‘World’s ugliest colour’ to avoid painting your kitchen - ‘decreases property value’

CHOOSING the right kitchen paint colours can be a tough decision as tones you choose will likely be a part of your home for several years. To avoid making a mistake with the wrong colour, experts have shared which three to steer clear of.

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Angel Adoree shares her tips for painting walls

Colours can evoke many feelings within people that can cause changes in their mood. So, when it comes to modern-day designs, the right choice in the room’s paint colour can have major impacts on the occupants. The right colour can vastly enhance the space, making it a more inviting atmosphere, whereas the wrong shade can put a dampener on everyone’s spirits. When deciding on the best colour, homeowners should keep this in mind so they can avoid colours that may result in a less-than-welcoming kitchen experience.

Here are some of the things that experts at Andrew Picone Painting & Paperhanging have to say about the worst colours for today’s kitchens.


One of the first colours the painting pros suggested to avoid was eggshell. This is surprising as neutral tones are said to be the safest colour options for any room of a house.

While eggshell can feel like a safe choice that will stand the test of time, the expert warned that it can leave kitchens looking boring and lifeless.

The experts said: “In the past, eggshell was a reliable, go-to colour for kitchens across the country. 


Kitchen paint colours to avoid

‘Avoid at all costs!’ Kitchen paint colours to never use - rooms appear ‘bland and dated’ (Image: GETTY)

“Considered a very safe paint hue, eggshell was even a real estate industry favourite for many years, with numerous estate agents advising homeowners to use this neutral colour throughout the home if they wanted to quickly sell it and appeal to more buyers.

“However, as time has progressed eggshell has become an outdated colour, reminiscent of a bygone era. Today, eggshell can make a kitchen look bland and dated. 

“This colour is now considered a shade that is lacking in personality and it should be avoided at all costs in today’s kitchen spaces.”

Instead opt for a riskier but stylish shade that makes one feel happy while making their kitchen pop.


Dark shades of grey 

As may be expected, the colour grey is often characterised as a gloomy colour that may not be the best fit for a kitchen. The experts noted that “this is especially true for darker shades of grey”.

They said: “Dark grey including slates and even off-black colours are not recommended for the kitchen. While grey is a modern colour that is trending for other areas of today’s homes, this colour does not elicit the most welcoming of experiences when it comes to kitchen decor. 

“In fact, dark grey is known to have the opposite effect and can result in an uninviting experience.

“Kitchens are typically gathering spaces where family and friends can prepare, cook, and share meals. There is no worse way to enjoy a delicious meal than in a room that is dark, glum, and inhospitable.”


A paint can filled with grey paint

Dark grey is often characterised as a gloomy colour that may not be the best fit for a kitchen (Image: GETTY)

With kitchens being a place where people have a focus on things being sterile and safe, this shade can almost feel a little bit grimy and dirty.


The shade Pantone 448C is a mix between brown and green but is described by many as “drab dark brown”. The painting experts said: “Voted as the world’s ugliest paint colour, Pantone 448C is bad news for kitchens. 

“This colour, having been likened to dirt and grime, is a colour in the green-brown family that researchers have found even elicits feelings of danger within test subjects. 

“As a colour that reduces the appeal of kitchens, it should be avoided, especially if the homeowner is trying to sell their home. This is because pantone decreases the value of the property because of its unattractive qualities.” 

The shade Pantone 448C is a mix between brown and green but is described by many as “drab dark brown”

The shade Pantone 448C is bad news for kitchens (Image: GETTY)

The shade has even been dubbed cringeworthy at best and has been used in smoking cessation programs to get smokers to kick their cigarette habits.

The decorating pros added: “This is one colour that should never be used to cover the four walls of a kitchen.”

A study from PriceYourJob.co.uk found that brown can clash with wooden furniture and make a space feel uninviting. 

If homeowner do want to add earthy brown tones to their property, softer shades of brown are a good alternative.

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