Instantly remove mould from window frames with ‘saviour’ 99p item cleaning fan raves over

With many households facing condensation at this time of year, it often results in mould forming around window frames. This makes them look unsightly and can lead to health problems. To remedy this, there is a "saviour" product that works "instantly", according to one Facebook user.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Find out how to remove mould from the window seal in minutes

Windows typically give the optimal conditions for growth during cold and wet spells.

that forms on windows can drip down onto the windowsill, providing mould spores with the moist environment they need to grow.

Window frames covered in dirt, dust and dead bugs or made from wood means that there is more than enough organic material for mould to feed off. 

To make it worse, curtains and blinds when shut can even trap in moist, humid air.

Households will find that mould can grow very quickly in these conditions and soon spread to the nearby walls, curtains, and blinds.

Condensation and window mould

Condensation dripping causes mould to form (Image: Getty)

Finding herself “disgusted” by the state of her window frame, one woman set about them with a popular spray that she soon discovered to be a “saviour”.

Taking to the Mrs Hinch Army Cleaning Tips Facebook page, Shania Haskin wrote: “Disgusted to say this was the frame of my bedroom window. 

“Tested out a Mould and mildew spray from Astonish and it is a saviour. It worked almost instantly!”

Woman's hands in gloves cleaning mould off a window frame with a detergent

Woman hails Astonish Mould and Mildew spray as “saviour” item (Image: Getty)

Shania also shared before and after pictures of her window frame. In the first photo the frame was covered in black mould and in the second, there were no traces left behind.

Astonish's mould and mildew spray is a popular product for removing mould from a range of areas around the home.

It’s also cheap to pick up as it retails online for 99p at Green’s Essential or in stores at B and M for £1.19.

How to use white vinegar for cleaning

How to use white vinegar for cleaning (Image: EXPRESS)

For those looking to go down the natural route, can be effective at removing window mould, according to the experts at Green Match.

To do so, start by adding white vinegar to a spray bottle and apply it generously over the mould.

As the vinegar “needs time to break up the mould”, it is recommended to leave it for one hour to sit.

Once the time is up, with an old toothbrush scrub away the mould and wipe the surface down with warm water and dry the area.

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