How to clean solar panels: Best method to keep energy generation ‘at its maximum’

SOLAR panels are one of the most popular forms of energy generation, with around 970,000 UK homes known to have installed them. While making sure the panels get plenty of sunlight is crucial for generating as much green energy as possible, experts at Deege Solar also highlighted the importance of keeping them clean.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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The cost of is going up at an alarming rate in the UK, though the cost of solar panels has decreased by as much as 82 percent in the past decade, according to The Eco Experts. While the fall in prices is making it easier than ever to install these energy-generating panels in British homes, few people know the right way to maintain them for maximum energy generation. is just one crucial task that keeps solar panels working to their full potential, but what’s the safest and most efficient way to do it?

Solar photovoltaic systems (PV systems) are renewable energy technology that transforms the energy from the sun into electricity using photovoltaics (solar panels).

When these panels get dirty, they become more than just an eye sore and can even reduce efficiency by as much as 15 percent, according to the experts at Deege Solar.

The company said: “As bird droppings, dust, pollution, and tree sap start to cover your panels, sunlight can no longer reach the solar cells.

“Essentially, dirty panels have the same impact on a solar PV system as shading does.

“By making sure your solar panels are clean, your solar generation will always be at its maximum.”

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Men cleaning solar panels

How to clean solar panels: Best method to keep energy generation ‘at its maximum’ (Image: GETTY)

Man cleaning solar panels on roof of van

Cleaning solar panels isn't always easy on high roofs and should be saved for a professional (Image: GETTY)

How to clean solar panels

The two key signs that your solar panels need cleaning will show in the performance of your PV system, or simply by looking at them.

A monitoring system will show irregularities in the energy generation, while surface debris is very easy to spot with a quick glance.

Roof-mounted solar panels should always be cleaned by a professional as they are hard to access safely without causing damage.However, if your solar panels are ground mounted or easily accessible, there are a few ways to clean them yourself.

Cleaning solar panels

A squeegee is an essential tool for a seamless finish (Image: GETTY)

Safety first

Before attempting to clean dirty panels, it is essential to ensure that you have shut down the system completely.

The instructions to do this should be provided upon installation.

Deege Solar warned that homeowners should remember that the roof cabling will still be live and can carry dangerous voltages, so cleaning should not be attempted if there is any damaged or exposed cabling.

They added that damage should be reported immediately to a solar panel professional who will be able to resolve the issue.

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Man wiping solar panels with cloth

Solar panels can become easily damaged if cleaned with the wrong items (Image: GETTY)

Avoid harsh cleansers

Applying high pressure water or abrasive substances onto solar panels may appear to be a quick and easy fix, but it is likely to cause more harm than good.

Using anything that will scratch the panels or damage the silicon seams could also invalidate your warranty, so it is always advisable to keep it simple while cleaning.

According to the experts at Deege Solar, the best tools to use for cleaning solar panels include a water-fed pole with a soft brush, combined with a squeegee.

They said: “You can water your solar panels using a hose on a low-pressure setting, scrub off the dirt with a soft brush and then squeegee the surface dry.”

Avoid hot weather

The technique isn’t the only thing you need to master for cleaning solar panels.

In fact, timing is also crucial if you want gleaming results.

The team at Deege Solar said: “Cleaning your solar panels on a hot day will result in leaving smudges all over your panels.

“This is because the sun will evaporate the water too quickly.”

Instead, it is best to get it done either early in the morning, or late in the evening.

An overcast day is also useful for achieving a seamless finish while cleaning your solar panels.

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