Alexa update will see your Amazon Echo able to REMEMBER past conversations

AMAZON is planning a dramatic update for its virtual assistant, Alexa, which will enable the AI to remember important dates and snippets of information you have previously discussed. This is designed to make conversation more natural.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Alexa will soon be able to recall important facts and reminders AMAZON • GETTY

Alexa will soon be able to recall important facts and reminders

Amazon wants its talkative smart assistant to be able to remember.

Alexa will be able to recall information you’ve previously directed her to remember, as well as have more natural conversations no longer require every command to begin with “Alexa”.

The new developments were announced by head of the Alexa Brain group, Ruhi Sarikaya, who spoke at the World Wide Web Conference in Lyon, France earlier this week.

Sarikaya explained that the Alexa Brain initiative is focused on improving the AI assistant’s ability to track context and memory within previous dialogue.

The memory update will be arriving soon in the United States, Sarikaya confirmed.

However, it’s unclear when the upgrade will be rolling-out to Echo owners in the UK.

Amazon is working on a number of improvements to its talkative AI assistant, AlexaGETTY

Amazon is working on a number of improvements to its talkative AI assistant, Alexa

When the update arrives, Alexa will be able to recall any information you have asked her to – and retrieve it later on.

For example, Echo owners might direct Alexa to remember an important date by telling the assistant: “Alexa, remember that Liam’s birthday is June 20th.”

Alexa will then reply, “Okay, I’ll remember that Liam’s birthday is June 20th.”

This allows users to offload important information to Alexa, which makes the virtual assistant more personal.

Google Assistant has had a similar feature for some time.

Like the forthcoming update for Alexa, Google Assistant users can trigger the memory function by saying – "Hey Google, remember that my passport is in the drawer next to the sink".

To retrieve the information, Google Assistant users should ask where, or what they have asked the smart assistant to remember.

For example, you can ask "Hey Google, where is my passport?"

Alexa Brain Group boss Ruhi Sarikaya also revealed that Amazon Echo owners will soon be able to ask Alexa a follow-up question without saying the “Alexa” trigger word again.

At the moment, Amazon Echo users need to start every query with the word “Alexa” to wake the always-on speaker.

The new functionality – dubbed Follow-Up Mode – should make conversation more natural, and allows users to quickly ask for additional information.

Follow-Up Mode is not enabled by default and has to be toggled from within the Alexa companion smartphone app.

Alexa-enabled hardware like Echo, Echo Dot, and Echo Spot will give users five seconds after it has answered an initial query to ask a follow-up.

Echo owners will soon be able to continue a conversation with Alexa without using the wake wordAPPLE • AMAZON

Echo owners will soon be able to continue a conversation with Alexa without using the wake word

During this brief window the ring of blue lights on the smart speakers will be lit to indicate that it's still listening.

The new mode is smart enough to parse through what is being said in the room – only activating when it hears an interrogative.

In other words, Amazon Echo owners don’t have to stay deathly silent for five seconds after the question has been answered for fear of asking Alexa something accidentally.

Echo owners can end the conversation at any point by saying "thank you" or "stop”.

It's a small improvement, but the fact users no longer need to say “Alexa” before every question or command makes conversations with Alexa feel less robotic and more human.

But despite the slew of new functionality coming to Alexa, Sarikaya notes there is still a lot of work left ahead.

Amazon Echo introduces talking smart speaker Alexa

He told the World Wide Web Conference in France, “We have many challenges still to address, such as how to scale these new experiences across languages and different devices, how to scale skill arbitration across the tens of thousands of Alexa skills, and how to measure experience quality.

“Additionally, there are component-level technology challenges that span automatic speech recognition, spoken language understanding, dialog management, natural language generation, text-to-speech synthesis, and personalisation.”

“Skills arbitration, context carryover and the memory feature are early instances of a class of work Amazon scientists and engineers are doing to make engaging with Alexa more friction-free,” Sarikaya added.

“We’re on a multi-year journey to fundamentally change human-computer interaction, and as we like to say at Amazon, it’s still Day 1.”

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