When is flu jab available from?

FLU JABS are annually given to those most at risk of developing severe illness from flu. This year the scheme has expanded to include double the number of vaccinations. But when is the flu jab available from?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Flu jab: Eligible groups in UK set to be 'expanded' reveals expert

or vaccinations take place each year, and priority is given to those most at risk of developing severe illness or complications from flu. With the current pandemic and the threat of two respiratory illnesses impacting the nation at once, the Government has upped the number of flu vaccinations available this year.

The NHS offers flu vaccinations free to those eligible each year, and this flu season the list has been expanded to include more people.

The Government has pledged to vaccinate 30 million people, double the 15 million given the jab last year.

Flu vaccinations have been extended for free to those aged 50 and over and 11-year-olds.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in July he wants "everybody to get a flu jab" after experts have raised concerns of the double whammy of COVID-19 cases and seasonal flu.

Read More: Flu jab to be given to 22MILLION people as fears rise of horror deaths

Flu Jab 2020: Woman receiving flu jab

When is flu jab available from? (Image: GETTY)

Speaking to reporters Mr Johnson said: "We want everybody to get a flu jab in the run-up to this winter and that's why we're rolling out the biggest ever programme of flu immunisation.

"And we're aiming first of all for schoolchildren up to Year 7, for pregnant women, for people over 65, for people who are shielded, but then we will be extending it to people who are 50 to 65.

"Now the reason for doing this is to protect the NHS in the winter months because obviously we have still got Covid, we have still got the threat of a second spike on Covid and it's vital therefore to keep that pressure off the NHS by everybody getting a flu jab and I really hope everybody will."

This year, you can get the flu jab for free on the NHS, as long as one of the following applies to you:

  • You are on the shielded patient list (or a member of their household);
  • You are aged 65 or over on 31 March 2021
  • You are pregnant
  • You are in primary school or Year 7
  • You are a health or social care worker employed by a registered residential care home, nursing home, hospice or home care organisation
  • You suffer from a severe long-term health condition such as severe asthma or diabetes (consult with your doctor to find out if you're eligible)
  • You care for someone whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill

Flu Jab 2020: Flu injection

Flu Jab 2020: Those at risk of developing serious illness from the flu are prioritised for the NHS injection (Image: GETTY)

When is flu jab available from?

The NHS recommends getting the flu vaccination as the autumn begins, to provide protection all the way through flu season.

Autumn begins today, with the start of astronomical autumn falling on Tuesday, September 22.

You can organise a flu jab in a number of different ways, including through your pharmacist and via your GP.

For pregnant women, the injection may be available through your midwife.

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Flu season tends to rear its head in the UK between December and March, however, there have been recorded outbreaks as late as May and as early as October.

If you've had the flu jab in previous years, you are advised to get the injection again, as the flu changes each year.

This means last year's immunisation won't work against this year's strain of flu.

The Government are aiming for everyone to have been vaccinated against the flu by Christmas.

Flu Jab 2020: Flu jab eligible people

Flu Jab 2020: The list of people entitled to a free jab has been extended (Image: EXPRESS)

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: "It's mission-critical that we pull out all the stops to get ready for winter, and the Prime Minister has already announced £3 billion to protect the NHS.

"We are now taking another important step to help protect the wider public by giving the flu vaccination to more people than ever before.

"This will be the biggest flu vaccination programme in history and will help protect our NHS as we head into winter.

"If you are eligible for a free vaccine, whether it's for the first time or because you usually receive one, then I would urge you to get it, not just to protect yourself, but to protect the NHS and your loved ones, from flu."

Flu Jab 2020: Flu Jab side effects

Flu Jab 2020: The flu jab can cause side effects (Image: EXPRESS)

For those not eligible for the free vaccine, you can opt to get it privately.

This costs around £15 to £20, often less, depending on where you choose to get it done.

Pharmacies like Lloyds, Boots and Superdrug offer the flu vaccine privately.

All you need to do is schedule an appointment and a trained professional will carry out the injection.

Supermarket pharmacies like Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco also offer the vaccine privately.

If getting the vaccine, you can feel some side effects in the days which follow.

These include:

  • pain, bruising, redness or swelling at the injection site
  • headache
  • slightly raised temperature
  • sweating
  • shivering
  • tiredness
  • aching joints
  • generally feeling unwell

However, these symptoms are usually mild and fade with time.

While you may feel unwell for a day or two, the NHS states the flu vaccine cannot give you the flu, as it does not contain live viruses.

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