‘Too overwhelming!’ Follow the ’70/30 rule’ to avoid ‘biggest decor mistake’

When it comes to curating a beautiful home, there are a lot of little things that have to come together to create the perfect space. But sometimes, knowing what not to do can be just as helpful as knowing all the rules.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Styled UK share tips on best interior colour combinations

With searches for “interior design trends 2023” on the rise, people are already looking for ways to refresh their in the new year. But, with countless Pinterest boards and influencers providing inspiration, it can be all too easy to make quick design decisions. Snap decisions based on something seen online can often lead to regret if it does not suit someone’s style or requirements long-term. Interior design experts Lucy Henderson and Milena Vallier at My Bespoke Room have shared five of the most common design mistakes they see time and time again and top tips on how to avoid them.

Lucy Henderson, Head of Design at My Bespoke Room said: “We have clients that come to us and they’ve created a space but it really doesn’t feel like them. They’ve maybe been influenced by someone else's home or somebody’s house they’ve seen on social media.

"Although, it’s virtually impossible not to get influenced by all the styles we see around, you need to take your time to consider what you enjoy and how you want your house to feel - unless you want to constantly be updating your home.”

1. Not having a clear vision 

Starting a design project without first making a plan is like driving to an unknown location without looking at a map. People might get to where they want to go in the end, but you will make a lot of wrong turns along the way.

While not all design projects will require scale drawings and a full set of specs, households should always establish a few guidelines before they begin. No matter the size of their project, following a consistent design style and colour palette will ensure the space feels cohesive.


Home decor to avoid

‘End result looks like a real mess!’ ‘Biggest decor mistake’ household need to ‘avoid’ (Image: GETTY)

This common mistake often happens when people rush into a room transformation right away without a clear vision of what they want the end result to look like.

The experts said: “People tend to design their spaces from details upwards rather than the other way around, but we would always suggest having a very holistic approach to the design to avoid the final results looking disjointed.

“Mood boards are a wonderful way of creating a design scheme for a room and we would always advise having one before starting a project.”

2. Buying the wrong sized furniture

Another common design mistake, and one that many are guilty of making, is buying furniture that’s the wrong size for the room. When space calculations are made without accurately measuring the room size and big purchase decisions are made based on loose measurements, then there are chances of it becoming a regrettable decision. 


The experts said: “This can really alter a space, for example a banquet-size dining table in a small room will only make it feel smaller. Equally a tiny sofa in a lofty space will look comical. Make sure you measure up correctly and use a floor plan to be certain before you buy. Don’t spend lots of money on huge items before you know if they will fit.”

3. Trying to mix too many different styles

With so many styles out there, it can be overwhelming when deciding how you want a room to look and feel, from contemporary to art deco to maximalism and thousands more decor styles there’s lots to take inspiration from but having too much of a mix “can lead to the end result looking like a real mess”, warned the pros.

They said: “This is one of the biggest decor mistakes we see regularly, one trick for mixing styles together is the 70/30 rule so to use about 70 percent of the space in one style and then add the 30 percent of a different style. For example, you could spice up a very traditional space with a few contemporary pieces.

4. Not having enough contrast

Not having enough contrast in your home decor can make a space dull and flat, which can then reflect on one’s mood. Contrast is key to highlight certain features in a room.


Modern scandinavian living room interior - 3d render

Not having enough contrast in your home decor can make a space dull and flat (Image: Getty)

The interior designers explained: “It’s largely about colour but contrast can be achieved whether you’re mixing shades or adding texture with different materials or plants. Contrast is key to adding depth to your space.

“For example, in a neutral scheme, natural elements can make a lovely contrast without being too overwhelming.”

Plus, having contrasting pieces rather than matching decor sets will make it easy to swap out a piece when it’s time for a change.

5. Relying on trends 

Many love an interior trend, but they can come and go very quickly, so if you’re too quick to buy into a fad, you may then realise too late that it’s not really your style. 

Modern living room interior - 3d render

Households should plan how best to incorporate their decor choices (Image: Getty)

Relying heavily on trends can actually have a negative impact on how Britons feel in their homes, cautioned the experts.

They insisted: “Your home should be unique to you so use trends as inspiration rather than a strict formula to follow.”

Design is essentially a reflection of who you are from within, your tastes and preferences, and choices—your roots. Homeowners may update their design preferences occasionally, but they may soon get bored of a quick trend once it has passed. 

So instead, households should plan how best to incorporate their decor choices, like their favourite piece of art or indoor plants and any element that’d have their personal touch, and make the space their own. 

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