Do you live in fear of dementia? 80 per cent of over-55s do

DEMENTIA is the illness millions of Britons fear the most, research has revealed.

Worried man in 50sGETY

Most people over 55 are living in fear

The dread of conditions like Alzheimer’s is such that eight in 10 over-55s admit to being terrified of being struck down. And 76 per cent of 18 to 24 year olds say the same.

Concern over the incurable illness has grown so much that they fear it more than cancer, heart attacks or a stroke. The disturbing picture of a nation gripped by fear comes after it was revealed one in three people born this year is expected to develop the condition.

Experts estimate that by 2050 more than two million will be affected. It has been more than a decade since the last treatment for dementia was licensed in the UK but none is able to stop or slow it.

Care home during drawing activityGETTY

Many people with dementia require constant care

Jeremy Hughes, of the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “With our social care system in crisis and limited treatments available it’s no surprise people’s concerns are increasing as they become more aware of the impact of dementia.”

The crisis facing the UK prompted one carer to set up Britain’s first “marketplace” to give the growing number of families stricken by the illness access to information to help them cope.

The big one is that it’s about memory loss but it affects every single aspect of life

Carer James Ashwell

James Ashwell cared for his mother Fay for seven years after she developed dementia at the age of 54, saying the condition “turned my life upside down”. Today he will launch the online resource to shatter misconceptions.

James, 34, from Birmingham, said: “The big one is that it’s about memory loss but it affects every single aspect of life. There is no cure, you go downhill fast, end up losing your speech, ability to eat, suffer double incontinence and eventually paraplegia.”

Public concern about dementia has increased by a quarter since 2012, the research commissioned by shows. The condition affects 850,000 people in the UK and costs £26billion a year to treat.

A man receiving a CT scanGETTY

Treating dementia costs £26billion a year

Elderly woman looks at cameraGETTY

850,000 people in the UK suffer from some form of dementia

It is caused by diseases, most commonly Alzheimer’s, resulting in the loss of brain cells, impairing mental function. Telltale symptoms include memory loss, confused thinking, speech and difficulty problem-solving.

It is progressive, meaning it worsens over time with walking and swallowing eventually affected. Professor Christian Holscher, a leading Alzheimer’s researcher, said: “It is high time funding for developing new treatments for Alzheimer’s is much increased.

“The risk of developing it has increased over the decades as people have a higher life expectancy, but no new treatments have been developed for over 15 years. This is a ticking time bomb and a small investment today to develop a cure will save billions tomorrow.”

Susan Drayton, of Dementia UK, said: “We’re not surprised by the report saying more Britons than ever are worried. We urge people not to shy away from understanding more about the condition.”

Dementia - The Facts

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