How much would YOU pay to never lose anything again?

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TILE is a bite-size tracker that keeps an eye on your house keys, wallet, bicycle – or your car. But peace of mind comes with a hefty price tag.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Tile can be attached to your house keys, and lets you track their location from an appEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Tile attaches to your house keys, and lets you track their location from an app

Tile is a nifty little bluetooth tracking device that aims to help you keep an eye on your possessions.

The bite-size piece of plastic will have many absent-minded gadget fans jumping for joy.

After a simple set-up process, smartphone owners are able to track their keys, wallet or bicycle from the app.

The Tile has a tiny 90 decibel alarm built into its waterproof frame and this can be triggered from within the app to help you track down your lost item.

If you don't want to sound the alarm – there's a hot/cold indicator within the app that guides you the last few steps to your Tile.

And if you lose your phone, you can press a small button inside the Tile to trigger an alarm on your device – even if it is set to silent.

The Tile trackers can be dropped into bags, or attached to bikes using stickers – sold separately TILE

The Tile trackers can be dropped into bags, or attached to bikes using stickers – sold separately

The Tile app has a map which shows the last known location on your bluetooth tracker. 

This is updated in the background, although it didn't appear to have too much of an impact on battery life of the smartphone.

In our tests, the Tile always worked well and helped us track down our keys from the side of the sofa on a number of occasions.

Granted, this type of tracking tile is nothing new with other companies producing similar keyring-style alarms.

But Tile stands out thanks to the implementation of the community.

Tile - the world's largest lost and found - wallet finder and key tracker app

If your bluetooth tracker is out of range of your smartphone, then the pint-sized gadget will anonymously use other Tile users – who are close enough to hold a bluetooth connection – to find it.

Tile’s powerful Community Find feature has recovered lost and stolen cars, motorcycles, jewellery, pets, and of course, pesky keys that get dropped in between the couch cushions or stuck in the fridge somehow.

This works as the app can anonymously update the location of a lost Tile anywhere in the world, so as a Tile member gets near a lost item an alert is automatically sent to its owner.

If this all sounds great – that's because it is. 

But there are a few problems with Tile. Firstly, there's the price – each Tile will set you back a hefty £20.

The app includes a hot/cold indicator to guide you the final few steps to your tracker EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

The app includes a hot/cold indicator to guide you the final few steps to your tracker

That's an expensive way to keep an eye on your possessions. And it gets worse.

The Tile is a sealed unit, which ensures it is completely water resistant – an incredibly useful feature if the tracker is attached to your bike. But it also means you cannot replace the battery.

Once the battery dies, you will have to replace the Tile with a new one. 

Tile says any replacement units will be sold at a discount via a service called ReTile, so users don't have to pay full price each year to keep tracking their gadgets.

Unfortunately, the service hasn't launched in the UK yet, so the exact discount is unknown.

Even if the replacement devices are half price, you're still looking at an initial outlay of £80 and an annual bill of some £40 to track your keys, wallet, bike and laptop.

Our other issue with Tile is that there are not enough adopters around the UK yet.

Finding a lost Tile in central London is a cinch – but out in the sticks, it can be a little trickier.

That's not a problem if you live in a bustling metropolitan area, but you might want to reconsider your Tile order if you struggle to get 4G signal in your home – let alone a thriving community of nearby Tile owners.

Final Verdict –

There's no doubt that Tile is a nifty – and very useful – little tracker.

It's saved us a number of headaches by quickly pointing out lost keys and wallets.

The app is simple and well-designed, as is the hardware.

But the hefty price tag and one-year battery life are major issues and the key to Tile's success rests on enough people joining its community.

Tile's boss, Mike Farley, is confident of its future saying: “Tile reduces this time wasted and ensures valuables are in arms reach, at all times, at the touch of a button.

"We are excited about bringing the location-of-things to the UK and working with our customers to expand the Tile community across the UK and into Europe.”

He might be right, but you'll just have to decide whether finding your keys is worth some £20 a year.

  • Tile's smartphone app is available for free on Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store.

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