Bloating stomach: One-day plan can help reduce a bloated tummy and get rid of trapped wind

BLOATING stomachs are a common problem and usually the result of certain foods and how they react with a person’s body. A bloated tummy can get in the way if you have a big event, so there’s a one day diet plan you can follow to help beat the bloat.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is commonly caused by excess and trapped wind in the abdomen which is promoted by certain foods people eat.

Foods known for their bloat-inducing qualities include beans, onions and broccoli.

So how can you reduce a bloated tummy fast, especially in time for a big event? Dr Mehmet Oz has a one-day plan to follow.

Five of the recommendations on the US TV health expert’s site include keeping hydrated and reducing your sugar intake.

Stomach bloating is commonly caused by excess and trapped wind in the abdomen which is promoted by certain foods people eat

Hydrate and avoid carbonated drinks

It advises: “Carbonated drinks like beer, soda, and mineral water cause your stomach to bubble up and bloat.

“Family physician and associate professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Dr Jennifer Caudle recommends avoiding all beverages like these in order to look and feeling slim.”

Avoid sodium

It says: “Sodium makes your body retain water, so the consumption of foods that are high in sodium will make you bloat.

“Nutritionist Kristin Kirkpatrick recommends eating a banana with nut butter because the potassium in bananas will help eliminate sodium in your body and keep your bloating at bay.”

Bloating stomach: One-day plan can help reduce a bloated tummy and get rid of trapped wind

Bloating stomach: A one-day plan can help reduce a bloated tummy (Image: GETTY)

Don’t drink alcohol

It says: “Alcohol makes you puffy and bloated. Registered dietician Maya Feller encourages you to cut out all alcohol the day before and also the day of an event in order to make sure you don’t get super bloated.

“If you plan to drink at the event itself, be aware that you may get bloated then too.”

Reduce sugar intake

It says: “Added sugar isn’t a good thing to include in your diet overall, but it’s especially not good at helping you prevent bloat.”

Bloating stomach: One-day plan can help reduce a bloated tummy and get rid of trapped wind

Bloating stomach: Reduce your sugar intake to reduce bloating (Image: GETTY)

Bloating stomach: One-day plan can help reduce a bloated tummy and get rid of trapped wind

Bloating stomach: Alcohol makes you puffy and bloating (Image: GETTY)

Feller told the site that foods with added sugar are really just empty calories that fill you up in the moment, but often make you even more hungry and inclined to eat more later on in the day.

So avoid added sugar and eating all-natural foods instead.

Supplements are also recommended by some health experts to help beat the bloat.

One, recommended by Holland and Barrett, is friendly bacteria supplements.

The first, is friendly or ‘good’ bacteria supplements. The high street health shop says these can aid digestion and help contract the negative effects of bad bacteria in your gut.

It adds: “Best of all, numerous studies have shown they may help ease symptoms of IBS like pain, gas and bloating.

“There are many different types available, so you may need to experiment to find one that works for you.”

Fennel supplements, peppermint oil and activated charcoal supplements are also believed to help

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