Turtles under threat as plastic pollutes oceans

ALL seven of the planet's marine turtles are under threat as our seas turn into a deadly plastic soup.

Loggerhead turtleGETTY

Turtles such as the loggerhead are at risk

Mighty ocean-travelling turtles such as the 1,200-lb loggerhead or six-foot leatherback face horrific deaths and appalling injuries from plastic pollution.

Starving after swallowing plastic bags that block their intestines or being badly cut from getting tangled in man-made debris are two of the many risks turtles face as they journey the oceans. Protecting marine life was one of the driving forces for the new 5p plastic bag surcharge shoppers paying on the high streets.

But a new academic study warns that far more needs to be done to protect the seven species of sea turtle.

Leatherback turtleGETTY

A leatherback sea turtle

The University of Exeter's global review of marine plastic pollution today warns that all seven can ingest or become entangled.

Professor Brendan Godley, who led the team's investigation, said: "When turtles ingest plastic, they can suffer intestinal blockage that can result in malnutrition which can in turn lead to poor health, reduced growth rates, lower reproductive output and even death.

"It is sobering to think that almost every piece of plastic that ever entered the sea is still there; breaking down and forming a vast soup of microplastics that could have frightening long-term repercussions."

Green sea turtleGETTY

A green sea turtle

Plastic production has soared from 1.5 million tonnes to 299 million tonnes since 1950. The durability of the synthetic materials makes them a threat both at sea and on the shoreline.

Getting entangled in lost fishing gear or discarded packaging can leave turtles with lacerations or drag them when they are swimming so they drown or starve.

Beach litter can trap nesting females or emerging hatchlings as well as impacting on the crucial temperatures of turtle eggs as they are incubating under the surface of shoreline sediments.

Findings from the University of Exeter's collaborative project with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina State University, Duke University Marine Lab and James Cook University are published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science today and warn of serious knowledge gaps in the way plastic pollution is harming marine life.

Turtle trapped in fishing gearGETTY

A turtle trapped in fishing nets

It is sobering to think that almost every piece of plastic that ever entered the sea is still there

Professor Brendan Godley

Sarah Nelms, from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter's Penryn campus, said: "I was shocked at how little is known about the impacts of plastic on marine turtles. We know that discarded plastic poses a serious threat to wildlife, but this study shows that more research is urgently needed if we are to understand the scale of the problem."

Researchers are calling for further work to investigate the "sub-lethal effects" of plastic ingestion and the associated contamination from chemicals relating to the plastic particles.

They also want to map ingestion and entanglement hotspots and identify the species and ages of turtles most at risk.

The seven species of marine turtle threatened are: green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, flatback sea turtle, olive ridley sea turtle and leatherback sea turtle.

Amazing turtle's eye-view of the Great Barrier Reef

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