Puppies potentially carrying RABIES are being smuggled into Britain

A SMUGGLED puppy given as a Christmas present could become a life sentence for its new owner.

Angry dogGETTY

Thousands of young dogs potentially infected with rabies are being smuggled into the country

Thousands of young dogs potentially infected with deadly rabies are being slipped into the country by East European dog gangs exploiting British reputation as animal lovers.

Even though import rules were toughened up a year ago, pedigree puppies with false documentation and bogus health records are being sold on the £100 million pound black market.

Dogs Trust - the animal welfare charity that coined the phrase a dog is for life, not just for Christmas - is heavily involved in looking after the rising number of puppies being seized at British border points.

The charity is funding quarantine costs for puppies detained at Folkestone and Dover so they are not put down if their owners do not pay the bills.

Rabid dogGETTY

A puppy carrying the rabies virus is one of Britain’s highest public health threats

Seventeen illegally imported puppies are currently being looked after by the Trust before they can be rehomed.

A puppy carrying the rabies virus from a part of Europe where the disease is still endemic is one of Britain's highest public health threats.

A 100 children die globally each day from the cruel disease and to mark World Rabies Day recently the International Fund for Animal Welfare highlighted the risk of it arriving on our shores.

Philip Mansbridge, UK director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, warned: "A newer risk for rabies in the UK is the growth in the illegal importation of puppies coming into the country with false documentation under the Pet Travel Scheme.

Lonely puppiesGETTY

Naïve buyers have been left heartbroken when their new animals die soon after they were bought

"Recent investigations have shown a large increase in the numbers of puppies being brought into the UK from parts of Eastern Europe, and have uncovered puppies which are under age and with forged vaccination documentation, including for the rabies vaccine.

"This poses a risk for the safety of animals and humans alike in the UK and that's why it is vital that anyone purchasing a puppy sources it responsibly and asks the right questions at the time of purchase."

The RSPCA is campaigning for a major change in the way dogs are sold in the UK by introducing a licensing scheme. Its investigators have been heavily involved in exposing gangs that act as a front for overseas puppy farms.

Dog getting rabies jabGETTY

Seventeen illegally imported puppies are currently being looked after by Dogs Trust

We are not scaremongering


Young dogs are being sold over the internet as animals raised by qualified breeders but, in reality, they are mass produced overseas and do not have the essential vaccinations or health checks.

Naïve buyers have been left heartbroken when their new animals die soon after they were bought. If one carried the rabies virus, one bite could inflict a death sentence.

When new measures were introduced a year, David Bowles, the RSPCA's assistant director of public affairs, said: "We are not scaremongering. In the past two years RSPCA and local trading inspectors have seen with their own eyes puppies which have been brought into this country with falsified vaccination certificates that aren't worth the paper they are written on.

"These give absolutely no guarantee to buyers about the health of the puppies, which could potentially be carrying deadly diseases.

"Defra's new tightened up regulations will only work if enforcement is improved. Puppies are only being picked up once they are in the country, which is too late. The UK needs to send a strong message to puppy dealers that we are not a soft touch for their illegal trade. This can only be done through better and increased spot checks at the border."

Health experts call for rabies awareness

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