‘Special formula’ that ‘kills 99.9% of bacteria’ at 20C - common ‘laundry myths’ to avoid

There are so many myths, hacks and genuine stories to be had when it comes to laundry. So much so, deciding what's fact and fiction can be a nightmare - might even be a costly one too.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Lynsey Queen of Clean shares her laundry tip

Many of the tips households have picked up over the years about how to get clothes extra clean were passed on to them by their parents, and come from a time when products and laundry routines were very different from today. Therefore, it is time to take another look at some of these persistent myths to separate fact from fiction. Experts at Dettol have shared their top four l myths to avoid and how to remedy them.

1. Water below 60 degrees doesn’t kill germs, it needs to be hot

Not all clothes and items can be washed in extreme temperatures because they’ll get damaged. 

More bacteria survive at lower temperature washing, which is something more people are doing to save energy. 

There is some truth to this myth as even washing at 60 degrees, some harmful bacteria can survive on your clothes and spread to other items in your washing machine.

However, it is not entirely true if Britons follow this “easy solution” as hot water alone won’t clean all the bacteria off your clothes, you usually need a special laundry cleaner to do this. 


laundry myths

Bacteria can survive at 60° - use ‘special formula’ that ‘kills 99.9% of bacteria’ at 20° (Image: GETTY)

The experts said: “Dettol Laundry Sanitiser has a special formula that kills 99.9 percent of bacteria, even as low as 20 degrees. Just pop two capfuls into your wash to save clothes from bacteria and energy costs, at once."

2. Detergent is enough to remove bacteria from clothes

Most people save energy by washing at low temperatures, relying on detergent to kill dirt and germs. 

The experts argued: “But without a sanitiser, not all bacteria die. Germs can multiply, spread between the different items, and create a germ soup in your washing machine.”

Many clothing items can pick up dirt and grime even on a normal day so it can be beneficial to wash them with disinfectant regularly to ensure they are fully clean and bacteria-free.


3. The more soap you use the cleaner your clothes

Believe it or not, the opposite is true, according to the laundry pros. Excess detergent may sound like the perfect solution to cure all the caked-on dirt that’s covering your laundry. But, sadly, too much detergent isn’t going to be the solution.

The experts explained: “If you use more soap than is recommended, the suds might not get fully washed out of your clothes during the rinse cycle. 

“This can be a big problem, as odour-causing bacteria are likely to thrive if any of the soap remains on your clothing after it’s been washed. Unfortunately, the results aren’t going to be very hygienic or fragrant.”

To get rid of this problem you have to re-wash the clothes without detergent, which is needless extra work. 


Person turning dial on washing machine

Laundry myth: Water below 60 degrees doesn’t kill germs, it needs to be hot (Image: Getty)

Pouring washing liquid in washing machine

Laundry myth: The more soap you use the cleaner your clothes (Image: Getty)

Plus, you may have to clean the washing machine out because of all the potential excess foam that’s been created. If you don’t manage this situation as soon as possible you may also end up with a blocked hose.

4. You don’t need to clean your washing machine

It’s very easy to assume that because you wash dirty clothes in the washing machine, and then all of those clothes come out clean, that you don’t need to wash your washing machine at all. It’s just as simple to assume that laundry detergent cleans the appliance out too.

But, this way of thinking is actually wrong. Experts say washing machines can be a “bacteria haven”, thanks to low-temperature washing. 

While your washing machine may look clean it is, in fact, probably riddled with all manners of dirt. 

Cleaning washing machine

Laundry myth: You don’t need to clean your washing machine (Image: Getty)

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They said: “Bacteria grows in the machine’s rubber seals, spreading during the unheated rinse cycle.”

If you don’t actually clean your washing machine out, using the proper tools and products, it will in time start to degrade and smell. 

Eventually, parts will completely stop working and your washing machine will no longer work. 

According to the pros, it’s “easy to solve”. They advised: “Wash with just Dettol Washing Machine Cleaner every two months to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria.

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