Lions in the tower and elephants at the palace: 18th Century royals loved their animals

FROM Elizabeth I’s passion for bear-baiting to George IV’s love affair with Britain’s first giraffe, a new book looks at the history of exotic animals in England

A lion and the Tower of LondonGETTY

Lions were incarcerated in the Tower of London for centuries

Since time immemorial exotic animals have been coming to our shores in extraordinary numbers and varieties – pet popinjays (the now familiar parakeets which are spreading north through England), peacocks (some to be eaten) and bears trained to dance in castles or baited with dogs for the amusement not only of the populace but also of royal personages – Queen Elizabeth I took visiting ambassadors by royal barge down the Thames to the South Bank to enjoy the sport. 

Lions and leopards, the ultimate gift to kings and queens, were incarcerated in the Tower of London from at least the 13th century until 1830 when the Iron Duke of Wellington ordered that the denizens of the Tower be sent to the newly founded and more salubrious surroundings of the Zoological Garden in Regent’s Park, which to this day is a repository for royal gifts. 

The East India Company was ordered to bring birds, deer and other animals from the Far East for James I to be housed in St James’s Park. His pleasure even extended to an elephant and some camels which he ordained were to be kept out of the public eye on his estate at Theobalds in Hertfordshire. 

In the 18th century Queen Charlotte was the happy recipient of no fewer than eight elephants, which were on public view in a paddock near the Queen’s House (the precursor of Buckingham Palace).

She was also given a zebra or “painted ass”. The Queen’s ass made a wonderful butt for the satirists of the day in scurrilous verses and cartoons. 

As the ultimate status symbol exotic animals were hard to beat. Only a few wealthy aristocrats had accommodation secure enough for dangerous animals such as lions or tigers but one such nobleman was the second Duke of Richmond. 

He was so enamoured with his favourite lioness that a life-size statue of her still reclines on the slope above the site of his menagerie at Goodwood in Sussex. 

Another was Clive of India who, to curry favour with the Duke of Marlborough, sent him a tigress which was not an easy animal to deal with. After some delay as to whether to set up a baiting match between bulldogs and Britain’s first tiger, she was transferred to Blenheim Palace but after a few years she was sold and ended her days in a travelling menagerie.

Painting of giraffe and aristocratsIG

The royal family of the 18th Century owned several exotic animals

Lord Clive brought many other animals to England when he retired from India, including nylghai and blackbuck (types of antelope) which he hoped to acclimatise on his Claremont estate in Surrey in order to produce new animals for hunting or for the larder. But his most bizarre experiment was the attempt to breed a new animal, viz a mule which was a cross between a zebra and a donkey. 

The zebra’s reluctance to mate with a mere donkey was finally overcome when some bright spark painted the donkey with black stripes. The resulting foal proved impossible to tame. 

Clive’s successor as Governor of Bengal, Warren Hastings, also brought home some Indian animals, including the first yak ever seen here and some shawl goats in the hope of producing pashmina shawls in Gloucestershire. His dream never materialised. 

In about 1809 when the Duke of Devonshire was “asked by a lady of rank what she should send him from India”, he answered, “nothing smaller than an elephant”. A year or two later he received an order to collect an elephant from the London docks.

King George IVGETTY

King George IV was sent the UK's first live giraffe

Sadi, as she was called, proved to be a great favourite and would perambulate around the gardens of Chiswick House during each of the Duke’s frequently held parties to the enjoyment of the guests. 

The most spectacular royal gift, sent to George IV by the Pasha of Egypt, was the first live giraffe to reach England. 

The poor animal (a young female) was captured in the south of Sudan, carried on camel-back to the Nile, floated down to Alexandria on a barge, quarantined on Malta and then shipped through the Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel all the way to London. 

It was perhaps no surprise that when the giraffe arrived at Windsor Great Park she was not in the best of health. But the King was so happy with his present that he commissioned a painting of the giraffe by the foremost animal artist of the day JL Agasse whose wonderful portrait still hangs in the Royal Collection.

Despite the endeavours of the royal physicians, who declared that the giraffe’s infirmities were a sympathetic reaction to gout in the royal toe, she died. 

Exeter ChangeGETTY

For the price of a shilling the public could see a various animals at the Exeter Change

Heartbroken, the King ordered her body to be stuffed but before she could be resurrected at Windsor Castle he too died. It was not only the wealthy who could enjoy exotic animals, some could be seen by ordinary mortals at fairs up and down the country, and in the early 18th century, the trade in foreign animals and birds became big business.

Travelling “birdmen” brought “parcels” of canaries from southern Germany and Austria to sell in London pubs and dealers began to acquire more and more animals from Holland, brought there by the Dutch East India Company. 

English slaving ships and soldiers and sailors returning from overseas also brought animals to be disembarked on the London docks. Although these animals were always intended for sale some of the dealers realised that money could also be made by charging people to view them. 

Most notable among these new establishments was the menagerie at the Exeter Change – a large building home to small shops and businesses on the Strand in London’s West End. Housed on the building’s first floor, the “exhibition of beasts and birds” opened on April 28, 1788 and for the price of a shilling the public could see “a grand collection of living beasts and birds, selected from Asia, Africa and America”. 

Surrey Zoological gardensGETTY

Surrey Zoological gardens

Vast numbers of animals, including lions and leopards, were crammed into tiny cages. Its first proprietor, Thomas Clark, soon acquired a partner, a travelling showman named Gilbert Pidcock. Clark’s most famous animal was an Indian rhino – its portrait by George Stubbs hangs in the Hunterian Museum in the Royal College of Surgeons. 

Pidcock took the rhino on tour but when they reached Portsmouth it died. The problem then was how to dispose of its vast carcass especially given that “the stench arising from the body was so offensive the Mayor was under the necessity of ordering it to be immediately buried”. 

Two weeks later when Pidcock’s men disinterred the rhino the odour was so noxious it could be smelled more than half a mile away. But nothing daunted Pidcock and he had it stuffed and exhibited it at the Exeter Change. 

The most famous animal at the Exeter Change was an elephant named Chunee, which had been acquired as a calf by Pidcock’s successor, Stephen Polito. 

Chunee grew and grew and soon after Edward Cross took on the management of the menagerie in 1814, the elephant was confined to his cage. Amazingly he tolerated these conditions for nearly 12 years but eventually Chunee could stand it no longer and lost control. 

When he threatened to pull down the bars of his cage Cross brought in a platoon of guardsmen to deal with the elephant but 152 musket shots only infuriated the elephant further. He was eventually killed by a poisoned dart.

For the Exeter Change Chunee’s death marked the beginning of the end for the menagerie. Questions were raised in Parliament as to the appropriateness of housing dangerous animals in the heart of the city and the building was eventually demolished in 1829. 

Not that that deterred Cross. He simply transferred his lions, tigers, camels and birds across the Thames to leafy Kennington where he set up his own zoo – Surrey Zoological Gardens.

To order Menagerie: The History Of Exotic Animals In England by Caroline Grigson, published by Oxford University Press, price £25, please call the Express Bookshop

Family 'sprayed' by a tiger at the zoo

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