The adventures of Phileas Mogg: Black cat travels 250 MILES underneath car bonnet

AN adventurous cat has been dubbed Phileas Mogg after an intrepid 250-mile journey trapped under the bonnet of a car.


Mapping Phileas Mogg's epic journey across the country, clocking up more than 250 miles

The unlucky black cat was driven through two counties, along motorways and even went through a car wash on his epic odyssey.

It finally took the combined efforts of the RSPCA and AA to free Phileas – named after the heroic protagonist from Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days – from his bolthole inside an Audi engine.

Although the cat did not quite circumnavigate the planet, he is believed to have endured an incredible 96-hour adventure that took him from Warmingham in Cheshire to nearby Sandbach and Wettenhall, to Bangor-on-Dee racecourse in Wrexham, to Cheltenham racecourse before being rescued in Bristol.

All that time, Phileas is believed to have been trapped under the bonnet of Colin Woodward’s Audi A4.

Mr Woodward, who lives in Warmington, near Crewe, had heard a cat meowing from under his Audi A4, thinking it was a shy feral cat which he feeds.

Before driving off, the retired farmer checked his engine with a torch but because the mewing stopped presumed the cat had gone.

Phileas MoggRSPCA

RSPCA and AA rescuers had to remove the front wheel to retrieve the stranded kitty

Three days later, Mr Woodward was at a friend’s house in Easton-in-Gordano, near Bristol, when he heard the cat’s pitiful cries again.

“We followed the noise and found him, I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Mr Woodward today.

“He was between the front wheel and the headlight, I have no idea how he got in there.

“I felt so sorry for him. I have been driving all over the place, I had no idea he was in there, I’m just relieved he survived. I left the bonnet open overnight to see if he would come out but when he didn’t I called the RSPCA and the AA for help.

The catPH

Somehow, Phileas managed to lodge himself in the bodywork of Mr Woodward's Audi A4

“He’s a lovely cat, I do hope he finds his owners. He will certainly have a tale to tell them about his adventure.”

He was between the front wheel and the headlight, I have no idea how he got in there

Colin Woodward

Phileas’s only scars from the marathon trek were burns to his paws. After being treated at the RSPCA Bristol Clinic, the animal welfare charity is appealing for his owners to contact them on their appeal line number – 0300 123 8018 – and to leave a message for Chief Inspector John Atkinson.

His colleague Inspector Simon Coombs pulled the cat from inside the engine and says Phileas is fortunate to have survived.

“He was lucky to escape with some burns to his paws but it could have been far, far worse,” said Inspector Coombs. “I would certainly say if cats really had nine lives he’s lost one of them.

“It looks like Phileas could have travelled about 250 miles, along two motorways, through two countries and even through a car wash before he was found. But it’s also possible he jumped onboard at some point along the way so his owners could come from any of these places.

Phileas FoggGETTY

The original Phileas Fogg would surely be impressed at his successors adventures

 “He’s a very friendly cat so we’d like to find his owners as soon as possible and get him back home. His owners must be worried sick about him and we’d love to reunited them with Phileas. If anyone recognises him, please get in touch.”

Phileas does have an identity microchip.

Inspector Coombs was helped by AA patrolman Mark Nolan, who had to take the Audi’s front wheel off and remove the under-tray so they could reach in and rescue the stowaway. 

Mr Nolan, from Bristol, said: “The poor thing was well and truly stuck around some pipework for the intercooler and air-conditioning, so I had to remove the wheel arch to free him.

“It’s the third cat I’ve rescued – they’re attracted to the warmth of an engine bay but, unfortunately, sometimes get stuck due to the cramped space.

“I really hope the owner can be traced as it was such a big, friendly cat – just happy to be rescued.”

Remove cat before flight

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