.”

This move is expected to raise an extra £1bn a year to be devolved to housebuilding.

Chartered Institute of Housing director Gavin Smart welcomed the announcement saying: “This is excellent news and we look forward to seeing the detail." 

Theresa May: The future is in OUR hands

3) Foreign home buyers will face a new tax

Mrs May promised to “level the playing field” for Britons aspiring to buy a house by slapping an extra tax on foreign buyers of UK homes.

The move will put an extra rate of stamp duty on buyers of property in Britain who don’t pay taxes here.

The new rate is still to be set as consultations will be soon underway.

Mrs May said: “This week we have announced that we will charge a higher rate of stamp duty on those buying homes who do not live and pay taxes in the UK, to help level the playing field for British buyers.

“The money raised will go towards tackling the scourge of rough sleeping.” 

Theresa May conservative party conference speech

Theresa May announced the end of austerity during her keynote speech (Image: GETTY)

4) More investments in public services as austerity is to end soon

after eight difficult years of both British households and public services.

She said: “After a decade of austerity, people need to know that their hard work has paid off.

“Because of that hard work, and the decisions taken by the Chancellor, our national debt is starting to fall for the first time in a generation.

“This is a historic achievement. But getting to this turning point wasn’t easy.

“Public sector workers had their wages frozen. Local services had to do more with less. And families felt the squeeze.”

Mrs May promised the government will invest in public services and renew the cash-strapped NHS.

However, Mrs May said this will happen after she will have delivered a Brexit deal. 

Theresa May conservative party conference speech

Theresa May announced a new strategy to fight cancer (Image: GETTY)

5) A new strategy to fight cancer

Mrs May opened up on a personal tragedy before unveiling first details of a new cancer strategy the government is to adopt.

Despite the full details will be revealed only by the end of the year, according to the Prime Minister’s spokesman, Mrs May announced the government will invest in new scanners for the NHS and build more Rapid Diagnostic Centres to allow Britons to get “treatment quicker”.

And the age for full bowel cancer screening will drop from 60 to 50, in a bid to raise the early detection rate.

After revealing her goddaughter died of cancer, Mrs May said: “Survival rates are increasing, but we are lagging behind other countries.

“So today I can announce a new Cancer Strategy, funded through our 70th birthday investment, will form a central part of our long-term plan for the NHS.”    

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