Stop daddy long leg spiders from entering your home with popular essential oil

September is primetime for daddy long legs to make their way into your home, but you can prevent them from doing so.

By Chanelle Georgina, Senior Reporter

Daddy long legs spider in its web,

Daddy long legs come into the home in September (Image: Getty)

Daddy long legs, also known as crane flies, are attracted to the light coming from our homes as the evening draw in closer.

While refraining from lighting your home in the evening is a step too far, using a certain pleasant scent could deter daddy long legs from entering your home.

Experts at D-Termination Pest Control said daddy long legs prefer "dark and damp" environments, so they're likely to be in basements, attics and even bathrooms.

One annoying thing about daddy long legs is that tend to build messy cobwebs around the home.

D-Termination Pest Control warned: "If left unchecked, insect eggs from these spiders can multiply rapidly and establish a large population within your living space.

Daddy Long Legs Spider

Daddy long legs make webs in corners (Image: Getty)

"If they manage to reach your pantry or kitchen cabinets where food items are stored, they might contaminate them with their excrement or debris from their webs."

One effective essential oil that acts as a great repellent is peppermint oil; this is because of its strong odour.

D-Termination Pest Control elaborated: "Certain scents are highly repulsive to these arachnids due to their sensitive olfactory receptors.

"Peppermint oil is particularly effective at repelling spiders due to its strong odour that they find displeasing."

Peppermint essential oil in a small bottle

Peppermint essential oil could deter daddy long legs (Image: Getty)

The instruction is to "mix 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and generously spritz it in areas where you’ve seen spiders or suspect their presence".

It's best to spray peppermint oil on corners of the house, baseboards, and entry points.

Alternative essential oils to consider include lavender, tea tree, or citrus oils "known for their spider-deterring properties".

While essential oils can be effective, if the problem persists, it may be necessary to explore other options.

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