Baking soda for cleaning: Top 10 ways to use baking soda around your home - ‘amazing’

BAKING SODA is a nifty powder, often found forgotten about in our cupboards. While your first thought may be giving cakes a beautiful rise, there are several things baking soda can clean in a pinch. Here are the top 10 ways to use baking soda for cleaning.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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is available to purchase in most supermarkets, and despite the name, its use is not only limited to baking. While the alkaline powder does give a fluffy rise for bread, cakes and more - it also works to lift grime, remove stains and deodorise even the most pungent of odours.

The internet is often awash with cleaning tips, and it can be hard to sift between the helpful and useless.

However, one Reddit user put together a selection of tips for using baking soda around your home, dubbing the inexpensive product “amazing”.

With more and more of us looking to cut down on plastic, use natural products and save money - turning to natural cleaners like baking soda, white vinegar and even lemons is one way to do so.

So read on for the top 10 ways to use baking soda around your home.

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Baking soda for cleaning: Baking soda cleaning tips

Baking soda for cleaning: Top 10 ways to use baking soda around your home - ‘amazing’ (Image: GETTY)

1. Grout and mould cleaner

If you look close enough at your kitchen or bathroom tiles, you may spot some dirt, grime or even mould.

This is quite common, and luckily there’s an easy way to get your tiles looking as good as new.

You will need to mix up a thick paste of baking soda and water, by adding small amounts of water at a time to a bowl of baking soda.

Then apply this to your grout and areas affected by mould areas - like your sink, grout, toilet and shower.

Next, let this sit for two to three hours.

Rinse off with fresh warm water, you may need to rub a little to shift the paste but your tiles should look fresh and clean.

Baking soda for cleaning: laundry

Baking soda for cleaning: Baking soda added to your laundry can freshen, kill bacteria and soften (Image: GETTY)

2. Cleaning your mattress

While we change our sheets regularly, often our mattress can be an afterthought.

To freshen your mattress, simply sprinkle baking soda over it and leave to sit for a few hours.

Baking soda removes odours and will leave your mattress feeling fresher.

Grab your vacuum, and suck up the remaining powder.

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3. Shifting carpet stains

We’ve all spilt a glass of wine, juice or coffee on our carpet and immediately cursed ourselves for it.

However, you can remove stains with just baking soda and warm water.

Sprinkle baking soda over the affected area, then spritz with warm water.

Keep the area damp and allow to sit for around two hours.

Then allow to dry and hoover up the powder, the stain should have gone!

Baking soda for cleaning: Baking soda bowl

Baking soda for cleaning: Add a bowl of baking soda to your fridge to absorb smells (Image: GETTY)

4. Blocked sinks

If you’re struggling with a blocked or slow draining sink and don’t want to splash out on chemical cleaners - simply use baking soda and white vinegar.

First, boil a full pot of water and pour this down the sink.

Then pour a cup of baking soda and a half and half white vinegar and water solution.

Cover with the plug and allow to sit for five to 10 minutes.

Then pour another pot of boiling water down the drain and voila!

5. Stop smelly fridges

We’ve all left that bit of cheese in the fridge for too long, or realised too late our milk had gone out of date, leaving behind a pong in the fridge which can be hard to shift.

Baking soda is an ideal odour absorber, and so simply pour a little into a bowl and sit in the middle of your fridge.

After a few hours this will have absorbed the smells and left your fridge fresh.

Baking soda for cleaning: Baking soda pans

Baking soda for cleaning: Baked on pans stand no chance against baking soda (Image: GETTY)

Baking soda for cleaning: Dog bed cleaning

Baking soda for cleaning: Freshen dog beds with a sprinkle of baking soda and hoovering (Image: GETTY)

6. Laundry

Adding baking soda to your laundry load can help regulate your washer’s PH levels.

Baking soda also acts as a natural fabric softener, fights odours and can boost detergent performance.

Simply add half a cup of baking soda to your regular wash to see the benefits!

7. Burned/ baked-on pans

There’s no greater satisfaction than making a meal from scratch and have the whole family enjoy it!

However the clean up is less than desirable, and if you’ve burnt your pans it may take days to remove the grime.

Instead, sprinkle baking soda over the offending pan, and then spritz with white vinegar.

You should see this mixture start to fizz - leave for around 15 minutes and then clean as normal.

You should see the baked on grime shift much easier!

8. Cleaning fruit and vegetables

Have you noticed your fresh fruit and veg have a waxy coating, or do they just seem a bit dirty?

Mix some baking soda with water and wash your fruit and veg in it to remove this.

9. Freshen old sponges

All of us are guilty of not switching our sponges as often as we should - however there is a nifty trick to revive them.

Soak the offending sponge in a mixture of baking soda and warm water to revive them, remove smells and freshen.

10. Tackle smelly pet beds

We love our pets, and they love their beds however these can pick up odours and begin to smell over time.

To freshen, sprinkle over some baking soda and leave to sit for around 15 minutes.

Then hoover the bed and it should be smelling as good as new!

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