Father Christmas has dementia in TV advert for Alzheimer's Research UK

A HEARTBREAKING new dementia campaign for Alzheimer's UK has launched today, in which Christmas is cancelled when Father Christmas develops the condition.

What if Santa forgot? Heartbreaking Christmas campaign from Alzheimers Research

Alzheimer’s Research UK is unveiling an animation that imagines a world where the magic of the festive season has been lost because Father Christmas is living with the effects of the  disease.

Santa Forgot highlights the varied symptoms in an attempt to hammer home the message that the diseases causing it, most commonly Alzheimer’s, strike indiscriminately and can affect anyone, even Father Christmas. 

The cartoon features a young girl called Freya as its central character who has grown-up in a world where Santa has stopped visiting on Christmas Eve. 

On learning about his condition she travels to the North Pole where she offers her support.

She re-mobilises the redundant elves as researchers in the belief that “if Santa has a disease, research can find a way to fix it”.

Alzheimer's Research UK: Father christmas and Stephen FryGETTY/SG

Alzheimer's Research UK: Stephen Fry has leant his his voice to a new Alzheimer's awareness campaign

Stephen FryGETTY

Comic Fry has backed the campaign by Alzheimer's Research UK

The film is made by Aardman Animations, the makers of the Wallace and Gromit, and narrated by Stephen Fry.

I hope Santa Forgot gives people two minutes to think about the impact of dementia

Liz Ayre

Its central message is that only with world leading research and innovative thinking can the diseases which cause dementia be defeated.

Hilary Evans of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Santa Forgot is a poignant and powerful reminder dementia doesn’t discriminate. 

“We have to be provocative about dementia to help fight misconceptions and fatalism around the condition and to demonstrate that pioneering research holds the answers.

"Santa is an important cultural figure, but the idea he too could be affected drives home the point that dementia can strike those most special in our lives.”


In the animation a little girl asks her dad what happened to Father Christmas

Dementia is now so widespread the incurable brain illness has replaced heart disease as the leading cause of death in England and Wales.

Last year it claimed the lives of 61,686 people - almost 12 per cent of all deaths - the majority of which were women.

Liz Ayre lost her husband Mike to early-onset Alzheimer’s in 2013 aged 51. Their daughter Ciana, 21, voices Freya in the animation. 

What is Alzheimer's disease?


The film was created by Aardman Animations

Mrs Ayre said: “If we’re ever going to change how society views, or often ignores, dementia, we have to be a bit confrontational and challenge people’s misconceptions.

"I hope Santa Forgot gives people two minutes to think about the impact of dementia this Christmas and be inspired by how we can change the future with research.

"I’m proud my family has been involved in the campaign and to hear Ciana bring Freya’s voice to life in the animation is a special moment for us and a great tribute to Mike.”

• To watch the film visit https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y9pd6F7Wojk

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