Dream gardens with Alan Titchmarsh: Festive food for thought this Christmas

AS YOU brace yourself for the annual overeating season, spare a thought for where your festive food comes from.

Medieval christmas feastGETTY

A Medieval Christmas feast - many of the same traditional foods are still eaten today

No, I don’t mean your local supermarket. I’m talking about traditional fare that’s been handed down through history. 

For 2,000 years or so, working men and their families lived on good plain food. 

It wasn’t until a church festival came around that they could look forward to a decent blowout. 

Festive occasions were “fests” or as we would say “feasts”, and Christmas was the best of the lot since it went on for 12 days.

Today’s festive fare still consists of medieval treats which were once exotic, expensive, imported horticultural produce. 

Christmas CakeGETTY

Dried grapes, alias currants and citrus were traditionally made into Christmas cake

The sort of things we couldn’t grow for ourselves but which kept well during long sea voyages from southern Europe. 

Dried grapes, alias currants and citrus were made into Christmas cake and ground almonds plus finely powdered sugar equalled marzipan to go on top. 

Dried prunes, figs and dates were boiled up in a cloth with eggs, flour and breadcrumbs to make a special plum pudding for Christmas. 

And mince pies were originally filled with real minced meat or fish plus spices and currants although when we lost our taste for sweet and sour medieval food we dropped the mince part in favour of shredded suet. 

Expensive ingredients were eked out with wild hazels and sweet chestnuts, homegrown dried peas or beans and the hardier winter vegetables such as kales and coleworts (the early cabbages). 

Mince piesGETTY

Mince pies were originally made with minced meat or fish with fish flavoured with spices

When a natural mutation caused buds to appear along tall brassica stems somewhere in the Low Countries in the 17th century, Brussels sprouts joined the ranks of posh veggies. 

Like them or not, they’ve been part of the traditional Christmas dinner ever since.

But meat was the main feature of the original Christmas feast. 

The rich dined on peacock or swan with roast crane, heron, or bustard playing second fiddle. 

The poor had what they could – a chicken from the garden, rabbit from the woods or a leg of pork preserved in an earthenware jar full of brine to make ham. 

For a Christmas tipple, the medievals whooped it up with mulled ale and mulled wine. 

Mead (homemade using honey from their own hives) or metheglin, a mixture of spiced wine and honey were also a boozy fixture. 

Honey mead bottleGETTY

For a Christmas tipple, the medievals whooped it up with homemade honey mead

Lambswool, a cocktail of mulled ale with sugar, spices and stewed apple purée was made especially for the first and last days of the 12-day celebration. 

And liqueurs started life when monks distilled wine with herbs to produce medicinal spirits as a cure for agues, plagues and fevers. 

So if you’ve ever wondered why your sideboard is yet again groaning with boxes of dates, dishes of sugared almonds, bowls of nuts, steaming great piles of chestnuts and sprouts, a stodgy pudding, and the sort of alcohol you only touch once a year, now you know. 

It’s traditional, so enjoy it.

I know I will. 

Happy Christmas!

Game of Thrones fans feast with medieval menu

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