Jeff Hordley health latest: Symptoms of Emmerdale actor's life-changing condition to know

JEFF HORDLEY plays character Cain Dingle on ITV soap Emmerdale and has played the infamous character for over 18 years. But half way through his career on the soap, the actor revealed he lives with a lifelong health condition and made others aware of symptoms to look out for.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Loose Women: Jeff Hordley discusses living with Crohn's

Jeff Hordley, 48, is well known for his role as Cain Dingle on ITV’s Emmerdale. But many people who watch the show may not know the Manchester-born actor has Crohn’s disease. Speaking to back in 2009, he revealed people on the set of Emmerdale may have also been surprised to learn of his condition. This is because it’s under control now.

Jeff Hordley was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease just before his 26th birthday

But he added: “It wasn’t always like this. When I turned 20 I began to get a lot of stomach pain which doctors thought was irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

“Even though I tried to avoid foods that upset my digestive system, such as coffee and Chinese takeaways, I was still sick and tired and I kept losing weight.”

Hordley was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease just before his 26th birthday after being referred by his GP to a specialist at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Here, his symptoms were spotted immediately. Eight signs of Crohn’s disease Hordley notes are:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Severe tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Swollen joints
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Inflamed eyes
  • Rashes on the body

Jeff Hordley health latest: Emmerdale actor's life-changing condition - symptoms to spot

Jeff Hordley health latest: The Emmerdale spoke about his life-changing health condition in 2009 (Image: GETTY)

After being diagnosed the actor felt a sense of relief, but because the condition was advanced he was advised to have part of his small and large bowel removed.

He said: “Had I been diagnosed earlier steroids may have stopped it progressing to this stage.

“This was a dark time. I was in my final year of drama school waiting to join the acting world but I was worried I would come out of the operation with a colostomy bag - a scary thing for a 26-year-old.

“Fortunately my family and tutors were very supportive and the doctors were brilliant. They removed the narrowed segments of my bowel and joined the healthy parts on either side.”

Seven years after the operation Hordley’s symptoms appeared to be under control. But at 33 he had a relapse.

While watching his wife Zoe Henry in a play he began to feel dizzy, collapsed and haemorrhaged.

Jeff Hordley health latest: Emmerdale actor's life-changing condition - symptoms to spot

Jeff Hordley health latest: The actor was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when he was 25 (Image: GETTY)

Jeff Hordley health latest: Emmerdale actor's life-changing condition - symptoms to spot

Jeff Hordley health latest: Doctors initially thought his symptoms were IBS (Image: GETTY)

He was rushed to hospital and told the bleeding was coming from where the part of his bowel had been removed.

Hordley said: “I realised then Crohn’s stays with you for life.”

He visited the Mayo Clinic in America a year after his admission, where is was discovered a small part of his bowel was still affected by the disease.

One upside of this was that it gave him a warning sign if he needed to go to the toilet, which he said allowe him to "remain professional while on the set of Emmerdale".

Today, Hordley manages his condition by keeping fit.

He added: “My advice to anyone with Crohn’s is seek as much information as you can because you can live with it. With the right help the bad periods will be outnumbered by the good ones.”

There’s no cure for Crohn’s disease but Bupa lists the main treatments

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