Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Tuesday, October 15

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign opting for honesty, while another shouldn't bow to pressure. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

Couple embracing the zodiac

Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Even if you have been holding some things back to prevent hurting someone’s feelings, it doesn’t seem to be working as now they are suspicious of you. Being direct is more likely to strengthen your connections. Honesty will clarify where everyone stands.


Harmonious relationships at home will have a positive effect on your emotional and psychological health. What you really need now, is to achieve the same sort of accord within your working relationships. If your professional life was less stressful you would have less to worry about.


Even during your work hours, your thoughts will be wandering to exciting new possibilities, distant lands and unexplored horizons. Your aim should be not to settle into a dull routine so you don’t miss out on the incredible opportunities that are now around you.


You have a natural understanding of what other people need and how you can help them. Even so, you need to set limits with those who refuse to help themselves. It is occasionally necessary to take a step back. There is someone in your life, for instance, who needs to learn to take accountability for their own choices.


You feel a strong pull towards your home and family responsibilities. These are the areas of your life that require your attention. This may mean having to decline social invitations in order to prioritise more important matters but you will have the support of those who are closest to you.


Refuse to let anyone pressure you into making a big decision. Trust your instincts on the right path to take. If you’re wary of taking on more responsibilities, listen to the warnings of your inner voice. Consider cutting back on hours instead of taking on more.

Signs of the zodiac

Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)


You’re in a position to share some friendly advice with someone who is struggling. They will appreciate it especially when they see tangible results from your suggestions. When looking to the future you have a good idea of what you want to achieve. You also have something wonderful in mind that involves a bit of self-pampering.


Your relaxed attitude and carefree spirit is having a positive influence on those in your circle. With changes on the horizon, your sharp intuition will guide you to seize any chance you get to increase your earnings or advance your career.


You will quickly leave behind the quiet mood that greets you in the morning as a sudden desire to venture out into the world takes over. Even if you’re unsure of your next move, you know you have plenty of energy to spare and you aren’t going to waste it.

Hands clasping the zodiac

Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)


A colleague who usually keeps to themselves will reach out to you for advice. They may need help in overcoming problems in a career project. You are able to provide more assistance than you realise. Your help will ease their burdens. Take pride in your accomplishments.


Sometimes, without any explanation, you feel an amazing sense of joy and freedom washing over you. Embrace this feeling and let go of all your worries, doubts and thoughts about obligations. Take advantage of this refreshing energy that surrounds you, even if it’s just for a day.


In order to get around the obstacles being put in your way by a stubborn workmate or relative you may have to try out different strategies. While you won’t disregard joint commitments, you might take the opportunity to concentrate on personal goals when you have some privacy.

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